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Help me i'm starting to drown in my pool of love and blood
Story: Elements(intro and chptr 1-so far)
Warrior---> User Image ----> Noble User Image
Hi. I’m Sulfira. Some of my friends call me Sulfur, it’s because when they think of me they think of fire, and what do you associate fire with sometimes? Fireworks, which has Sulfur in it. Anyways, I’m the Fire Princess Warrior, you’ll meet my sister’s soon, but first, let me explain what I look like-it’ll help further the story along-I have fire red hair, and red tribal tattoos all over my body, I also have red eyes and flaming wings, I have red dragon horns coming out of my skull-yes…I and my sister’s are part dragon- I have a dragon tail as well, it’s got a flame on the end so watch out if I turn around or you’ll get burned and it’s gunna hurt oh! I’m about 5’10 and I’ve got an extremely slender body. My hips are slender, and so is my chest…oh! And I’m the oldest of all of us. I’m 19.

My attitude is fiery, as you would expect from a fire elemental. Although I have a fiery attitude, I do have a warm heart and I'm not mean towards other’s no…you would not consider me the evil sister either, none of my sister’s are evil…anyways I’ll turn you over to my sister’s now, I’ll see you later one in the story! Much luck to you.

Warrior --->User Image ----> Noble User Image
Hey Guys! I’m Leafe. Sulfira is my sister, we don’t get along the world’s greatest, but hey…look at our elements right? She’s fire, I’m earth…y’get it? Yeah well, we get along okay most of the time except when we’re bored and have nothing to do! Okay so moving along. As my sister said before, because this will further the story and help you with your imagination: I’m 5’2” and the baby of the group I’m only 14. I’ve got green hair-yes it’s natural-and I’ve got green eyes, both hair and eyes are the same green, the color of the canopy of a tree. I’m small and skinny, though I’m more curvaceous than my sister Sulfira. *From a distance: “I ******** HEARD THAT, MIDGET!”*

O.O ehmmm…Okay I’m gunna finish my part up quickly because Sulfur is coming to kill me. My attitude is very peaceful, so why am I warrior princess you ask? Because I was born into it…now I’m gunna go! Read on! Good luck!

Warrior---> User Image ---> Noble User Image
Hey! I’m Sierra, like the mountains, Why is my name Sierra? Because my dear!! I am an Ice Warrior Princess! What do you get at the top of the mountains? Ice and snow…those are my favorites to handle, really I’m an all over liquid controller, I also enjoy playing around with water and clouds and such…
Anyways I’m 5’8 and third oldest…that puts me at 16…officially one of the middle children…and my mother always wondered why I turned out more cold hearted then the rest of the ‘chillens’ well that and I was born during one of the coldest chills my land has ever seen…my mother nearly died birthing me…she wound up birthing me inside a carriage at about nine at night while she and father were on their way to a ball…imagine everyone’s surprise when they showed up with an addition to the family…screaming and crying and damn near naked…movin’ along. My hair is an icy blue-yes natural- and I have blue dragon horns emerging from the top of my head as well as the rest of my sister’s, each matching their element, and my eyes are dark blue. All my sister’s have tribal tattoo’s that match. They’re all over our bodies, our chest. Our legs. Our arms…mine is blue, sulfur’s is red, Leafe’s is green…and my older sister-whom you have yet to meet- has a black one. Infact I think I shall let you meet the depressing ********]

Warrior--->User Image ----> Noble User Image
Hi. I'm Dusk. I see you’ve met my sister’s…we should’ve gone in order really. Youngest to oldest. Or oldest to youngest. But whatever. Nobody listens to me, I’m just a middle child granted I’m the older of the middle children…but still. You’ll come to realize that as this story rolls along, Sierra and I are the ‘******** up’ children…she’s the “raver” I would suppose you would classify her. And I am the ‘Goth’…I think I got that from my mother...sort of. She’s the darker of the two parents, and my father is the “raver” you should see his casual wear. It’s really raver-ish…sorta…

Ah well. Father’s looks do not matter. Not at this point in the story anyways. My looks however will further your imagination and widen the view and range of my family.
I have black hair, black tattoo’s, my eyes are grey-just like father’s-black horns on the top of my head, they aren’t as big as the rest of the girl’s even mother’s are bigger than mine-egh now I sound like a man comparing p***s sizes…-oh well, I look A LOT like my father, he’s the god of demons…my mother the goddess of the cosmos…most just like the sound of “goddess of the moon” for some reason. Anyways…let’s get on with the story.

