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Dreaming in Digital - IVth Incarnation
Reality is a nice place to visit... but I wouldn't want to live there!
Guild: Vanishment of Others
So, I'm helping a friend out with his new guild here on Gaia. It's called Vanishment of Others.

In the main forum, it's alot of silliness. But we also have events where you actually stand a chance at winning prizes. There's also a roleplaying forum where you can get your creativity out. We even have an inter-user marketplace so you can buy, sell, and haggle without that annoying fee that gets cut out. We have 30 or so members, and last time we reduced the enterance fee, ALL current users got a refund of the amount, too!

So if you're looking for a nook to hang, give it a try, ne? ^^;

[center:81cbfa4506][b:81cbfa4506]Glowing? Bump[/b:81cbfa4506][/center:81cbfa4506]

Join the Land of Mediocre Tanks and Misfit Fishies!

There are prizes, too... all you have to do is post!

[center:81cbfa4506][b:81cbfa4506]Glowing? Bump[/b:81cbfa4506][/center:81cbfa4506]

My Gaia "Birthday Suit"...
When I first made a character on Gaia, we weren't given "cool, neutral, or warm" starter sets, let alone sets with high school social clique themes...

We were given peasant clothes. So, in celebration of gaia's birthday, I'm going old school and wearing the peasant dress for a bit.


In case you haven't figured it out, I don't really update this journal much anymore.

I only cross-post to where I get the most responses: LiveJournal and Myspace.

I shall dispense these urls... right... about...





"There's a fine line between genius and insanity..."
There are times when I sincerely question which side of the 'genius/insanity' line I fall on. (I.E., last week) I've had many people accuse me of both... increasingly in the past few years.

Last week, I was so stressed out over all the work I had to do for Child Development/Psychology. It wasn't hard, but the sheer volume of it was overwhelming. At one point, I was literally doing what would take a normal person 2 months to do, in four days. I didn't have time to eat, sleep, or shower for the most part. My dad called and he was asking too many questions about the near future that I didn't know the answer to, and I broke down in tears as a result. I just got my Biology progress report handed to me... I'm at a 105.3%... I take on a sheerly insane courseload, and I come out all right in the end, but I fall apart in the meanwhile.

Out of the mouths of babes, I had one of my children tell me last week "You are one craaaaazy instructor!". It was nice to not have to drive all the way to Palo Alto in the morning... battling morning commute traffic sucked horribly. One of our high school helpers had his birthday last week. On a 'break' that I normally never take, I drove to the store and purchased cupcakes for the entire class smile (Unlike the one time that mom only brought treats for SOME of the kids -_-). The other teacher knew sign language and I picked up a little bit of it when we used it as a method to get the kids to be quiet and pay attention (it's pretty fascinating). She also was a fan of tiny stickers... she bought some for my 'teachers hope chest'... I need a supply of stickers, my own recess whistle, chalk/white board markers, bulletin board stuff... it's fun to daydream about that. I used to roleplay it out as a kid... I loved 'playing school' where I got to be the teacher. I even have one very explicit memory from the Third grade where one girl wasn't paying attention and the teacher asked her if she wanted to teach the class the lesson (since she was talking, she surely knew it already). I raised my hand, shook it frantically while going "ooh! ooh!" in that "let me do it!" sort of way. The teacher turned to me and was like "I _know_ you'd like to teach the class, [mbh]!"

The transition is going to be hard. I got my stuff out of my friend's closet, and haven't recapitulated my room so it looks like I got in a fight with myself. I'm not sure who won, though.

Moving is going to be hard. I'm going to be in the old haunted house mansion. one of my future roomates I know (not too well though), but like. The other person I have no idea who the heck she is. They gave me the freshman info so I don't know when my move-in date is. Hopeufully, I can work with IT early during freshman orientation (do alot of the printing of ID cards)... if I have a reason I might be able to move in early with the freshmen!

I almost forgot to turn in my timesheet for work. Hopefully when I get my next paycheck, I'll be able to get my parents half of this year's car insurance money.

