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Lady V's Story Read and enjoy my story as it progresses

Vicious Whisper
Community Member
Tawny's New Life
March 20th 2006 ; Texas
"Hurry up, we've got to hurry." A chipper voice said back to her. Her mother was almost a bit too excited about picking out more flowers to plant in their garden. Well, her mothers garden anyways. She only helped because she'd get scolded at if she did. "Good evening ma'am." The store clerk greeted as Tawny and her mother past them, "Evening sir." She said back smiling. Tawny smiled to him as well. That's what she was taught to do. Be curtsy and a very polite. As soon as they reached the part of the store that sold plants, her mother walked off. Leaving Tawny to wonder for herself. She sighed and wondered off toward a vacant island. She looked from right to left at all the different exotic plants that lines the selfs. She wasn't qutie sure what was so specail about these flowers, but her mother was obsessed over them.

Tawny was born into a very wealthy family and with that controlling parents. Who almost ran her life for her. Telling her what to do and what not to do and obiently she did so. She had her life totally taken over at birth. She never had a chance to break out of her shell and reveal the real her. Fancy ribbons and pastel puffy dresses was not her. She wanted a more vibrant life. One that she could be proud of living. Not one were sophistication ruled. Tawny had been forced, yes forced, to wear a pastel purple puffy dress that was lined with laces and ribbons. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a pony tail bound with, yet again, more ribbons. Her mother thought she looked perfect and adorable. Yet she found herself looking rather hidieous. Her bright blue eyes stood out with the perfect shade and combonation of eyeshadow and other make up.

"What's up with you? You're mother dress you?" a teenage boy asked her as he stood at the end of the island. Tawny whipped around and looked at him and managed a weak grin, "Acually yes. She won't let me wear anything different." She said, a hint of a british accent in her voice. With a loud scoff, he walked off. Tawny blushed majory and turned around. Lucky for her, this was a dead end island. She bit her button lip to keep from bursting into tears. "Blimy, why me?" She asked herself as she kept from tears. She looked over at a plant that had caught her attention. It was one she had never seen before. Even in the large flower feild they had at their masion. It was blue. It looked depressed, well as depressed as a flower can look. She managed a very faint smile as she walked over towards it, laying a gentle hand on it when, "Tawny! Don't touch that! Now, let's get going." She said grabbing her arm, "It's your fourteenth birthday so we'll have to hurry. Fourteenth birthday! That would be the perfect time to change herself into the person she wanted to be, "N-n-no." She managed to say, "No." She said again looking down at the floor. Her mother stopped and gripped Tawny's wrist tighter, "What did you say?!" Her mother snapped, "You best not of said what I thought you said, missy!" She snapped again, glareing at her daughter.

"No." She repeated, "I'm sick of you controlling my life ma!" She spat back then her hands curled into fist, "I have my life! I don't fancy all this lace and trim and honestly could care less 'bout being a sophisticated young lady. I am my own person." She said and suddenly that depressed plant budged a bit. "I want my own life. Not the one you want of me." She added looking up at her mother. Tears streaming down her face, taking make it with it. Looking as if she was crying black and brown tears. Then the plant fell, crashing hard on the ground. Making both Tawny and her mother jump. She could tell her mother was furious, but this time she didn't care. Then, when Tawny threw her arm to side to prove she was sick of it, A vine from the blue plant crawled towards it like a snake and wrapped 'round her arm and shot towards her mom. "Bloody hell!" She yelled as she stopped it before it could strangle her mother. Her mother looked at her daughter, terrified. "Y-y-you monster!" She shouted as she ran out of the store. Leaving Tawny and the plant inside. She watched as her mother drove off. Abandoning her. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she stared at the vine which was in her control.

Lucinda's New Discovery
October 13th 2006; Maine
"Hey! Hey! Be careful!" A female shouted as her younger sisters and brothers got a bit carried away with their game. Lucinda sighed as she stared up into the sky. Bubbles crowded her vision of the clear blue sky. A distant fit of giggles disrupted her concentration. Her brothers had started picking on the youngest sister, "You're doing it all wrong! I told you girls couldn't play football!" That only made the youngest burst into a fountain of tears as Lucinda reluctantly got to her feet and headed over towards them. "What's going on now? Girls can't play football, eh?" She asked squatting down to his height, "Well, let me borrow this." She said grabbing the football, "Go long!" She yelled. The brother only shrugged and did so. Lucinda smirked and threw her arm back and let it go. Flying towards her brother in a perfect spiral. "I still can't understand why they didn't let me on the team with a throw like that." She muttered and watched as her ten year old brother missed the ball. "That's...not...fair!! You're fourteen!" He yelled back at her, only Lucinda grinned and nodded, "So." She replied and went over to sit down on the porch.