End of introduction

[Chapter one: The Castle

“Darlings…it’s time to wake up” A goddess’ voice chimed like silver bells through the halls of the castle, all the girls were up in their rooms sleeping, but their mother’s voice chimed loud enough through the marble halls every morning. A loud moan was heard as a girl with fire red hair sat up in her bed “I’m awake mama!” Sulfur called her voice raspy.

A green head was still buried underneath a green silken comforter, the head disappeared underneath the comforter “I’m awake” came the muffled cry of Leafe.

Black hair was sprawled out all across the bed, grey eyes peaking open, then a black comforter covered them “the sunnnnnn” came the cry of Dusk

Sierra shouted “I’ve been awake for a half hour ma!” she was brushing out wet icy blue locks of hair. She loved waking up before the sun and loved staying awake through all hours of the night, usually she ran off of two hours of sleep…it was the coldest time of day, it was when she trained, when she thrived…

All four girls came downstairs to the dining hall of the large palace “hello mother, hello father” the girls chimed at once, then sat at the table.

The deep masculine voice of there father- Daemon-looked up from his plate “you girls are training today, correct?”

“I trained earlier” Sierra said with a smile

Sulfur looked over at Sierra and sneered “Over achiever..” she said harshly-obviously the two sisters got along like water and oil…fire and water…ironic…cliché even…ne?-

“b***h!” Sierra snarled at her.
Sulfur gasped and stood up, she started screaming, as well as sierra, and they started fighting with each other, scratching and pulling at each other’s hair, you know, the typical cat fight.
Their father managed to pry them apart “YOU TWO WILL STOP FIGHTING!! NOW! OR YOU WILL BOTH SPEND THE NEXT 48 HOURS LOCKED IN THE SAME ROOM AS EACHOTHER WITH NOTHING TO DO BUT KEEP THE OTHER COMPANY!” the two girls immediately sat down and shut up “sorry father” they both said.

Their father’s normally purple hair was aflame, in the literal sense, not just ‘red as flames’ it was actually made of flames and his eyes slited and the iris turned a yellow-ish orange. His demon horns were showing even more than usual, but as he calmed down he began to look more normal, purple hair, matching purple eyes, their father, Daemon, was a dragon demon, hense why the girls all had dragon horns and tails-all except poor dusk who only had her horns.-“thank you for calming down girls”

“Sweetest, you’re going to give yourself an aneurism if you keep ‘flying off the hook’ whenever the girls start calling names” Celesti’s -the girls’ mother- voice chimed from down at the foot of the table.

Dusk stood up “If I may be excused, I’m going into the courtyard to train, “Breakfast was lovely.” She kissed her father’s forehead then walked to the other end of the table and kissed her mother’s forehead, then lifted her skirts and walked up a few flights of stairs and changed into a rather revealing “bikini” like garment and grabbed her power orb, then ran out into the courtyard from her own secret passage.

“I think I shall too…” Leafe called from her end of the table nearest her mother, she got up and followed Dusk’s routine.

All the girls excused themselves one after another, and soon the only people in the room were the servers and the King and Queen… Left to ponder their thoughts and talk.

--end chapter one-

SO! school is a month away from starting, and how late is anna up? oh only till four in the morning! It's sad! I cant sleep earlier than atleast four, and even when i do go to sleep real early i dont wake up untill noon! why cant i frickin' fix my sleep schedule!? i've been trying and trying for the past month and still i cant get it straightened out...something tells me that im gunna wind up taking sleeping pills every night for the next 210 days. *shoots herself* thats gunna blow...i can tell you that now.

on other news that confuses me:
I seem to find myself in an awkward situation...I find that my ex-girlfriend-who is now my bestfriend-'s is rather attractive and i have a crush on her, i wanna ask her out but the thing is that this girl is also one of my bestfriends and if we wind up going south in the relationship--south as in if this relationship goes down the toilet--i have to think about what thats going to do with our friendship, suuuure im bestfriends with my ex-girlfriend, but that doesnt mean it'll happen with my other bestfriend. I suppose i'll have to do a tarot card reading...toss a few runes...pray to the goddess-since she is the expert in this stuff...if it were something to do with hunting i would SO be praying to the god..but still-agh! i sound like a religious nutball...

on other news:

My ex-boyfriend has been ignoring me since like...christmas break, makes me sad cause he was an awsome person, i suppose he found out my religion-wiccan-and he's a mormon...and those two clash badly...i suppose our paths joined for a while, but then broke into two rodes again...but let me tell you something, im not gunna be forgotten to easily, i was probably the best intelectual conversationist he'd ever talked to save for his mother and father...heh...his loss then..

kay...so i just ran to the lake to watch the sun rise-GASP!-it was beautiful like always...y'know what makes me giggle? the fact that im more in tune with nature then alot of the people i know except for the people i pray with...they're WAY in tune with nature, swear to god, a twig gets stepped on and snaps, they feel a pain i swear to the goddess lol.