By the way, if you think you're a decent SailorMoon fan... you've seen most if not all of the episodes, you've probably built a site at some point, you've been on SaiorMoon message boards and have had countless dicussions... I would suggest visiting http://www.warriorsoflegend.com and buying that book! I did, and I surely don't regret it! It compares SailorMoon's world to real life tokyo and explains lots of cool things that you may have not thought of (I.E., why Raye goes to a Christian private school even though she's a Shinto Priestess). Definately worth a look.

Anyways, this isn't half of what I want to say, but it'll have to suffice for now. It's been too long since I've posted anyways!

The answer to the million-dollar question is... one week.

For the past couple of weeks, there has been a question rolling around in my head, occasionally making it's way down to my tummy to knot things up... "Just how long can I stay with my dad and stepmom before I get into a fight/spat/explosion of tension?" Well, today, Wednesday marks one week that I've been back with my parents, and earlier this evening my stepmom and I got into it, with my dad literally standing between us.

Things have been going okay for the most part. My little brother was ultra-bratty, but he's been gone at Boy Scout camp. He's having fun, and I can worry less, so it's a win-win situation there. I sometimes accidently use his bath towel because it's in my spot, or I forgot to turn on the dishwasher after doing dishes the other night (I used to always forget), or sometimes I leave a light on or something at night... but I really haven't done anything really wrong. I even remembered to wish my stepmom 'good morning' this morning (I guess she wasn't on the phone or something for once, and I wasn't rushing off to school/work). When she wanted to nap and wanted me to answer the phone, I even turned on the bloody ringer in my room (which I never do because I don't really answer the phone, and it annoys me). Even the discussion about finances for next school year went okay... surprise, surprise.

My dad took my car to be looked at for the "Check Engine Light", whatever it was only costed about 50 bucks, which was a major relief. I could have costed ten times that. I've been reading, taking notes, and watching my telecourse videos all day, because I've kinda been procrastinating on that, and I want to go to the midterm review this friday with at least SOMETHING done. I had also started laundry, because I've cycled through my week's worth of clothes.

I was between studying and sitting at the computer after checking my bank account balance to write my dad a check for a car insurance payment, and my stepmom started wanting me to help her with a bunch of computer stuff... how her hotmail wont' show pictures when she tries to foward stuff... she hasn't utilized the gmail account I gave her. I told her how to save, and asked if she rememberd how to attach (I've had to explain to her over once a month for over a year how to add an attatchment onto an email)... so between me being disracted (writing check), stressed (homework), and having bad memories... having to explain something to her many more times than I do the children I teach, and how she always gets pissy with me about computer stuff... jumping on me as soon as I come home from a long day of work to only end up yelling at me for not wanting to help her right away... I wasn't 'enthusiastic' or 'happy' to help her.

SO SHOOT ME, I have negative memories, and those wreak havoc on me, internally. I said I'd help her, I even brought my homework out to the kitchen table so she could try and I could answer questions, but she was working on dinner...

Then it happened, she snapped, got pissed and started screaming and swearing at me. I tried hard to not swear back, and I got really defensive. It really hurt when she dismissed my negative memories, but they're so fresh, and sometimes haunt me in my dreams. She doesn't know how many times I've drawn blood on myself in my dreams because of how much she freaks me out. She was getting all onto me, but I was the one shaking and crying, as normal. At one point, i was like, I"m going to go study at the bookstore! and I stormed off, grabbed my book, notebook, pen, keys, and wallet... screw shoes or a jacket, Ijust had to get out. But she was still yelling at me, and I stood there feeling the cold metal of my car keys making impressions into the flesh of my hand...

We went on and on about stuff and eventually calmed down. My dad, me, and her both agree that it would be nice if we get along. We have different personalities, though. She yells. I avoid. I feel like my little brother manipulates them against me. I felt really bad when she disregarded some things that I felt were of high importance (my negative memories). And yes, I am selfish, rude, etc etc etc... but despite this... I still mangaged to tell her, through tears... I act like that because I'm scared. I'm scared of her. It was brave of me to get that out. I don't know how much sunk in, but she delayed my studying and I delayd her dinner preparation so we called it off... by the time dinner was ready we had all calmed down, but now as I type this, I still feel a sinking feeling in my gut, why does it have to be like this?

