[15:19] hananana: and Ciel's a freakin' princess I swear. [15:19] hananana: Kinda booooth = 7 = [15:19] hananana: /shot [15:19] myles: the song in general = u= <33 [15:19] hananana: <33 [15:19] desu: Sebastian is totally the knight. [15:19] hananana: Yessss ~ e u e <3 [15:19] hananana: /brick'd [15:20] hananana: even in the chessboard analogy,seriously. :'U /brick'd again [15:20] desu: Ff. [15:20] desu: Too bad there isn't a princess chess piece. [15:20] hananana: Seriously ~ = u = [15:20] hananana: Ah well,we'll just settle with "King of Ghost Bees" [15:20] hananana: /SHOT SO HARD [15:21] desu: oh god xD [15:21] desu: My Ciel muse resents that, [15:21] myles: Ghost Bees. o 7 o [15:21] hananana: My Sebastian muse finds in amusing as hell. o 7 o [15:21] hananana: *it [15:21] desu: My Ciel muse is still aching from that voluntary rape. [15:22] hananana: Don't lie Ciel muse. [15:22] hananana: You enjoyed it. [15:22] hananana: /SHOT ;; [15:22] desu: Ciel muse is all about lies. [15:23] hananana: YOU TSUNDERE YOU. [15:23] desu: Sebastian muse probably enjoyed it more. [15:23] hananana: ..... Not gonna lie. o 7 o [15:23] hananana: /brick'd [15:23] desu: xD [15:23] desu: Ciel muse is permanant OTL [15:24] hananana: And Sebastian muse is just smug. herp derp. = 7 = [15:24] desu: Ciel muse almost wishes he didn't get Sebastian that stupid cat. [15:24] desu: almost. [15:25] hananana: B - But ... the kitty ... it's so /CUTE/. ; uuuu ; [15:25] desu: Ciel muse doesn't like seeing a happy Sebastian. NOPE. NOTATALL;;;; [15:25] desu: notevenatinybit [15:26] hananana: .... isCielmusesureaboutthat? e 7 e [15:26] desu: Ciel muse doesn't have to answer that;;; [15:26] desu: ///// [15:26] myles: Greece is eyeing up that unattended cat. [15:26] myles: /shot [15:26] hananana: Awww ~ Ciel muse is /scaared/? [15:26] hananana: FFFT - [15:27] hananana: Greece + Sebastian = BFFLS [15:27] desu: jchzjvzjczhzv Ciel muse is never scared. [15:27] hananana: then why can't Ciel muse answer the simple question,hmmm ~ ? [15:27] myles: "I like cats..." "So do I." [15:27] hananana: XDD [15:27] myles: "I.. don't like dogs." "Neither do I!" [15:28] myles: "... someone really.. bothers me." "Same here!" [15:28] hananana: PFFFFT - XD [15:28] myles: "He wears a mask.." "Ah, an eyepatch is a type of mask, right..?" [15:28] myles: /shot [15:28] desu: Because Ciel muse doesn't annwer anyone. [15:28] hananana: XDD [15:28] desu: ffff. [15:29] desu changed nickname to ciel [15:29] ciel: ( lol again. ) [15:29] myles changed nickname to greece [15:29] greece: /naps [15:29] hananana changed nickname to sebastian [15:29] sebastian: ( XD ) [15:29] ciel: ... Who are you, really;; [15:29] greece: /actually going to bed ;; [15:29] greece: Goodnightloveliesssss. /who is this? [15:29] sebastian: (good night then? ; u ; ) [15:29] ciel: ( Oh. D: Nigghhttt <33 ) [15:29] sebastian: Good night then, Sir. /bows [15:30] ciel: Um... goodbye..? [15:30] greece: [ ; u; <333 my head and eyes hurt. goodnight. ] [15:30] ciel: /slightwave [15:30] sebastian: ( skdfhsifo - get better real soon! ; u ; ) [15:30] sebastian: ( /LATE ) [15:30] ciel: /isactuallykindacutewhenwaving,butdon'ttellSebastian. [15:30] sebastian: /toolatehealreadyknowsderp [15:31] ciel: /shhhh [15:31] ciel: /don'ttellCielheknowsxD [15:31] ciel: /stops waving [15:31] sebastian: /alrightalrightthen ~ [15:31] ciel: /looks at Sebastian [15:31] ciel: ... [15:31] ciel: /GLAAARRREEE [15:31] sebastian: Is there anything you need,young master? /smilesmilesmile [15:31] ciel: That /HURT/. [15:32] ciel: It still hurts! [15:32] ciel: /tsuntsunpout [15:32] sebastian: Oh,whatever are you talking about? [15:32] ciel: You know what I'm talking about. [15:32] ciel: You /know/. [15:33] sebastian: ...... ~ [15:33] ciel: .... //// [15:33] ciel: You didn't even show mercy;; [15:33] ciel: dammit. [15:34] sebastian: Forgive me,young master. I'll try to be gentle next time,if you wish. [15:34] sebastian: = uuu = [15:34] ciel: Yeah. [15:34] ciel: Next time, be sure too-- [15:34] ciel: /wait [15:34] ciel: /whosaidanythingaboutnexttime;; [15:34] sebastian: /D'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT - [15:34] ciel: /embarrassed [15:34] sebastian: /CAUGHT YOU [15:34] sebastian: /SMUUUUUUUUUG [15:34] ciel: /crossesarmsandhobblesaway [15:35] sebastian: /smiles;sighs;shakes head [15:35] sebastian: /walks over and scoops Ciel up bridal style [15:35] ciel: = n = !! asbjabfkjashdfafbjaf [15:35] ciel: /kicks legs [15:35] ciel: S-sebastian, put me down! [15:35] ciel: /pounds at chest [15:36] sebastian: I will,young master,after I bring you back to your room. [15:36] sebastian: /unaffected from all this what even [15:36] ciel: ... [15:36] ciel: /pounds harder [15:36] ciel: Put me down, dammit;;! [15:36] ciel: Rapist! Fiend! [15:37] ciel: /squirmysquirm [15:37] sebastian: It's not rape if you're willing ~ [15:37] sebastian: /puts him on the bed [15:37] ciel: W-WHO SAYS I'M WILLING? [15:37] ciel: /nervous chuckle [15:37] ciel: /attempt to crawl away [15:38] sebastian: /chuckles [15:38] sebastian: And who said I was going to try anything? [15:38] ciel: ... [15:38] ciel: /stops [15:38] ciel: ..... [15:38] sebastian: ~ [15:38] ciel: I hate you. [15:38] ciel: /sometimes. [15:38] sebastian: It's not my fault that young master jumps to conclusions ~ [15:39] ciel: It's /entirely/ your fault. [15:39] sebastian: And how is it my fault,exactly? = u= [15:39] ciel: Perhaps if you weren't so misleading. [15:40] ciel: So that's why it's your fault. [15:40] sebastian: Oh dear,it seems like the young master's thoughts are in the gutter now. [15:40] sebastian: /shakes head;tsk tsk [15:41] ciel: B-but it's YOUR fault! [15:41] ciel: /angerraegpout [15:41] sebastian: I was simply just taking you to your bed. [15:41] sebastian: That's all ~ = u = [15:41] ciel: Well, why. [15:42] ciel: Why exactly did you take me to my bed. = n = [15:42] ciel: Enlighten me, Sebastian/ [15:42] sebastian: Because it's obvious you wouldn't recover as fast if you hobbled around [15:42] sebastian: all day. [15:42] sebastian: It's rather disgraceful,you know. [15:42] sebastian: = u = [15:42] ciel: N-nonsense! It's rehabilitation...! [15:43] ciel: I've done it before... [15:43] ciel: ( I've read this fic where Ciel sustained a leg injury before Sebastian rescued him ; 7 ; [15:43] ciel: So that's why he walks with a cane! ) [15:43] sebastian: (kdfhakuvoi - ; uuu ; ) [15:43] ciel: ( It's become this headcanon;; ) [15:45] ciel: ... So you mean it? That's the only reason you carried me here? [15:46] ciel: /maybe,justmaybe,alittledisappointed. [15:46] sebastian: Yes, young master. I have no reason to lie ~ [15:46] ciel: No.. but you can with hold information. [15:47] sebastian: That is true, but I really don't have any ulterior moves. [15:47] ciel: Hmph. [15:47] ciel: Alright then... /armcross [15:47] sebastian: Now,if you need anything,feel free to call me. /bows;starts walking away [15:47] ciel: ... [15:48] ciel: /frown [15:48] ciel: ... um.... [15:48] sebastian: /turns around Yes? [15:48] ciel: /looks down, more frowning;; [15:48] ciel: D-don't just... /leave/ me..;; [15:48] sebastian: Oh? [15:49] ciel: //////;; [15:49] ciel: I-I'm just bored, alright? [15:49] ciel: I don't feel like sitting here alone. [15:49] sebastian: Well now, /walks back to the bed [15:50] sebastian: What would you want me to do to entertain you then,hm? [15:50] ciel: ... I don't... I don't