*looks in a mirror* AGH! my goddess...i have no reflection! eek eek ( xp j/k) well..thats what it feels like any way, i have dark circles under my eyes...i suppose it's rather obvious that i havent slept well in days.
so im gunna go try and sleep again.

Blessed Be,

heart wahmbulance I'm back! Just trying to figure things out again. wahmbulance heart

two new rp charecters
Rain O'brien. Slytherin, 5th year. Waist length black hair her bangs hang over one eye. Ice blue with a stormy grey color on the outer part of the iris-eyes-she's 5'5" and 100lbs. she wears mostly black and occasionally-to mix things up- she mixes in bright florescent colors with the black just to make people stare. She enjoys attention some times, but is a generally sweet girl unless you piss her off, in which case watch your back or you might find yourself stuck to the cieling of a bathroom.

Blake O'brien. Slytherin seventh year.he's 6'5" long dark red hair-so dark it looks like it's black with red highlights- his hair hangs down infront of his icy green eyes and is about shoulder length His sister-Rain- is two years younger than him, he's very protective of her. He'd litterally kill someone for hurting her-physically or emotionally- he's a violent guy and is always getting kicked out of his classes for pissing teachers off. But when it comes to girls-he's got game- and is a total sweetheart to them. he's extremley charming

something that i pulled from DA off wifey's journal
1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions
3. Then tag three people.

Characters I've Chosen:

My main RP charecter: Rain Trillian
and My newest story charecter: Scarlet O'Brien

1) How Old Are You?

Rain: you wouldnt believe me if i told you, but alright fine...i'm 222
Scarlet: im a couple hundred years old


Rain: oh..i'm um...short....i'm 5'5" *nods* my husband towers over me and thats juuuuust the way i like it ^_^
Scarlet: HA! SHRIMP! i'm taller than you!
Rain: oh yeah? how much taller?
Scarlet: er...well.....an inch...actually *sweatdrops*
Rain: you're lucky i cant beat you bloody.

3)You Got Any Bad Habits??

Rain: um....i dont practice my archery or sword fighting enough....i suppose i dunno is that even a bad habbit?
Scarlet: well since you're a warrior, it's supposed to be a habbit for you to practice everyday for as long as you can...and it is considered a bad habbit to prcrastinate that.
Rain: riiiiiiiight....thanks....
Scarlet: my bad habbits...i tend to run my mouth off to people who can hurt me

4)You a virgin?

Rain: um.....not since i was 16
Scarlet: whore!
Rain: WRONG! i was a wench! there's a difference stupid!
Scarlet: whatever...i'm still a virgin...neener ******** neener..im waiting for the right guy
Rain: i met my right guy when i was seventeen...so blerrrrgh

5)Who's your Mate/Spouse?

Rain: my Angel i love him so
Scarlet: dear god. too mushy for me. my currant lover is Jake...i think i've got feelings for my sire though.
Rain: awww she's all mixed up inside

6)Have Any Kids?

Rain: I would've had three...but i misscarried two and the other-my son- was killed the day he turned one.
Scarlet: thats...tragic...Im so sorry
Rain: dont be
Scarlet: but i am..
Rain: just get on with the freaking answer
Scarlet: I have no kids

7)Favourite Food?

Scarlet: BLOOD!
Rain&Scarlet: look! common ground! alriiiight!
Scarlet: whoa! way freaky...

cool Favourite Ice Cream flavour?

Rain: Cookie dough
Scarlet: double chocolate...and throw some Chocolate chips in there too! thanks!
Rain: they arent taking your order rere...
Scarlet: awwww damn

9)Killed anyone?

Rain: if i've told you once i've told you a thousand times. I'm a warrior...i've killed thousands
Scarlet: ohhhhhh dear goddess...
Rain: i asked the goddess if it was alright! she understood damn you!
Scarlet: fine!
Rain: anyways do i have to ask about your count?
Scarlet: i'm a vampire hunter-
Rain: O.o le shock!
Scarlet: and i've killed only three hundred vampires ...but humans i kill one nightly...now multiply my life by one a night lol...i dunno i'm no good with math

10)Hate anyone?

