- As I appear Before You.
Quoth The Raven: "Nights are days, just in different lighting."
The Reaper's Soul

Username: xXPolymorphineXx
Character Name: Risa Asuna Kai
Nickname: Risa or Kai
Text Color: Indigo
Another Life, Another Body:
Race: Human
Age: 20
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light brown/dirty blonde.
Weight: 145 lbs.
Height: 5' 4"
What Has Been Learned And What Soon Will Be:
Supernatural Ability: Telekinesis (Psychokinesis)
Natural Ability(ies): Knowledge of Judo and jōjutsu. (Type of martial arts; Judo is without weapons, jōjutsu is with a form of Japanese stick weapon.)
What Used to Define Me:
Personality: Upbeat, mostly optimistic, never backs down from a challenge, stubborn, shows emotions out in the open.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Biography: Risa's life was one of adventure and people pleasing. She never wanted to step on anyone's toes but wanted to live a relatively carefree life. She managed to do so, having gone off to college to get her general education done before she was intercepted by the hands of fate. Her goal was to become a nurse, even if she wasn't fond of the blood. She wasn't a big fan of her past, but not many humans are. She did some good things in her life, volunteering at the hospital and helping with the children by creating pictures to decorate their rooms. Although she died at a young age and claims to have "no regrets" about her life, she does in fact have some of them. Her feeling about these choices in her life lead her to the strong will of not moving on. Her heart just wasn't in the right place to move into death's complete wrath.
Likes: Cute animals, dancing, techno, creating beautiful works of art.
Dislikes: Last minute decisions, wasting time, being judged before getting a chance to defend the actions taken.
Fear(s): Regrets, snakes, drowning, death.