Lucinda had always been underestimated all her life and she was bound and determined that her fourteenth birthday would mean a new way of life for her, but spending her birthday watching her sisters and brothers wasn't what she had in mind. Lucinda had worn her white button up shirt with a deep red sweater vest on top of it. Her dark navy jeans had been torn and all raggity at the bottom thanks to it being worn so many times. It didn't help that her jeans were almost too long on her. She couldn't help that she was short. Her sneakers were so worn out that she was in desperate need of new ones, but she new that her familiy couldn't afford it. They could barely afford their small house as it is. Lucinda watched her brothers and sisters play football. A depressed sigh surpassed her lips as she leaned back against the moldy old wood that outlined their house. She kept her long aburn hair hidden under a baseball cap and hidden. Afraid of her own beauty. Like her piercing blue eyes and decent figure that she kept hidden.

It was her fourteenth birthday and her parents just left a ten dollar bill on the counter as a present. Then they both left for a work, which they only brought home about fifty dollars a week, if even that. After the wind started picking up and the fall leaves started blowing around violently, Lucinda stood and shouted for the kids to go inside. They did as they were told, but left Alice to bring in their stuff. Sighing, she grabed her hat and pulled it in closer to her head as she used the other hand to grab both of the footballs. As she did, her hat nearly blew away. "Oh no!" She gasped as it slipped out of her grasp. " She ran towards it hopeing to get it before she lost it forever, but then a strange thing happened. As if a tunnel burst out of her palm, all the wind around her stopped and the baseball cap had flew towards her hand. As if sucked in towards it. "Whoa.." She muttered as the hat was gripped tightly in her hands. She blinked a bit as she looked as the leaves lay perfectly still around her, while the others were tumbling around in the wind. As if she was standing in an invisable tube that protected her.

She took a step and the saftey tube followed. She didn't feel a hint of a breeze as she kept safe from the wind the whole time she headed towards the front door. Gripping the handle she opened the door and went inside. Then she looked out the musty window and watched as the wind picked up it's pace again and blew like crazy. "Whoa.." She muttered once again as she headed towards the bedroom. Not quite sure what had happened and not sure how it happened. It's like I can control...the...wind... she thought as she sat on her bunkbed. Looking down at her hand that had made the tunnel and her hat in the other hand.

Vicious Whisper
Community Member

Vicious Whisper
Community Member
Meeting the first character, Alice
August 12th 2006; Minnesota
"Happy birthday!!" The words shouted in such a small room made them seem much louder then usual. Loads of people surrounded a table, a young girl sitting at the end. A rather nice sized cake placed before her. "Now hon, blow out the candles." Her mother insisted, nudging her a bit. The mother then lowered herself to her daughters height, whispering, "Do it for everyone here." Then the mother stood straight and managed a weak smile. The 'birthday girl' let out a long groan as she reluctantly did as she was told. Trying to drown out the even louder cheers.

Alice had just grown to be at age of fourteen. Although she'd rather have this celebration without the crowd of people. She'd rather be handed her gifts and go to her room to celebrate all on her own. Just as it was the past few years, but no. Her father had a ingenious idea to hold large party. Invite everyone from around the block. Which she hardly even knew half of them. She had just moved to this place about a week ago and already the whole neighborhood had been in her house. She rolled her eyes slightly and looked up at her mother, "Seriously? Can I go to my room now?" She asked, turning around in the wooden chair to face her mother who gave a weak smile, "Sorry hon, but I can't let you. Your father worked hard for this day, believe it or not." She said and rushed off as a neighbor asked direction for the bathroom. Letting out another groan, Alice jumped off the chair and headed towards her room. Not caring how much "hard work" was put into this. Grudgingly she opened her bedroom and flung herself on her mess of a bed. Staring up at the plain white ceiling she sighed, "Damn party." She muttered under her breath as she turned on her stomach. Grabbing her remote off the floor, her finger searched for the Power button and turned on her T.V. Suddenly a blast of rock music filled her room and Alice was then satisfied. She sat on the edge of her bed and stared at the mirror that hung on the wall infront of her. Alice was tempted to punch the mirror, but her father would just buy her a new one to place it. She hated the reflection of herself at the moment. The sophisticated Alice just wasn't cutting it. She turned away and headed towards her bathroom. Grabbing a small towel off the hook, she erased all the natural colored makeup off and felt relieved afterwards. She couldn't believe that she went around in public looking like that! Her father always wanted her to look like a young lady and she hated that. Throwing the makeup covered towel in the sink she rushed into her walk-in closet.

