ERH MAH GAWD!!!! It's been SO long since I've really posted and I'm just really bored and I guess killing time and trying to find something that will entertain myself so I'm just going to blather here on gaia.
So, how've you been?? I've been good smile thanks for asking. I wonder if the people I used to talk to often on here are still interested in this place and go on. I haven't done a LOT of things. For instance I haven't been on mugglenet for ages and now it no longer functions. razz
Anywho! I miss peoples and I wonder if they miss me and the people that I do decide to call or text say they miss me so maybe they miss me as much as I miss them. razz
I've been seeing my friend Acqueline-Jay lately because she's interested in finding a guy and my boyfriend and I thought that if she were to meet two of our friends she might get interested. Turns out she's interested in one of them and the other she just met today so IDK how that's going to turn out. smile
I'm working on typing up the edited version of my story Journey Over Seas and I'm also working on Silver Moon and Outside Powers. razz Quite a lot of work to do and I'm anxiously awaiting my results for the ACT that I took a little while ago.
I'M BORED!!!! lol smile
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