I am currently 31
My hair color is: It's usually got a blue hue to it when I'm outside.

I am obsessed with: Paranormal research, Hawaii, Japan, China, Mythology, Digital Art, Photography, Monster Energy Drinks, Classical Music, Pop, Opera, World Music, Tea, Aromatherapy, Pottery, Sewing, Steampunk
Favorite Scents: Fresh Cut Grass, Strawberries, Tomato Plants..*not the actual tomato itself*, the Ocean, Laundry Soap, Tropical Fruits, Rain
Favorite Foods: Anything vegetarian, fruits, veggies, TOFU!, chocolate
Favorite Colors: Blue, Green, Aquamarine
Favorite Sayings: Ya'll *so totally raised by a Southerner*
Favorite Singer: Don't really have one
Recent Crush: oooh so not going there. 0.o
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Religion: Buddhist/Hindu Not really practicing atm, just more learning stage I guess.
Favorite Things About Yourself: I guess I'm fun to be around, at least that's what the going rumor is. I do think I have a great sense of humor and a wonderful personality. Oh lordy..it makes me sound like I'm dumping myself or something. XD I am usually bubbly..thus earning me the nickname "Bubbles" at a previous job. Eh, I think I'm just laid back and easy to get along with. :3
Nickmanes: Ooh letsee...Elle, Mai, Jaybird, Fluffy, Booshie, Elliepants, Pantherlet
What is your real name: Lol..actually most people do think it's Elle..and that is Elle as pronounced like the letter "L" Only a few select people know my actual name. Though Elle does stem from my birth name of Michelle. :3
What are your plans in the future: Well, to get on my feet financially, but other things include: Getting my artwork published, returning to a promised modeling career, visit Sweden, move to Hawaii, run a marathon, swim with great white sharks, land a job at National Geographic as a photographer, open up my own art/photography store. Party a bit more often, seeing as I totally missed out when I was in my 20's. Stop worrying that turning 30 was a bad thing. XD
I tag: Everyone who actually read all that. razz