Rain: i hate only two people. shadow...and well i cant tell you the other one...or he'll know we know
Scarlet: o0o someone has a dark life...we'll have to get together after this and you'll have to dish. Anyways i hate...like one person...and i love him too.

11)Any Secrets?

Rain: my father raped me and got me pregnant, and then beat me untill i misscarried...i'm lucky i was able to get pregnant after that.
Scarlet: omg. um my secret? i like being scared

12)Love Anyone?

Rain: my husband angel and our child...whom i miss.
Scarlet: my bestfriends. and ...Blake.


Rain: Tacos? what in the world? yeah i enjoy tacos
Scarlet: OMG OMG OMG! TACO ADDICT RIGHT HERE! *points at herself proudly*

14)Ever slept in All day?

Rain: mmmmm....only because the night before angel and i were -ahem- making with the babies ^_^
Scarlet: oh wow. i sleep all day every day...sometimes all night. but thats rare because leafe hardly ever lets me unless im sick or an emotional wreck.

15)Favourite Show?

Rain: i dont have time for such trivial bullshit.
Rain: *sweat drops and then shoves scarlets face into a bowl of cereal*
Scarlet: *garrgle gargle*

16)Favourite Movie?

Rain: Queen of the damned
Scarlet: Darkness falls

17)Favourite Band?

Rain: Within temptation...or tAtU...or....umm nightwish...though i liked them better with the old singer
Scarlet: i cant name favorites...i've got a fave for every genre i listen to...but other wise if you asked me to tell you my ABSOLUTE favorite...i cant.

1 cool Eye Colours?

Rain: as blue as rain water, the rims are grey though...like storm clouds
Scarlet: lime green...odd color but im a vampire what do you expect?


Rain: pale as snow
Scarlet: pale...but not as pale as snow!
Rain: It's a figure of speach ya dope!


Rain: Slim...but...'gifted'
Scarlet: athletic

21)Rain, sunshine?

Rain: what kind of question is that? i thought my name would've given it away. I love the rain
Scarlet: rain...deffinatley rain..
Rain: more common ground w00t

22)Pool, Beach?

Rain: both...but since pools are heated and i despise being cold, i'd choose the pool nine times out of ten. ^_^
Scarlet: beach.

23)Camping, staying home?

Rain: i've camped for a month straight in nothing but rain and mud. camping every time

24)Dog, Cat?

Rain: Dogs every time
Scarlet: dogs

25)Believe in aliens?

Rain: what the hell is an alien?
Scarlet: um...i believe aliens are just the figment of some space nerds over active imagination

26)Natural Born, or Clone?

Rain: Depends on which birth you're speaking of.
Scarlet: human: cesarian section but still natural.

27)Car or Ship..?

Rain: of the natural day and ages transportation? i prefer my own two feet...when it comes to long distances though, its hummers all the way...in the old days it would've been a horse.
Scarlet: um...cars

2 cool Ever destroyed something out of Blind Rage?

Rain: after the death of my sister and my son, i destroyed an entire village out of rage
Scarlet: i've just destroyed people out of rage.

29)Any Unusual Things about you?

scarlet&Rain: We're Vampires...dur

30)How much food/drink do you need a day?

Rain: one body a day is good.
Scarlet: um...i eat ten times more than a a normal person should O.o

31)Favourite Place?

Rain: in bed, laying in Angel's arms ^_^
Scarlet: the park....sitting on the swing i used to swing on when i was ten.

this gives you a preview of my new favorite rp charecter, and the main charecter of the story im going to be posting here soon...
RP: Rain
Story: Scarlet

heart wahmbulance I'm back! Just trying to figure things out again. wahmbulance heart

blood line
-Blood Line-

______Those Whome I've Fed Upon______

A girl and a guy
girl and guy are speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle...

Girl: Slow down. Im scared.

Guy: No this is fun.

Girl: No its not. Please, it's too scary!

Guy: Then tell me you love me.

Girl: Fine, I love you, but slow down!

Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.

*Girl hugs him*

Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me.

(In the paper the next day):

...A motorcycle crashed into a building last night because of break failure.

Two people were involved, a male and a female, but only 1 survived.

The truth was that halfway down the road, the 18 year old boy realized

that his breaks had broke, but he didn't want to let his partner know.