Well, only a couple more days. And now I know. One week is the cut-off. As long as I'm with my parents for less than a week (ie, a weekend or 'long weekend'), I'm fine. However, one week is where it hits the fan.

Moving backwards, Yesterday was work on my 'day off', biology test, and actually hanging out on a whim!

So anyways, I worked at Hillsborough (where I was 2 weeks ago, we even had 2 repeat kids! ^.^), teaching the class that I taught just last week in San Mateo. The girl there didn't exactly remember how the cirriculum went from training, and the other person was a first-time high school assistant teacher. So once again, yay for a leadership role. So anyways, this one day and the fact that I'm going to be working a few saturdays at Gator really help counteract the fact taht I have this week off, money-wise. I even had a funny occurance of one random guy who I barely recognize come into the room asking something, then point to me and his eyes get big "You! ... I know you!!" ... after talking to him about his D&D camp, it turns out he frequented both Gator Games and GameKeeper, where I collectively worked 2 years. That was funny.

I went to school to avoid coming home and studied for my Bio test. The teacher and his anti-gum policy actually brought some of those little candies that won't go away unless you chew them (Pastels? Pattelies? Starts with a P, I know it does...) and gum... I had some spearment because it's supposed to help with memory retention. I don't think I did great, but there are 58 questions and he's grading it out of 50, so I stand a chance.

My friend Adam wanted to hang out with me before class like we did a week ago, but I knew I'd be studying so I declined. However, since i got done with my test early, an didn't want to go back to my parents all that early, I actually called him and we met and hung out and talked... it was so nice... I didn't want to look at my phone-clock, because I knew that the stupid little LCD display would make me feel like I had to go home... ugh...

For the 3rd and 4th of July, I did major BBQ hopping!
The early afternoon of the 3rd, I met Adam and his group of friends. It was really funny, because we usually mutually hang out with just each other... we could have almost been figments of each other's imaginations... you know... Fight Club-ish. In the park in the "sunset district" it was much colder than the peninsula. Food, amusing conversation, and my juggling sticks... yay ^^; It was a little awkward when some people that I was talking to left, and a bunch of others showed up... I figured then was a good time to hi-tail it.

Then I went to Ryan's BBQ, and Matt/mtgserra and others that I know were there. So... more food... plus Magic games... haven't really played in forever and a day... plus a sing-along version of The Nightmare Before Christmas were part of the festivities... though it was neither Christmas nor Halloween... Eddy bought some Dancing Flowers, I pitched in a buck so I could light a couple... twisting the fuses together... Him and this other girl whose name I can't remember were trying to STEP on the bloody things, and were running and jumping over the fountain. Very amusing.

The night of the 4th I actually hooked up with Alex/nightlight, Dan/sntmods, Chris, and other old faces for the first time in blooooooody freaking ages. I brought my computer, and so did alot of people. What was different, was last year were were being idiots trying to figure out how to cook. This year, Dan's mom was actually there, so after coming down and greeting us "Hello guys ... and [mbh]!" she let us know that she actually cooked alot for everyone. It was really nice, but I was looking forward to cooking. I went upstairs with Alex and I threw togehter my salad while he worked on his "Beer Sausage", and some Oysters. I was there to help him out with stupid things (melt the butter, grab a plate, watch this for a min, etc etc)... and as stupid as it was, and we didn't even really talk about much, it was realy really calming and I was really too happy just working with him. It reminded me of that one time the last Christmas I worked at GameKeeper when he helped sell a chess set and me and him were there, packaging it up for the lady at the coutner, our hands working together to put the detailed chess pieces in their proper spot. (Despite the outside negativity from a new guy, who really resented Alex, and didn't know anything about chess.) It seems really silly that such a small thing could make me happy.