know. [15:50] ciel: Anything, I guess. [15:50] ciel: As long as you don't leave....;; [15:50] ciel: /Cielblush [15:50] sebastian: ( FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU - Y SO ADORABLE CIEL. ; 777 ; <3) [15:50] sebastian: (/SHOT ;; ) [15:51] ciel: ( Because he's shota? xD <3 ) [15:51] sebastian: Anything,you say? [15:51] ciel: /nods quietly, looks away herp [15:52] sebastian: /kisses [15:52] ciel: ..... ////////////////// [15:52] ciel: /ciel,whysoembarrassed [15:53] sebastian: /yeahCielit'snotlikeit'syourfirstim - ;SHOT SO HARD ;;; [15:53] ciel: I-I'm only gonna let that go today, alright? /quiet again; [15:53] ciel: ( Ffff xD ) [15:54] sebastian: Why suddenly so quiet,young master?Usually you're so adamant against it. [15:54] ciel: /looks away again, scowl [15:55] ciel: I don't know. [15:55] ciel: //// [15:55] ciel: ;; [15:55] sebastian: Ah,would it be that the young master is feeling lonely? = u = [15:56] ciel: .... /waytohitthenailonthehead,Sebs. [15:56] sebastian: .... /duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur = 7 = [15:56] ciel: ... no.. [15:56] ciel: what an atrocious idea... [15:56] sebastian: Well, with the way you're behaving,it seems to be that way. [15:57] ciel: W-well you must be assessing the situation wrong.. [15:57] sebastian: Oh? [15:58] ciel: Because, that most certainly isn't... [15:58] ciel: it's not.. [15:58] ciel: not the case at all.. [15:58] sebastian: .... /sighs [15:58] ciel: . //////////// . [15:58] sebastian: Really now,what is with humans and their need to lie all the time? [15:58] sebastian: /shakes head [15:58] ciel: /grabs sleeve [15:59] ciel: J-just shut up about it. [15:59] ciel: /tugs arm closer. [16:00] sebastian: Yes,my lord. /kisses forehead [16:00] sebastian: (FUUU - IT'S SO FLUFFY ; 777; <33 ) [16:00] ciel: ( This couple is definitely able to have Fluff xD <3333 ) [16:00] ciel: ( I love it. ) [16:00] ciel: /not frowning so much now [16:00] sebastian: ( It's too adorable ahhhh <33 ) [16:01] ciel: ( Eventually, demon!Ciel and Sebastian can get here... eventually;; ) [16:01] sebastian: /chuckles It seems you really can show your cute sides after all ~ [16:02] sebastian: (... eventually. = 7 = ;;; ) [16:02] ciel: ...;;;;;; [16:02] ciel: Not true. Don't adress me like I'm a child. [16:02] ciel: ( ahhh....;;;; ) [16:03] ciel: ( Once Ciel starts retrieving his human bits ) [16:04] sebastian: But aren't you technically one right one? = u = [16:04] ciel: ( Dood. That sentance ) [16:05] sebastian: *NOW OTL [16:05] sebastian: (I NEED TO STOP SPAZZING SKBFHAKI ) [16:05] ciel: Technicalities mean very little to me, Sebastian. [16:05] ciel: Like, wasn't what we did yesterday technically illegal? [16:06] sebastian: .... That is true. = u = ;; [16:07] ciel: /still holding sleeve, sitting a bit closer [16:07] ciel: Techinality doesn't matter. [16:07] ciel: /blush; [16:08] sebastian: so you don't mind what happened yesterday then? [16:08] ciel: ...Maybe.. [16:09] ciel: /leans in a bit [16:09] ciel: ... maybenot... [16:10] sebastian: It's a simple 'yes' or 'no' question,young master. /brings closer;pecks cheek [16:11] ciel: /grumble [16:11] ciel: no,itwasfine,then... [16:11] ciel: /grumblegrumble [16:12] sebastian: = u = <33
sloth mama · Wed Feb 02, 2011 @ 10:17pm · 0 Comments |
Arthur and Hina Tea Party |
