Since today!!! July 29! Thats right, I made 18 today! W00T! Lemme tell ya though, feel just the same but now I can do things like buy that pack of cigs I've been wanting for so long so I could just throw them away because I don't smoke. I can also buy some porno and give it to the hobo that lives behind walmart in a cardboard box. AND I can now vote for things because my one vote against millions will do wonders when it comes to actually getting a president that can actuall read and write. Anywho, today is turning out to be just as boring as ever. I got too many phone calls from relatives telling me happy birthday while I was trying to sleep and once I finaly got my friend called when I was in the shower. I missed my chance to get out of the house and I've been here all day with NOTHING to do. Wow, some birthday huh?
EDIT: Some ******** birthday... My dad and his crack head habbits just had to pick today to go back to crack. Not to mention we were supposed to pick up my car from the dealership today but no! He probably went and spent the money for the car on crack. The perfect ending to the best birthday I've ever had. I would call him an a** but thats too good for him. Then again I like calling him that.
Nomjy · Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 03:17am · 2 Comments |
I saw this in my friend Eve's journal so I decided to give it a try. 3nodding
Your Existing Situation Orderly, methodical, and self-contained. Needs the respect, recognition, and understanding of those close to him.
Your Stress Sources Delights in the tasteful, the gracious, and the sensitive, but maintains his attitude of critical appraisal and refuses to be swept off his feet unless genuineness and integrity can be absolutely vouched for. Therefore keeps a strict and watchful control on his emotional relationships as he must know exactly where he stands. Demands complete sincerity as a protection against his own tendency to be too trusting.
Your Restrained Characteristics Circumstances are such that he feels forced to compromise for the time being if he is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation. Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction from sexual activity.
Your Desired Objective Alert and keenly observant. Is seeking fresh avenues offering greater freedom and the chance to make the most of them. Wants to prove himself and to achieve recognition. Striving to bridge the gap which he feels separates him from others.
Your Actual Problem Intensely critical of the existing conditions which he feels are disorganized or insufficiently clear-cut. Is therefore seeking some solution which will clarify the situation and introduce a more acceptable degree of order and method.
Nomjy · Thu Jun 02, 2005 @ 04:45pm · 1 Comments |
Mood: Happy  Tunes: Radio
June is here and summer has offically started!
I love summer! Mostly because my birhtday is a summer month, July, and also because there is no school! The only thing though is that I'm supposed to be gettng a job which means a lot less free time but I'l be getting about $7 an hour to start off with which is pretty good considering that after taxes, minimum wage is aout $5 an hour.
Over all, being out of school is nice and being a graduate is awsome! NO MORE GRADE SCHOOL!!!!! Anywho, I can't wait to start college, Go LSU! I'm gonna try and double major in Graphic Designing and Computer Tech. I'm going to have my hands full.
My friends and I all are planning to go see the Fantastic Four movie when it comes out in theaters. I'm so excited about going to see that movie.
~You local neighborhood hobo!
P.S. Does anyone have any tips on asking a girl out... sweatdrop
Nomjy · Wed Jun 01, 2005 @ 07:40pm · 1 Comments |
I don't think I'm that great with this whole journal thing. I try to update it but i never know what I want to say. I DID graduate on the 21 of May though. I DIDI get a new digital camera too. Other than that though my life is pretty boring. On gaia, I'm currently sudo questing for a halo. I really want it but forst I'm gonna try to get DJ headphones. I'm working on about three peices for three different art contests as well. One of which the grand prize is a halo. I guess that about it for now.
P.S. I had a name change. I used to be Nomjy, Nomjy Riddle, and [NoM] but now I'm Mescnar Dinlaer!
Nomjy · Tue May 31, 2005 @ 07:30pm · 0 Comments |
For any of you who actually read this... I'm don't post very much... For that matter, I don't even get on that much. I only get online on the weekends usually and most of the time I don't even think to post a journal entry. Anywho, I recently started to oekaki again and now I'm addicted... again. I have also tried to open a mini shop but it doesn't seem to be doing very well... and I know why... I suck. I think I might change it up a bit but untill then I'll just have to deal with it as is. I have been trying to post in my DA account and my sheezyart account along with keeping up my website... I'm finsing it hard to keep up with it all, especially the website...
For those who are interested:
Da SA Website
Nomjy · Mon Oct 25, 2004 @ 03:49am · 0 Comments |
Whoohoo! Ok, I'm just glad that I FINALY got this working... I started working on it last night but NOOO, it just didn't want to work. My conputer was going all slow too but thats besides the point. sweatdrop Um, I'm trying to get into photography but I'm not really sure how thats gonna work. Well, other than that I'm not really sure what to say right now. Hasta Luago!
Nomjy · Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 04:17pm · 1 Comments |