Instead, he made her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time,

and let her wear his helmet so that she would live, realizing

he would be the one that would die. If there's anyone you love

this much, re-post this in your journal

Storm of Seduction (chapter one)
ok so since i haven't written in a while...i figured i should maybe...start writing a story..i have to give credit to my bestfriend Heather(AKA Haru) she helped me come up with a title...and she gave me ALOT of idea's for this story

Stormi's Point Of View: My alarm clock had been ringing...more like screaming in my ear for a hour...when my eyes finally snapped open from a nightmare I looked at the clok and screamed "OH MY GOD!!!" so I jumped out of bed, litterally and my dog's-Grave and Hunter-tripped me up, i looked up from the floor as Grave started licking my foot and I shighed "This day..i can tell..is gonna be the worst day of my life" I said and tried getting the dogs off me. Finally I heard the answering machine, honesly not caring who it was, all i knew was i was going to be late for my plane i got the dogs off me and ran to the shower...

John's Point Of Veiw: I managed to hear a scream and ran up the stairs knowing Stormi had yet again woken up late, I sighed and knocked on the door and walked in using the key she'd given me the week before "Hun?" i shouted as i walked in "You're gonna be late, you don't hurry up!" i heard the answering machine cut off and sighed "that was probably...yeah" i said and walked into her bedroom "jesus" i heard the water running "she's still in the shower?" i walked over to the wall and banged on it with my fist

Terry's Point Of View: Okay so i live next door to my bestfriend, stormi. She was leaving on a trip to Wisconsin, she was leaving me to take care of her great danes, I don't understand why she couldn't get Haru to do it-ah Haru, so beautiful- oh! But anyways, i could hear the two next door, Stormi had once again woken up late, tripped over the dogs and she was of course going to either miss her flight, or tackle John to the bed, but either way it wasn't going to be pretty, so i walked over and knocked and John opened the door and smiled at me and i said "she woke up late didn't she?" he said
"when does she not?!" and we both walked into the room waiting for her to come out, when she finally came out John's jaw dropped he'd obviously never seen her in a towel and nothing else -i of course have..we're like brother and sister- but now i'm just off track

Stormi's Point of view: I saw his jaw dropped and blushed but covered for it and said "sorry..it's kinda warm in there and my cheeks are flushed" i said and looked at john "and your mouth is hanging open" i said and laughed wandering into my room so i could get dressed, i pulled out this relly cute outfit...there wasn't much to it... just a black AC/DC shirt and a pair of black and neon blue bondage pants and my combat boots...like i said..nothing special..but it is pretty cute, anyways!...he just stared as i walked into my room....so i dropped my towel and he gasped turning around...so did terry...i shut the door and started getting dressed....i walked out five minutes later and John grabbed me by my wrist and started to run out the door "goota go bye terry nice seeing ya!" i hsouted quickly as he picked me up and threw me onto his shoulder "nice veiw" i said and started screaming "HELP! RAPE! CALL THE POLICE! THE FBI! CIA! CSI! I DON'T CARE WHO! JUST CALL SOMEONE!!!!" i screamed jokingly

Haru's Point of View: Stormi is my bestest buddy in the world! and i was happy..because she was going out of town..leaving me and Terry alone...*thinks evil thoughts* oh! uh anyways...I had woken up and tried calling Stormi..she'd obviously like left earlier than i thought because i got her answering machine...so i decided to go over to terry's or somethin though when i got there, so i went to go check on Stormi's dogs, when i walked in there he was on the ground playing with the two massive dogs and i smiled when he looked up to me, he got off the ground and brushed the dog fur of his clothing and walked right up to me and kissed me...i blushed slightly but not much...

Terry's Point of Veiw: When i kissed her she was as red as a rose! and so beautiful...i couldn't stand it and i had to kiss her...again...

Haru's point of view: He kissed me again! and then whiped some of my smudged lip-gloss off my lower lip with his thumb and said
"god haru you're so pretty" i smiled at him and nodded in aggreance just to be stupid...obviously though it made him happy to know that i knew i was pretty

John's point of view: "I can't beleive that! you woke up late?! I thought when i talked to you last night before you went to sleep you said your alarm clock was set to go off at 5:00AM...but here we are! it's now 8:00AM..." I said as we waited for the plane...thankfully..we hadn't missed it..it had been delayed...we sat there and thought about what we were gonna do

Stormi's POV: So we sat...and sat..and sat..we finally decided to call Terry and tel him we were coming back and we were gonna catch tomorrow's flight, so we did-