It was a really gamer-geeky 4th, everyone was on their computer playing MMORPGs or CS:S, or playing the Xbox (*makes a mental note to actually play the Lego Star wars game at some point XD*).

So, some final thoughts...
I don't know why, but I've had alot of people getting pissed at me lately. My stepmom. Another irl friend thinks that I lied to him/betrayed him on some level. Another (formerly really close) online friend recently expressed a bunch of stuff that hurt. Another online friend is leaning towards throwing out an ultimatum of sorts for our friendship (or maybe lackthereof if he keeps it up). Yes, my life really is as chaotic as I make it out to be, if not moreso, because none of those people know all of what is going on... then again... I'm scared... I'm scared of them on somelevel, whether I'm scared of them for them, or I'm scared of hurting them, or I just feel weird... If anyone wants to let me have it... fine. Here's my cheek, if you like I can turn the other one, too. I feel really belittled and disempowered right now because alot of stuff is happening at once, and I'm not sure how in the hell I'm managing to somehow keep my head above the proverbial water. Maybe if everyone keeps taking knocks at me, eventually I'll go unconscious and slip below the surface.

So... are you a part of the problem, or a part of the solution?

I'm so goth, my wrists slit themselves!
Music of the Moment: Rammstein- Stripped
Mood: Uncertain Well, here I am, reporting live from 'hostile territory'. Well, actually it hasn't been so bad being back with my parents thus far... mainly because I haven't been around enough to get in trouble. Hell, I'm about to eat with them for the first time in a few weeks? -_-;

Work has been good this past week. The children catch on really quickly, and aside from being energetic almost to the point where it would be a bad thing, they are really nice and whatnot. It was fun having 'teacher chats' with my co-teacher. I still have alot to learn, but it was nice to have someone to talk to (who wasn't one of MY teachers ^^; )

So anyways, I moved back in with my parents on Wednesday as per my deal with my host family that I need to vacate my current residence for 12 days. I thought I was going to nearly kill myself lifting/moving my stuff around with my bad back. Yes, I know it's my fault for not asking for help, but I lived razz

Upon moving back, I reached my hand into a bag containg a bunch of pens and pencils and other school/desk ish supplies and accidently something got jammed into my wrist. No, I haven't gotten to the point of wanting to hurt myself intentionally (yet), this was an accident. However, desipte the small amount of blood trickling down my left wrist, I started smiling and fighting the urge to go ahead and chuckle out loud... a quote I got from my friends, who in turn got it from Bash[.org], "I'm so goth- my wrists slit themselves!"

Later Wednesday night, I attended my old choir's post-tour concert. The first one for six years I didn't sing at... well... at least on stage. Sitting over on the side, I did sing along with at least half the songs, and the other half I hummed along to under my breath. Yeah, I was listening, too. What was awesome was that he invited the alumni up to sing "Niska Banja", which we did my junior year of HS. I did get to sing on stage once. It made me very happy.

Afterwards, we had the obligitory taking-over of TGIFriday's. Party of 50, anyone? What sucked was that we were split, some of my 'old friends' (Jeff, Jesse, and Later Liz-beth) were sitting at one table, and my slightly younger friends, but I'm still fond-of... the 'geek crew' were sitting at another. To solve this dilemna of mine, I borrowed a piece of clothing from someone at each table. (Jesse's hat, and someone else's shirt), and I ordered my drink at the table with my old friends, and my salad at the table with the geeks. I ran back and forth like fifty times. I was extremely sleep-deprived-wired. It was just a bit too amusing.

At home, things haven't been horrible. As usual, my little brother does everything he can to try to get me on our parents bad side. When he came home today, he asked for help with mapquest. He 'had tried to go there but it said the site didn't exist' or some load of crap. He even knew what it was called. I sat him down so he could learn how to do it next time. 1. Go to 'mapquest.com'. 2. click directions. 3. enter the to and from addresses 4. click the 'get directions' button. Ta-da... when my stepmom came back and my dad mentioned that I got directions, my little brother started flat-out LYING saying that I didn't help him at all, which was a very blatant lie because I distinctly remember sititng him down and going over it with him step by step.

