"So as I fought my way through my dreams while I slept,
I saw something weird.
I know it was just a dream,
Which probably means I'm crazy.
But that's fine.
Anyway, I saw an atom bomb.
It was pretty scary because,
where I live large jets fly over
and I hate loud noises.
I am a very timid person.
Though my friends and family
wouldn't believe me.
So whenever a jet goes by,
I hide under the table till it's gone.
And in my dream,
A loud jet like that dropped the bomb.
The thing that makes this scary,
and though you may not believe me.
When ever my dreams are in color,
they seem to come true...
My dream was in color.
So I was scared.
Anyway that's all I have to say."
[img:edd9af1c72]http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad339/yingloveu/cute small icons/30velcg.gif[/img:edd9af1c72][img:edd9af1c72]http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv15/xXsLiGhToFhAnDXx/rotatingcrystalstar.gif[/img:edd9af1c72][img:edd9af1c72]http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad339/yingloveu/cute small icons/30velcg.gif[/img:edd9af1c72]