Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 05:53pm
Good Morning!
I just finished volumes one and three of "Land of the Blindfolded." I am really getting annoyed with Tsukuba Sakura for putting an "extra" ending in each volume. I personally could go with out that "extra" story if i could have 6 chapters instead of four. that would be much better in my book. I'm also reading Furuba volume fourteen. I have not yet finished and i am waiting for my friend to send me the lin,k to a site where i can read all of the books already translated for free (but i'd still buy them when they came out). I hate that Furuba comes out only every fourth mmonth now and there are still eleven books left--- that is 44 months until i can finish! Almost four years. How crappy is that?
My nightly contacts are still in and they are slightly buggung my eyes but i don't really mind, i want to do this first. My sister's friend came over at 8:30 in the morning when i had no pants on and so she told me to find some. Could she not tell i was trying to be subtle??? No, especially since she is my little sister's friend. She is okay though. She is one of the few friends of my sister that i actually talk to and like. For the most part i just ignore them and maybe learn their names.
Okay, what i was actually going to write this post on was being witty. I suck at that and i do not like sucking at being witty. Everyone should be witty and i feel that i need it more than some as an aspiring writer/ambassador/teacher. Anyway, i guess the only way to find out how to be witty in literature is just to write stuff that i think is funny and go with the flow, but that doesn't seem to be working right now. I'm going to post one of my science papers here possibly because i was trying really hard to be funny then. Unfortunately, i am only smart funny, and that isn't very funny unless you are a really pathetic geek like me.
I'm glad i am writing here today be uase it gives me a chance to test out my typing skills and i am actually posting in the journal. However, while i am posting a lot now, that means taht i will not write a lot for a long time after this so.... I don't know, the equilibrium has to be set, see? Alright. I can't think of anything else, well actually i can i could write about nothing for hours like that guy in monk who mixed gold into his ink so that he could keep the gold a secret.
Community Member
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 03:38am
The Start
This is the Start of "An Authoress's world." xd I have no idea whether or what i will post, but who cares. whee Yeah, right now i am doing an RP where it seems like people type really slow and the whole quote thing has been bugging me, y'know? Any way, yeah.
This is my Day: I worked until almost ten making onigiri for Japanese class today. I go to eat breakfast and my younger sister has eaten all of the waffles. This means that i have to suffice with toast because i have eaten nothing but pb and j for the last two days for breakfast. I look in the fridge, and you know what? We're out of friggin butter. That means no buttered toast which makes it so much better. I ate marmalade on toast and it was wierd and by second piece (w/ strawberry jam) i've decided i am way to full to eat.
I look outside and the rain that had been pouring down when my sister went to school has subsided to just normal annoying rain. Seriously, pouring is way better than that boring fluff rain. I drop off my swim bag in Mr. Lealos's class (it's Lay-less, fools) and then take the onigiri to Mr. Gunterman's class.
Then i have PE. I picked up my new PE clothes finally. At first, the pants looked to big but they were just right. For PE we had to run for a full 15 minutes after stretches in a circle around the gym. At least there was music and i didn't get tired at all even though i was going fast. That made me really happy because i am not the fastest runner on the bench. Before that though, we had to do wierd pushups, and even wierder footsie-sit ups. I got to watch my crush do push ups. That was fun. He kept on giving me looks like "I don't like you and i know you like me and you're watching me so please stop." It was kind of wussy.
After that we learned how to play pickle ball--- that wierd baby form of tennis that you use a wiffle ball for. I was a little confused on the serving but since it took up about half an hour of the 1 hour 45 minute period, i didn't mind.
Okay-- i have to eat dinner so i am going to finish this up later possibly.
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