I know this is a very very minor thing. Things could be so much worse. However, the little things add up. My little brother seems to lie (or at least stretch the truth) about me to them at every situation. With my hot/cold bipolar relationship with my stepmom, I really don't need this kind of negative energy. Oh well.

I should count my blessings. So far so good. Then again, I have over a week left. Plenty of time for some misudnerstanding/blow-up crisis. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst... I've taken that saying to heart.

(This post was as of Friday early evening, btw. There's a little time delay getting it off of luna and onto teh interweb).

My, what a crazy first week (of work and school) you have!
Music: VNV Nation - FuturePerfect CD (especially tracks "Genesis" and "Fearless" wink

Mood: Exhausted, yet somehow contemplative.

I am not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy-
The words I say to myself everyday.
I am not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy-
Such a stupid ritual to have to say to myself everyday."

-VNV Nation, "Fearless"

As I had predicted, this past week has in fact been one hell of a ride. I have alot of stuff to cover over many different areas of my life... I'm going to try to put subheadings, so that way if you don't care about what's going on with my school, but you do care about my website, or vice-versa, you can skip around.

Yay for Krav Maga weekend boot-camp!
So, what do I do with my last weekend of freedom before school and work starts? I kill myself via martial arts boot-camp. Okay, so I didn't kill myself literally, because I'm here typing now... what a smart cookie you are! Seriously, though... Saturday was really hard because of the hours of training (reviewing punches, kicks, then learning blunt object/stick defense)... then we went to the beach, not to tan, but to run around and do all these drills... I was so dead. Then I went back Sunday, but my mind got overloaded because I had never taken the gun or knife seminar before so I would sometimes mix the stuff up. Oh well, the point was to have an 'introduction' to it. The person who works the front desk (and teaches classes, too... he's a black belt!), noticed that I was making an effort to stick with it, and offered me the rest of the month for free... I'm thinking about going tomorrow to grab a couple of lessons and talk. I haven't been able to fully take advantage of the offer because I've been so bloody busy. Anyways, it's good to be back with that again, even if for a little while. It helps keep me in shape, and it could save my life at some point.

A quick encounter of the parental kind...
Sunday night, my dad had just got back from being out of town on a business trip, and my family was leaving to go to Alabama the next day. I needed to pick up my mail and touch base with them. I stayed chatting with my dad a bit too late, but it was Father's day after all. They were sold out of appropriate cards, but I got a general one that said "You're on my mind today... Everybody else is on my nerves" and then I wrote in "Happy Father's Day!". It worked. However, the mail contained some good news, and some very bad news...

First, the good news from Dominican RE Spring Semester:
I received my grades for Spring Semester. Unlike last year, I actually did get them in the mail... w00t! The damage wasn't all that bad. My lowest grade was a B+. Considering how I'm taking an inhuman amount of courses, working on campus, doing my Student teaching/Observation, and I was taking martial arts on the weekends in my 'spare' time, I came out really well:

MUS3000 Performer's Seminar: Pass (It's a pass/fail class)
MUS3400 Dominican Winifred Baker Chorale: A
MUS3501 Voice: B+
DRAM3503 Page to Stage: A-
ART 3110 Drawing for Elementary School Teachers: A
ENGL3017: Children's Literature: A
LS 2001/3001: Carreers in Teaching (Seminar): A
CQHI3789: California Golden Dream: A-
CQSC3170: California Economics, Politics, and Cultural Development 1850-Present: B+

Semester GPA= 3.75

Now, the bad news from Dominican RE Next Fall:
Despite the guestimated April date the Financial Aid office told me way back when, I finally received my Financial Aid packet. Again, tuition went up and my aid went down. I'm not going to post the exact numbers to the whole internet, but it's pretty bad. Sophomore year, my parents were expected to pay triple the amount they did my first year. Junior year, the 'void' is double the amount they were supposed to pay last year (I chipped it down to double by turning in an emergency outside scholarship I was sitting on, but I'm not factoring that in, I'm just talking about the straight aid offer.

