So today when I got home from getting power...My baby my baby pitbull mutt was gone. Now let me tell you the whole story... I come home from getting power (I'm on pre-paid power) And I see my four year old dog Jack out in the driveway!Well thats no big shocker since he gets out ALL THE TIME so I go inside and open the door to the backyard and yell out Alex a good 50 times now I did this cause...Alex is kind of slow and sometimes a LOOONG while to come to the door.So I go back there pick up a bag and look around and call out Alex again...He never comes so I walk to the little alley way on the side of my house and there is the gate is shut and NO ALEX so I run my a** off to the other side of the house NO ALEX.So I start freaking out and yell to Timmy my roommate that Alex is not there,So I hop in my car and drive all around yelling for Alex.I get home still not having him back in my arms and him safe I'm crying like a baby right now so I get out of my car and look at the gate to see if there was a hole cause taking pitbulls from backyards is VERY big now!And I see...No ******** hole!My dog my baby Alex was token from my yard where he should have been safe!So I keep yelling Alex a few times more making the hillbilly's come out and ask me whats wrong I told them and you know they were very nice and gave me a hug something I needed then.So I run around the block a few more times yelling out his name and I come home ready to call the cops and there is my sweet baby running like hell right to me.He has small cuts all over his back...I'm now sure my dog was token.And he got away so I've now called the cops and need less to say I'm not letting my dogs out when I'm away again and I'm putting a lock on my backyard.I still think it's the new renters who don't even have greencards who toke him.So yeah I know my spelling most likely is bad in this thing but...I just want to get the work out there that people taking you're dogs out of you're own backyard is real people.
Lavenadel · Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 02:24am · 1 Comments |