A tall, 5'4", teenage girl reflected in the full length mirror. Alice's hair had a choppy look to it. She kept it it's natural black, but dyed parts of it a very electric red. Alice was an attractive girl, although she'd rather see herself as a normal girl trying to get through life. Getting up close to the mirror she whipped a piece of red hair out of the way and sighed. She hated her outfit right now. Dresses didn't sit well with her. Smirking she ripped it off, literally and thrown in a corner never to be seen again. Then started getting redressed in something more Alice. While downstairs her parents started realizing she wasn't down there. "Where'd Alice go?" Mark, her father, asked his wife Isabel. "I don't know. You think she went upstairs to her room?" She asked glancing at the staircase. "Why would she go upstairs?!"Mark asked a bit loud. "She's never really liked the idea of wearing a dress dear." Isabel stated and walked off. "Damn it!"Mark swore as he ran up the stairs only to stop in his tracks as Alice stood before him, "Whe- What the hell did you do?" He asked looking at his daughter. Alice arched an eyebrow, "I changed. What else?" She asked as she walked past him and headed downstairs. "How the hell can you be seen wearing those hideous clothes?" He asked following her.

Mark didn't like the idea of her daughter wearing what she did at the moment. Alice had put on a black tank top. Although it looked almost a dark grey as much as she's worn it. A hot pink long shirt over layered the tank top, only the top of it fell, revealing her shoulders. Barely any cloth connecting the main part to the sleeves that went past her hands. The shirt had covered up most of the pleated plaid skirt she had on. Although, Alice just couldn't deal with wearing skirts plain, so she wore white and black stripped stockings underneath it that stopped below the knee. Where the stockings stopped her chunky black boots started. A few of the buckles undone. Alice had gone into the kitchen, taking a snack out of the cubbord. "What the ******** are you thinking! Running around in something like that!" Her father snapped as he looking at his daughter snacking away at a twinkie. "Do you understand how much effort I put into this? The least you can do is dress nicely!" He snapped. Alice sighed, "It's my damn party, I should dress how I want!" She yelled back as her temper faired. "What the hell makes you think you can tell me my choice of clothing is hideous! It's not your clothes and you're not the one who wears it so piss off!" She yelled again as her hands clutched into fist. "You shouldn't go around and try to control my life. I am perfectly capable of running it the way I want! If I regret it, fine! But I'm not going to live the way you want." She snapped again and noticed a fire inside her she had never felt before. She turned around and pointed her index finger in the air. Her eyes snapped open wider as stared at it in amazement. A flame. A small flickering flame had emitted from her index finger. What the-? She thought and closed it into a fist, the flame went out. Her dad placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump, "What wrong now?" He asked, still a hint of anger in his voice. "Oh, nothing..." She said nodding and ran up to her bedroom.

::The Four Seasons::Lady V's Story::
Summer Fall Spring Winter

North East South West

Summer, the season that spreads it's monthly warmth. Fall, the leaves are ever-changing. Spring, a new dawn appears. Winter, a blanket of cold ice.

The seasons form a never-ending cycle. Season after season. Each with it's own goddess, protector. Each goddess sealed inside an innocent female body, taking over at their ripe age of fourteen. Each female enchanted with each season's gifts. Each season is also granted a direction. Summer dwells from the North. Fall depending on the East. Spring born from the South. Winter emitting from the West. Each season given an element as well. Summer; Fire. Fall; Wind. Spring; Earth and Winter; Water, but this isn't about the elements. This is about the four females and their destiny to help or sabotage the world. Without them, the seasons just wouldn't be the same and never-ending darkness would surround the world, the universe. Will they band together to keep life at it's ever flowing enchantment? Or depart and leave Mother Nature to fend for herself?