I have just enough to cover my tuition/fees... so either my parents will have to break down and take the stupid PLUS Loan (Parent Loan) which they have refused to do to date... yes... it's fine for me to accept all MY loans and put myself into debt, they wanted me to do even more last year, but they won't accept the low-interest-rate loan the gov't is offering to help with my school?

It's either that, or I live off campus and they support me. With my on campus work, I make just enough money to fill up my gas tank and splurge for a pizza on occasion. I really barely have time to work, and with my Senior Thesis/Capstone Project, I'm going to have even less time in the fall. Plus there's those 18 units.... Oi.... This is really stressing me out. I'm pretty sure I almost broke down and cried the other night. If anyone has any bright ideas, lemme know. And Fastweb is crap.

Moving onto a more pleasant subject... Work! Kids and Legos!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I had a good first week at work. I got to try my hand with a bit of classroom management (having little clap-signals), and I had fun putting up the Agenda and drawings on the board... just like normal Elementary teachers do! The people I worked with were good, too. The one I knew the least was Colin, the HS student. He's homeschool and kinda shy, but he knows how to work with the software and whatnot. Cheryl was nice, it was her first year, too. She helps with some afterschool thing, so she likes kids, but I've actually worked with kids at school. Jennifer was only there in the morning, she's a HS teacher not more than 10 years older than me. She was really really good, but she left alot of the 'lead' teaching to us because she didn't want the kids to be weirded out when she left in the afternoon. So pretty much, how it worked out, I did _alot_ of Lead Teaching, which is what I'm not used to doing. I'm used to being a helper/ assistant/ or at most walking in another teacher's footsteps when I lead.

The hardest part is the dress-code. "Comfortable Business" it says... no torn/dirty clothing (duh), but no blue jeans? I guess if blue jeans are out, that means my fishnet and bondage pants are out. *snaps her fingers* Seriously, though, when i do need to dress 'normal', I wear jeans, but this says we can't wear them. I had a very limited wardrobe, but I made it work.

Wednesday at work was hell... one boy got upset that another boy broke his legos and choked him and broke the other kid's legos, too. Jen saw it out of the corner of her eye and took care of it for the most part.

Also, at lunch when I was waiting in the room for the kids that come in for just the afternoon class (and changing the board, and going over the lessons so I can seem like I know what I'm doing), One lady I've never seen before came in. She was supposed to pick up this boy, she said. However, the mom wrote down that one of two people was going to pick him up, his Babysitter who he had ALWAYS gone home with, or her. I had her go out to the playyard to see if he was with the other kids... nope... she wanted ME to run around and look for him, but I was responsible for the other kids that were coming in! She tried to call the mom, was actually freaking out "This is an Emergency!"... I gave her my boss's phone number, because through the office we could find alternate contact info maybe... I told her she could call him if she didn't find the boy before too much longer, then her retort was "I'm going to call the Police!"... that freaked me out... really... I didn't want the police to be called on me for some missing child... however, it turned out okay, she found the boy and his babysitter. No more ambiguious pickups, please! I had to take a break during the second half to actually eat... my stomach was in knots and I was all worked up!

Other than that, things went well. "Child by Fire" Jen called it... aye aye aye... On the bright side, because I was the 'closest', my boss let me be the keyholder for the room! It was nothing really special, but for a year at GK I should have had a key, and I never got one at Gator, either. Being a keyholder is a really big symbolic thing for me.... so even though in actuallity it wasn't much extra/special, it still felt cool that I was trusted. I like being trusted. If others trust me, maybe I'll start trusting myself wink

Adventures at the College of Small Minds:
I'm taking Biology for non-sceince majors and Child and Adolescent Development(Psychology) for summer school. The former is a 2 day a week for 3 hours night course, the latter is a 'telecourse' with 5 actual class meetings (intro, midterm review, midterm, final review, final).

