Sweet Dreams are Made of This.... |
My journal entries are usually few and far between and can cover topics from rodents all the way to video games. I'm outta high school now, so any drama about that you won't be reading. Please comment and offer me hamsters, I like them. =B |
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 02:00am
The Nitemare Scarf Quest...
Ever since I first joined Gaia in '04, I fell in love with the most awesome item known as a Nitemare Scarf. Unfortunately, being a newbie, I never knew how much that item would skyrocket in price. Now, in '07, I have truly decided to buckle down and seriously quest for that beloved item. Every donation I get I value as much as the item I'm questing for. Every donater has a very special and honoured place in my heart. I don't expect people to donate but I deeply and greatly appreciate everyone that does. Gold is a valuable commodity here in Gaia and very precious so those that donate truly hold a very high respect for me. They are truly the people that make Gaia go around. Every person that donates to me I send a personal and loving message to. This is the dream avatar I have my eyes set up on once I get my Nitemare Scarf. A lot of the items I already have, but there are some that I am still searching for. The ones I have crossed out are items I already have. I would never trick a person into giving me something I already have!:  Total Value: 2,943,810 Gold, 6,000 Tickets [Item Information]Item List: Horns of the DemonNitemare ScarfOculus MagicaRomani GlassesWere TailBlack Glamrock JeansBlack Leather BeltBlack Musketeer HatBlack Sport VestThose Black 90s GlovesCard Shark BandsButtoned Down Fauna BootsDark HaloThis is the list of people that have donated towards my cause and I respect each and every one of them: Riyo-chan heart akira_akira heart Teowli heart Ninja Dchan heart Fatal FairyTale heart My progress so far:
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 @ 03:03am
DPR RP Under Way!
Okay. I've been debating this for about a couple months. I'm really wanting to start a new RP that will hopefully blow all the others out of the water. I tried starting one on DeviantART but not a soul seemed interested. u.u; So I'm thinking about starting one up on Gaia. The basic RP storyline goes like this:
At the edge of a nondescript city lies a dark secret. The road narrows out from a paved road to a dirt one, leading you to this large worn down factory. Curiousity entices you to go further despite the warnings and threats posted on a chain-link fence in several different languages. Finding a tear in the fence you hurry through, anxious to explore this old factory. You have heard stories about this place, how it's a secret branch of the US government and was founded around the '40s or '50s. The Department of Supernatural Research or DPR, for short, was connected to this area. It was known for contolling and hunting beasts of unhuman nature.As you are about to come upon this building, a very blunt pain sears through the back of your skull and you black out. "What're you doin' here?" the voice is feminine with a Southern drawl to it. As your eyes begin to focus and your head starts throbbing a little less you lay your eyes upon a blond haired woman. Clad in a black outfit with a tactical vest over her as well as a multitude of guns and a large sheathed knife you notice that's not the only bizarre thing about her. The right side of her face is normal with a sparkling blue eye while the right is terribly scarred up with a blood red eye. Her expression is stern. While struggling for words the woman interrupts you. "Ya do know you've entered the DPR, right?" she tinkers with her gun holster and occasionally grasps the hilt of her knife. "This place is off limits to all 'cept those who work here." She paces the room like a hungry wolf anxious to take a bite out of you. This is no Southern belle. She turns to stare at you again with her multi-coloured eyes before a large grin lights up her face, showing her sharp canine teeth. "You've just been randomly selected fer an internship at DPR. " Huh? you think as you're whisked away from the white room into the labyrinth of the DPR. Internship? What does this involve? Vampire slaying, werewolf hunting, zombie massacring? A chuckle rises from the woman as you're tossed into a room to be stripped of your clothing and initiated into the ranks of the Department of Supernatural Research...
Well, that's a slight idea I have for the RP. A touch of Resident Evil, a dash of Hellsing, and a pinch of Hellboy basically sums up this RP idea I have. I want it to be a supernatural RP but with a lot of different species of things that go bump in the night coexisting together to stave off the creatures that need slaying and neutralizing. It involves a secret branch of the government, a touch like Area 51. but instead of aliens I want terrestial beings such as vampires, werewolves, zombies, sirens, demons, etc,. Any creature (within reason) can be recruited into the DPR and I want it to be fun! I have 8+ years of RP experience and I've been lacking a good RP for months.
If you've managed to survive and understand that big flippin' wall of text and are interested in joining me for this monumental RP, puh-lease comment on this journal and PM me! I'm thirsting for a good RP! biggrin
edit: Yes, due to recent inqueries I have just started up my DPR RP! Glance at my most recent topics and click "DPR: Department of Paranormal Research" and there you go!
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 04:36pm
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 @ 04:08pm
Update on My Life
Okay, people, it's been a looooong time since I've last updated my journal. I've got a few new things to tell ya about, some are intertesting, some aren't so bear with me.
Okay, I'm 18 years old now and in college. I've finally gotten me a vehicle. A 2000 blue Ford Escort Sport and I love it to death! It's so fun to drive around in it! whee I've got a page on Deviantart.com under QueenSquirrel. Please look me up, I have some pretty good art.
I enjoy playing around in the Gaia Towns, so from time to time you might see me. Talk to me, I'm a rather friendly person. 3nodding I am the proud owner of two lovely Degus, both little girls by the name Plugg-a-Bugg and Dannflower. I love them, and all rodents, to death.
I love to watch TV and one of my current favourite shows is King of the Hill. Hank Hill is my favourite character, but Dale is the one that makes me laugh! I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton movies and I celebrate Halloween by watching his movies.
I love survival-horror video games and Silent Hill and Resident Evil are at the top of my list for the best games ever invented! I have a Wii and lots of Nintendo systems, going back to the first NES. I'm not a big fan of Sonic, but I am a lover of Mario.
Okay guys, I'm getting a headache, so I'll wrap this up. Please comment and read! biggrin
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 09:34pm
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 @ 02:53am
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 03:15am
A rant of sorts..
Argh, I'm overly bored, at my g-mom's with my brother...*hiss* He's annoying the hell out of me talking nonsense and it's giving me a HEADACHE! I'm hoping one of my friends'll sign on. On Gaia I have only 1 true friend, which is Teowli. all the other ignorant bastards choose to ignore me....beh, it's the same in school too. I kinda get jealous of Kelli, she has so many friends and is very happy around them. Most of the time I'm not included in the laughter they share, I'm usually left out. I haven't had ONE class with Kelli, not one! When I see her in the hallway it's a blessing!! I guess I chose not to be social though, I'm not too trusting of many people. They're all assholes. The few friends I have I'd depend my life with them. Kelli does in a way seem to get irritated with her friends, I'm hardly like that with mine. Sure I squabble with Kelli but it's nothing major and it's over silly things. I have a short fuze but I try not to let my temper run amock. *sigh* I guess i'll end this, I feel so much better now. Those daring enough to read, reply, if not...oh well.
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Crysis Hyeru
Community Member
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 @ 06:39am