Erm... ahem. So, this is basicly to keep myself updated. I doubt anyone reads this, and I know no one will get me anything on here, but I have time to blow so I'm making a list to keep track of the stuff I want.
Here's the items I actually want: Steel-plated.Ninja.BandX1 Guitar.Of.Demona x1 Guitar.Of.Angellus x2 Whip.Of.Fire X1 Whip.Of.Ice x2 Nitemare.Parasol x1 G9.Laptop x1 Mochi.The.Puppy x3 Demon.Bow x2 Sun staff x2 G-bot x3 Angelbowx2 Chain of command x1 Dark halox1 G Blade x3 Bunny.Tail Easter.Bunny.Shirt Carrot.Plush Chicky.Tie Bunny.Tie Easter.Bunny.Ears
Here's the items I want for my collection: Feb 06 March06 April 06 June06 Santa's Gift Box 7 Santa's Gift Box 8 Easter.Basket.2K5 x2 Easter.Basket x2 Anti-Von.Helson.Pickett.Sign Paper.Party.hat G.Pin
This shouldn't be to hard. I know there's a lot of items, but most of them are 10K and under. Sigh, assuming they don't go up in price before I get my computer.
User_301310 · Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 09:27am · 0 Comments |