For Biology, at first I was a bit weary of the teacher. He's from India, and not to sterotype, but my Physics teacher who was the worst university professor I had ever had was of that nationaltiy, so it was just a mental thing on my part. However, despite his accent, this teacher was knowledgeable, when he wasn't BSing. Still, his humour and quirkiness managed to keep the class awake for the most part, so kudos to him. He also let us out a half an hour early both days, too.

When I went in the second day, I came in RIGHT on time, and he was starting. Blurting out a quick "Not late!" as I made it to my seat. He saw the star by my eye and asked what I had done to get the star... I started out "Well, you see I got really drunk last night, and when I woke up this morning..." I let it trail for a second when I knew I had everyone in the room's attention, then I said really casually "It's just eyeliner".

The telecourse is going to be annoying because of the massive note taking that we're going to get graded on... for the book and the video lectures. The teacher seemed cool, though. I almost wish I could have him for a regular class.

Yet again, just like last summer, the bill for my books is larger than that for the tuition for Community College courses.

In the interest of trying to not burn bridges...

It looks like I'm going to be picking up a handful of Saturdays at Gator Games, where I worked at last summer. It wasn't my favourite job experience ever, but for what it was, it was okay. I was going to work there the month before I started teaching, then condense down to Saturdays, but the store isn't doing that well and they couldn't affort to hire me... but someone quit (the repleacement, to the girl who replaced me lst summer). So I get to take his place, but since I can only work once a week, Jean also hired some 16 year old boy to work. It doesn't matter all that much. I'm only going to be there just a little bit, not multiple days per week. I have no bloody clue what I'm going to be doing for Christmas, but assuming I'm on this half of the country (which I need to be, NOT working last Xmas killed me!), I'm going to need somewhere to work.

Ominiously looming in the near future
Soon I'm going to be taking a week long 'vacation' to live with my parents. I was planning on it anways, but now I'll have to be extra nice because of the whole financial situation. I hope theyll be nice to me... if they go crazy I can pack what little stuff I'll have (a suitcase of clothes and my nightstand that holds my desk supplies and serves Luna's bed, my fish, and my plant). and head off to someone's house for a day or two.

On that note, I'm serious, if you live in the San Mateo and think you can let me crash at your place for a night or two, let me know.

I do have one week off from teaching my kids, the week after next. It sucks that that's when I'm going to be back with my parents *whimper* I'll find other stuff to do... it would be much better if that happened when I was with my normal living arragements. Well, normal for two more months at least... then it's either back on campus in my third dorm for my third year... or maybe living off campus. I really don't know.

Exciting Website Updates:
~*^_^*~'s Sailor Moon Site is now proud to announce that we are hosting something cool, shiny, new, and all-around special: Games! Yes, we are hosting the "Sailor V Fighter" arcade game that the Sailor Moon crew plays in the show.

Also, in super-secret development is a Sailor Moon game that I am making! I'm not releasing it publicly yet, but if you are interested in a sneak-preview (aka, you can see what I've done so far), let me know!

After scrounging around the dark, dusty corners of my mind, that's all I can come up with to share for now. Go with God.

My unstructured month of summer is now coming to an end...
Music of the Moment: Cake- Short Skirt, Long Jacket

Mood: Anxious

In the past month, I've dealt with the good, the bad, and the amusing.

After writing up an awesome scholarship letter to go on choir tour to Canada, too many signs pointed against it at once, and five minutes later, I came to the decision that it would just hurt too much for me to go (missing my first week of school which is normally grounds for being dropped, and two weeks of work!) I sang with my old choir for two services and "Hometown Days". I even fixed the <a href="http://www.virtualinsanity.net/lumina/">Lumina Choir Website</a> the weekend before my last time singing with them. I fixed it up and added some new stuff, prior to burning it onto a CD to give to my choir directors. It's a gift of sorts.

I started job training this week. That has to have been the coolest thing I've ever gotten paid to do... sit there and play with legos smile . Okay, okay, so we also talked about important business stuff, I brought up the topic of classroom management, and we learned the software that we will be using to teach the young'uns how to design video games ^_^; It would be perfect... if it wasn't for the getting up early aspect of it >.< Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure out a supplementary nap schedule for if [when] I don't get enough sleep at night.