[11:42] queenmya: no. >BC [11:42] guest-2331 changed nickname to hananana [11:42] queenmya: Hananana. [11:42] princesshina: ; AAA ; [11:43] hananana: Myaaaaa ~ Hinaaaaaa ~ o u o [11:43] princesshina: HANAAAAAA. MAMA SAYS I CAN'T BE A HERO AND A PRINCESS. ; A ; [11:43] hananana: WHAT WHY NOT? [11:43] queenmya: BECAUSE PRINCESSES DON'T SAME PEOPLE. [11:43] queenmya: SAVE* [11:43] hananana: YES THEY DO ... IT JUST DEPENDS ON THE PRINCESS. D: [11:43] hananana: /s**t [11:43] hananana: */shot [11:43] hananana: /gdi ;; [11:44] princesshina: M - Mulan saves people! [11:44] princesshina: She's a princess. D: [11:44] queenmya: ...... but you aren't Mulan. [11:44] hananana: why can't she be /like/ Mulan? D: [11:44] princesshina: ; A ; </3 [11:44] queenmya: because it's not proper = A= [11:45] princesshina: But... But... I'm American. American-British. [11:45] princesshina: But still Americaaaaaaaan. [11:45] queenmya: sadly. [11:45] hananana: proper schmroper - It's okey if she's American. D: [11:45] princesshina: ; wwww ; [11:46] hananana: ; uuuu ; [11:46] queenmya: she's also British >:U [11:46] princesshina: MamaisjustupsetbecauseDaddyisbiggerthanhim. [11:46] hananana: jfkkjnsdgvkdfbkjkdvoiuhwkjgvoijcv fffffffffffffffffffffft - [11:46] queenmya: .......shutuphehadagrowthspurt [11:46] queenmya: .. inmorewaysthanone. [11:46] princesshina: /is talking continent wise pervert [11:46] hananana: /was thinking about height-wise orz [11:47] queenmya: /was thinking about crotches [11:47] queenmya: ...... /orz [11:47] hananana: fffffffffffft ~ oh youuu. |D [11:47] queenmya: I AM NOT A PERVERT LIKE THAT GIT FRANCE [11:47] princesshina: Can I pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase be a hero-princess? D: [11:47] princesshina: Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase ~ ? [11:47] queenmya: ............ fine, I'll make you a cape [11:48] princesshina: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ! o 7 o [11:48] hananana: yaaay ! o 7 o [11:48] princesshina: canithavesparklesonit? o 7 o ;; [11:48] queenmya: /presents pretty purple sparkley cape [11:48] princesshina: o 7 o [11:48] princesshina: /wooooosh cape [11:48] hananana: /why do I see a sparkly trail what [11:48] princesshina: Ta daaa! Super Princess Hina ~ Wooooooooooosh [11:48] queenmya: ... /gets food because i'm hungry forsomeburntscones [11:49] hananana: ffffffffffffffffffft ~ = 7 = [11:49] princesshina: ewscones. [11:49] hananana: the horror! D8 [11:49] princesshina: Nooo. Not scones. D: KRYPTONIIIIITE. [11:49] princesshina: /like daddy like daughter [11:49] princesshina: /shot [11:49] hananana: KSNRGKJESJGIERGOI - RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN [11:49] hananana: /brick'd [11:49] princesshina: /runs ; pretends to fly [11:49] princesshina: WOOOOOSHHHH [11:50] princesshina: /would be that kid that jumps off the couch trying to fly [11:50] princesshina: *shot [11:50] hananana: /why do I see a sparkly trail arkkjsaklfkj [11:51] hananana: ffffffffffffffffffffft - =7 = [11:51] queenmya: .. /puts hina on shoulders [11:51] queenmya: /runs [11:51] princesshina: WOOOOSH [11:51] queenmya: /leaving sparkly trailll [11:51] hananana: FFFFFFFFFFT - [11:51] princesshina: I belieeeeve I can fllyyyy ~ [11:51] princesshina: /daddy showtunes yaay [11:51] queenmya: Daddyshowtunes.=A= [11:52] princesshina: Daddy sings in the car. o 7 o [11:52] princesshina: Did you know he watches Glee? o 7 o ;; [11:52] princesshina: /youknowhewould [11:52] queenmya: ......... /snort [11:52] queenmya: /watchesGleetoo [11:52] queenmya: /SHHHHHHHHHHHH [11:52] princesshina: Donnnn't stop! Beliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieving. [11:52] princesshina: /squeaky highvoice [11:52] queenmya: ... I can barely run in this dress can I put trousers on now. [11:53] princesshina: Queen's don't wear trousers. D: [11:53] queenmya: PRINCESS DIANA DID. [11:53] queenmya: /touchy [11:53] princesshina: ..................................... ;; m - mama can put trousers on. [11:53] queenmya changed nickname to trouserqueenmya
sloth mama · Sun Jan 30, 2011 @ 06:48pm · 0 Comments |