+ll Four Seasons ll+

"Selicia. You have been forged to the North. Seek out a worthy soul and inhabit it. Veligra, you will search the East, find a suiting host for yourself. Solic, you shall find yourself a deserving mortal for you in the South. Icius, find yourself a pleasing Westerner." The words of the elder had nearly bounced off the walls of a rather large Victorian castle. The castle, decorated in pure snow white clouds and golden trim. The mansion belong to an elder being, whom had just addressed the goddesses to part. Find suitable mortal host for themself. For they could not stop the told eternal darkness in this form. They needed mortal flesh. Not the flesh of those who had died long ago. In a rainbow of red, white, green and blue the four goddess flew off. Each parting towards their given direction. They left the safety of the Cloud Castle and towards the planet; Earth. That was thirteen years ago. They had found themself human host since them, but on their fourteenth birthday, the true power reveals itself.

Post One:Meeting the first character:Alice
Post Two:Lucinda's New Discovery
Post Three:Tawny's New Life

Vicious Whisper
Community Member

Vicious Whisper
Community Member
What I Rp and all the info you need to know
Here is where my list of Rps I do are listed. It is updated any chance I can get and when I find out something new to add.

Soul Calibur II or III

I'm really really really wanting a Soul Calibur Rp! I'm toally addicted to the third one! I love the game! Although I do prefer Rping S.C. over Pms or E-Mail. Why? Cause it gives me more room to type replies and I love to type. If I do Rp this, I'd most likey be Tira, Talim and made up. I don't really care who you play, even a made up I don't care, but I want you to be at least one cannon. You can't be only made ups. That's just no fun now is it?

Harry Potter//Present

I do play as a made up for this. Alice Colfer, she's a pure blood. I also ask of you to be Draco, that's not much to ask right? In return, for you being Draco Malfoy, I'll be any character of you're choice. I usually love plots that have to do with the Tri Wizard Tornament. I find those rather interesting.


I love to play as my made up, Yumi Uchiha. There is where I probaly lost you. Before you start saying and pointing, "She's a Uchiha!" wait and give me a chance. I worked on Yumi for about a month, maybe more, so give her a chance. In Naruto, I don't care who you play and I don't care who you ask me to play.

Code Lyoko

I love Odd, so I'd always ask you to play him. He isn't that hard to play either so don't cry and complain saying you suck at originals. I will be playing...du du duuuu...a made up! Who would've guessed.

Juvenile Orion

This one probaly isn't that popular. But I'm willing to give it a chance. I will be playing as Mana and my made up. I'm pretty good at playing as innocent and sweet people. Don't ask why, I just am. I'd ask of you to be...Naoya Itsuki. WHy? 'Cause I love him!!


I love this manga and I know it isn't very popular. If I'm not alone here, I'd love to be Nana. She's so much like me heart . Otherwise, I don't care who you are. I might also be a made up, but I'd have to think of the right person to make.

Circus Du Freak (Darren Shan books)

I've fallen in love with this book and I know I'm not alone. There are other Darren Shan lovers out there, right? Well, I'd be my wonderfull made up. Also anyone else that you'd wish. ANYONE! Just ask, although bare with me, I haven't Rped this in quite awhile.

Medieval Fantasy

This isn't anime or manga, but I still love to Rp it. Of course, only if there is a plot involved. I'm not good with making plots for this certain Rp, but maybe we could work together to make one. That I wouldn't mind.

Furuba (Fruits Basket)

I almost forgot this one. I do Rp Furuba and I'm most licky going to be Momiji and my made up. I'll also double as who ever you want. Don't be afraid to ask. I don't really care who you play as. Seeing that the only person I like in this anime is Kakuro Manabe, but he isn't a main character, but if you read th 13th volume, you should know how he acts, so...scratch out what I said before. I want you to play Kakuro Manabe ^^


I love vampires and Rping them is even better. Although I don't like the fact that most people say they can turn into bats and are afraid of sun light. That's just not right, so don't go and say your character can turn into a bat or they were afraid to step out into the sun light. No! Other then that, I'm fine. I havn't had a decent vampiric Rp in LONG time and really wanting one.

//More To Come

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