I've had a couple of amusing things happen, too. It's amazing what happens around you if you open your eyes. One time I wanted to get a free tea from this one place in downtown San Mateo because I had filled out my stamp-card, and before my friend was supposed to call me so we could get together with other people and watch movies. I got my tea, the place closed, I walked around in my hat and trechcoat... and there was this awesome classic rock/blues-ish cover band playing at a bar. I stopped to listen, and they were GOOD. I tipped my hat to the drummer by the window, then he made a comment about being distracted by 'boys outside the window'... -_-; I stayed, but didn't enter, as to not ruffle any feathers. Newcomers thought I was the bouncer. People coming outside to smoke would chat with me, and they all agreed how messed up it was that you're old enough to die for your country at 18-20, but not to step in a bar, let alone buy a beer. During the break, 2 of the 3 band members came out and talked to me. Turns out I spent 2 hours out there before my friend got around to calling me, but I didn't mind.

Another interesting note that I'll go into in a little more detail now, is that I got to meet Scot of sailormoon.org when he was out here to do work. The first time he met me in downtown San Mateo and we walked around, chatted, and had pizza. Being the major dork I am, we got started on books, and I took him to Borders where we killed time there. The day before yesterday, we met up after my job trianing, since he was staying 5 minutes away from where I was at the moment. Nice to know that he didn't run in fear of my dorkiness... he actually brought a book that I was interested in... "Omnipotence and other Theological Mistakes". I'll get started on it after I finish reading Terry Pratchett's "The Colour of Magic", which I'm about halfway through. I love reading for fun.

Another cool note.. I've started to meet people that I knew back in Jr. High on myspace. In fact, one of the people that I was most fond of from those days was tracked down by me recently. We've chatted a bit online, and we even talked on the phone last night, despite the fact that I'm not really a phone person. We're each doing okay overall... but it was really odd.. I've been nostalgic all day. Who I was, and who I am are two different people... in some ways, you wouldn't be able to tell... but in others... I just don't know... do I like who I've become? I'd really like to think so... but in some ways, my strenghts have grown and expanded along with my personal character flaws.

Here's a really fun story, too. I had tea and then was wandering around the Tea Garden in the park... that's one of my absolute favourite places in the whole peninsula. When I was driving back, I heard Live105 saying they'd be giving away tickets at 5 PM for a "Secret Performance" of The Mars Volta on Thursday (Their real show was at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, Friday). My new friend whom I met on myspace, Adam, likes that band. He had also lost his tickets to their real show. I made it back, and got on the phone right at five...after the point where I was seriously doubting, I managed to get a ring... then the DJ! I was one of the first number of callers to get a pair of tickets. It was the biggest band in the smallest venue in some hole in the wall in San Francisco. They came in, tuned, and jammed for 40 minutes, then left. There was the vocalist, the drummer, the guitar player, bassit, keyboard player, and 3 other guys doing random percussion. From one guy's pocket a percussion stick fell out. I pointed to the stick, then to him, and mouthed "Do you need that?" he shook his head 'no'. I pointed to the stick, then pointed to me "Can I have that?" He nodded 'yes'. So after the band left (they were so close, I could have stood up and touched them... the tape line on the floor wouldn't've stopped me!), I grabbed a used percussion stick from the ground and stuck it under my shirt, as to not attract attention. I asked permission, darnit! Cool story, though.

I guess that's about it. Generally, I've not hung out with my 'old group' at all... from my little bit of communication with SNTMods/Dan, I've gotten an extreme cold shoulder. Maybe he's worried about his business, maybe he's so ga-ga over Kristi that fringe-esque friends like me don't matter. Whatever. I wish him and all the other 'group members' happiness and whatnot. I've still kept in contact with nightlight/Alex a little, but not as much as I'd like. Maybe once school starts and I fall into a routine pattern again, I can dedicate part of a certain day of the week to finding him and chatting. I really enjoy his company. But now I've become detatched from that group, and other people are calling me up and actually being vocal about wanting my company. *sigh* I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

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