Random Hypery gooness. Feel the luv.
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 @ 01:33am
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
It's my birthday, yay!!!!!! ^-^ I got lotsa hugs, so I'm happy. I even got a hug from my crush. So I'm VERY happy. I got THREE from him in two days....so I'm VERY VERY happy. And I made cake, specially for him, and I hope he likes it. ^-^
In unrelated news.........I got my nails done. ^-^ They're so cool! Acrilic square-tipped black nails. Just like Hanajima-chan in Fruits Basket. And tomorrow, my hair is going to get relaxed, so it won't be all frizzy and curly anymore. It'll be nice and straight. heart I can't wait for school on Monday. I'll look so pretty. ^o^
I've made up my mind that i'm gonig to ask my crush out sometime between now.....................................and March. x.x Or, depending on if I can get Kevin to bug him about how he feels about me, and depending on what the answer is, I'll ask him on his birthday. Now I need to find out his birthday. I already have his phone number, because Kevin called him on my cellphone. >3 I'm not gonna call him though. Not unless I need to.
So, that's pretty much it-OH! And I bought Baten Kaitos and got 20% off cause it was my birthday! O>O Actually it was just because I got the guide too, but it was still cool. I haven't played it yet, but I hope it's fun. ^-^
(I like typing with these nails! X3)
Nezumi Kakashi
Community Member
Nezumi Kakashi
Community Member
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 @ 05:00am
I < 3 007 nitefire!!!
That game is so cool! And fun. O.o Kinda difficult, and takes a bit of practice, but that makes it fun. ^-^ I'm borrowing the game from my little cousin, who lives quite far away, so I'll probably have it for awhile.
Tomorrow I'm going to be having Myano over to my house for a sleepover. ^-^ I get my birthday present from her, and get to give her the present I got for HER birthday.
I'm thinking of baking something for all my friends at school for the holidays, but can't think of anything. I might make a pumpkin pie, but I'd rather bake something Asian. (Japan, Korea, and China mostly) Unfortunately I can't find any sort of recipe that's fairly easy to get the ingredients for, so if anyone has a link, or recipe, please tell me! ^-^