We were talking about the second law of thermodynamics a month or two ago in my molecular biology class… the whole "everything eventually returns to spontaneity". In other words, everything will break down… Which is true… it takes less energy to let something fall apart than to constantly maintain it. And that of course got me onto the futility of life. What is a human body but thousands and millions and moles of molecules and atoms as building blocks? We are the Great Wall of China in biological form. The human body is the most complex living organism we have yet to discover – and what is life but a struggle to maintain that body? What is death but a final return to spontaneity? And then of course I always have to take it deeper: what is the human body but a lucky combination of lifeless atoms? Does this make life pointless? Or does it make it even more precious? Does this lead towards a guiding hand – a deity- creating life? Or are we really just a luck y combination? Is life a miracle or a series of chemical reactions? Ugh. I'm not even going to bother with it any more… it just makes me feel helpless. Self-helpless… and I want to be a doctor. Heh… what kind of doctor will I possibly be when I am so unsure of my own existence?
TheMoralDisease · Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 01:14am · 0 Comments |
Don't read this, it is not worth your time.
I have decided that I am dying my hair pink again after I graduate and quit my job to go to college.
I have decided that I want a corset peircing.
I have decided that I'm going to take music back up... piano at least... maybe even wipe the dust off of my guitar and learn to play that.
I have decided that running 2 miles and then doing 20 minutes of suicide sprints is not a good idea.
I have decided that misanthropy is the only answer for me, as the people I'm surrounded by make me wish homocide was legal.
I have decided that I will never be a surgeon of any sort, though neurology is starting to look like a maybe.
I have decided that short hair pisses me off and I'm growing mine back out to as long as I had it before.
I have decided that scaples are really really sharp.
I have decided that I'm going to get tan this summer for once - who care's about melonoma anyways?
I have decided that I might go into modeling again becuase I miss feeling pretty.
I have decided that I wore way too much makeup when I was with Ky, so now I'm toning it back down a bit.
I have decided that my music sucks and I need to find new bands/artists and what not that I like. Help me.
I have decided that black is really my colour and white is a nice accent. From now on I am only wearing black and white.
I have decided that duct tape and skin, while a visually appealing combination, is not the most practical combination.
I have decided that I want coloured contacts... green.
I'm done.
TheMoralDisease · Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 05:52pm · 1 Comments |
Hi, I am a teeny bopper, and I am ******** ANNOYING. |
Now honestly. I'm sorry that you're fat, ugly, boring, and well... plain and cannot find a boyfriend. Well, no I'm not - but you get my point. Posting "Cutesy" little boyfriend applications is not going to help you in your search to find true, undying, teenage, emo love. Anyone catch the oxymoron in that one. My advice? 1) Drop 50 pounds. Perhaps it is the tidal wave of cellulite that terrifies them so
2) Lose the cheerleader, teeny bopper attitude. You are not a cheerleader, and you never will be. You are not popular. You. Are. Nothing. In. The. Real. World. Acting like a moron will neither gain you friends or boyfriends once you pass the highschool years. So don't delude yourself.
3) STOP POSTING STUPID BLOGS. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT! If you're going to post a blog, honestly, make it at least semi interesting to read. Have at least a little meaning. Please. For the sake of our rapidly decaying society - don't clog the internet with even more s**t.
Do you want to know what's sad though? People actually took the time to fill out that little questionare and post it back on her page. ::shakes head:: Highschool is lost on me.
TheMoralDisease · Mon Dec 12, 2005 @ 11:35pm · 0 Comments |
"Suddenly Single"... or in other words, really desperate |
Suddenly Single"... Or in other words really desperate. (about a booty call post on OKCupid where the moron announces that she is SINGLE... what kind of person in a relationship is pleading for a booty call on a ******** dating site?!) Why announce that you are single like it's some kind of prize? ********. You just ******** up another relationship. You are a loveless failure. Congratulations. Let's announce it to the world.
I already don't see the need for these internet booty calls. Honestly, if you don't have the balls to go meet someone in person at a club or some other public place and what-not, you don't need to be having sex anyways. Masturbation is better for you in that case. Perhaps you have the looks - but you don't have the looks for a ********. And as far as humanity is concerned, we don't need to curse future generations with your genes anyways. And if you've got both looks and courage - perhaps it's your whining, idiot personality. Again - you don't need to reproduce. Please don't.
TheMoralDisease · Mon Oct 17, 2005 @ 05:00am · 1 Comments |
Where do I begin? Let's start with people that put the words "sexy", "cute", "hot", "vixen" and other things like that into their screen names. I mean honestly. Men overcompensate with their cars, and apparently women overcompensate with their screennames. "Oh no, I'm a fat hideous cow! No one would want to ******** me (because you know all I want in life is a GOOD ********)! I should put some alluring word in my name to mislead everyone into thinking that I'm sexy as hell!" Either that, or these girls ACTUALLY think they're pretty. Pardon me while I choke on my laughter. News flash - you are an ugly, unorigional b***h.
Next, I don't see why these self proclaimed beauty queens have to announce to everyone that they have posted new pictures of themselves. Unless you have a stalker or two, no one cares about new pictures of you're average - hideous self. If making a post about posting new pictures wasn't enough of a cry for attention - the actual pictures are. "Wooo let me take a picture of my flat a**... but curve my back REALLY REALLY far." (well you get the point on that one.) No one but some 40 year old guy living in his parent's basement wants to see your clothed a**. You're average, at best. Why bother with you when there are hundreds of actually sexy women in porn magazines? I hope that nice little cry for attention got you your daily sex, you whore.
Now, let's say that a girl is actually pretty (the one that inspired this isn't, don't bother). What I hate is when beatiful girls post slutty pictures of themselves. If you have nothing better to attract men with than your body, then you're not worth it.
Oh, and another thing - people that TYPE ALL IN CAPS... are stupid.
TheMoralDisease · Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 07:48am · 2 Comments |
I am so tired of this place. I'm disgusted with myself. With humanity in general. I am sick to death of the company I'm forced into. I'm tired of this brainwashed society. I'm sick of these sex crazed teenagers That disregard love as something disposable And strive for merely physical satisfaction. I want to be surrounded in people that can intelecually stimulate me Rather than these that force me further inside myself. I want to be alone. But I know I simply cannot survive that way. I'm tired of being incomplete. But I doubt the ablity of anyone to be fully complete. I'm starting to wonder if this life is pointless. I want to change the world. I want to change myself. I want to make life perfect. Not merely for myself, but for everyone. Am I the only one that feels like this? I'm sick of the selfishness that has become accepted. And expected. Shouldn't one strive to be better? Shouldn't one strive, always, to learn? Can one be complete with others in such misery? And if they can, what has humanity fallen to? Where is the consideration for our peers? What has happened to the commradery (sp) that classified us once as a group? I want these answers. I need them. But I know I will never get them. I want to be fulfilled. But I know that I never will be. How can one live like this? I want to be ignorant. I want to be stupid. I'm exhausted of thinking like this. I'm sick of doubting myself. Of doubting the everyone and everything. I'm sick of thinking that life is pointless. I want to look at everything at face value and to accept it. I'm sick of these memories. I want to forget. I want to start fresh. I'm sick of being so fragile. I refuse to be the victim. I refuse to be broken. And nothing in my power can stop me from being broken. I can't protect myself. Nor can anyone else. I want to be something. I want to be somebody. I want to be known. And this need makes me even more disgusted with myself. I want my innocence back. I want retribution. I need retribution. I refuse to live like this.
TheMoralDisease · Sun Oct 09, 2005 @ 05:18pm · 0 Comments |