Terry's POV: I can't beleive that! i was looking forward to alone time with Haru...and then i got the call...i was sitting on the couch busy...making out with Haru...
[ugh! s**t hold on baby"

"Terry!..thank god!..listen..John is gonna stay at my house tonight and-"
"wait! i thought you were flying to Texas today!""nah! the plane JUST got cancled...for the ENTIRE day"
"oh thats just....great"
"yeah isn't it?!""yeah!" i was depressed i guess! not about her cming hom,e! honestly! i was depressed because she wanted to see her family and now she was stuck in California...for atleast another TWO days...because there was a storm headed in...she wanted to beleive it was just for one day...but it wasn't..the storm was gonna be REAL bad..but anyways...i as also depressed...me n' haru..we just..well...i don't really know...now i sund like i'm not really her friend

John's POV: She was honestly very depressed..i had to figure out a way to cheer her up...so right there..in the middle of the terminal...i kissed her...it was a wonderful slow long deep kiss...ah i can still taste her lips...i can still feel her tounge on mine...

Stormi's POV: It was amazing! i loved every second of it! it was like a five or ten minute kiss! we attracted ALOT of awkward stares, we got a few "oh god! timmy..look away" 's and a few "Awww" 's from the few college students...ya know, but anyways...when he broke that kiss whith me...i felt that he was the only ting in the world..i didnt care about not being able to go to texas...anyways...a few hous later we were home...and we sat on the couch with Terry and Haru, we were watching Thirteen ghosts....needless to say...me n' Haru...we were SCARED OUT OF OUR MINDS! i swear...we'd have been hanging onto eachother if John and Terry weren't there

(this part gets traumatic)

Haru's POV: though it came to a part that scared the hell outta both of us..so we loked at the guys and stood up
"hey...we'll be back in like ten or fifteen minutes...."
"Yeah i'm coming with you" Stormi said aggreeing...the screams and ghosts and s**t just were too much for either of us to handle, so we got up and walked out of the room down the hall and into the parkinglot, We got into Stormi's car..since it was the most stable on a slippery road...*cries* i-i'm sorry..this part is always really hard to...to go through...*whipes her tears away* oka..um...well anyways..she told me i could drive because she was tired and would have likley fallen asleep inront of the wheel....but anyways...i got in the driver's side-

Stormi's POV: I got in the passenger side...and she started the truck up..and we both buckled in..she threw it in gear and we were off...everything was going fine..we were talking and s**t..y'know..just what friends do...we were at the final stop-light and all of a sudden-

Haru's POV: We got side swiped by a 18-wheeler semi...it felt like..well...it felt like we were bth being crushed..i thank god it hit my side of the truck..i leaned over to protect Stormi..she was of course my bestfriend..we both had the same reaction..i know this because she reached around for me...to un-buckle me anmd pull me over to her... so she could protect me from most of the glass, that split second though...it felt like ten hours..the next thing i knew is i felt a sharp pain in my back..and i hit my head on the steering wheel i had a cuncusion..and she hit her head on the dash bored..the thing about her truck...the air bag inflated late that day...infact..it never did inflate...

Stormi's POV: So when we got hit by that semi...our head's hit the dash board..or in her case..the steering wheel...i came out of it with a deep gash in my forehead..and a couple of gashes on my hands...*she holds her hands up to reveal deep looking scars* anyways...since it was storming..nobody was around to see it...and the semi driver and haru.were both renfered unconcious..i had to try and get myself out of the truck and get myself to a phone or something...so i tried to get out of the truck, i felt a sharp pain in my left leg and screamed, it was such an un-bearable pain..i looked down..and saw that my leg had broken..so i started screaming for help, though my screams were drowned out byu al the crashes of thunder
"oh my god" i cried and unbuckled myself..i could smell gas and i started screaming

John's POV: Me n' Terry decided we were gonna go to the gas station...(it's just down the street from the store) we saw the two girls' get side swipped by the 18-wheeler and we both screamed
"OH MY GOD" It was like both our worst nightemare's combined into one...and then came true...we couldn't beleive it, we got out of my truck and ran to the car but stood about fifty feet away, I heard Stormi screaming for help
"help me somebody!" she was screaming as loud as she could
"HELP ME! SOMEBODY! HELP! THERE'S A GAS LEAK!" she kept screaming for help...and Terry and i just couldn't stand it any longer..we both ran for the truck and we started trying to get the doors to open
"terry," i said "go...find some help! now! please!" i whispered pleadingly and he nodded running off, i stayed and tried prying a dor open...Stormi saw me and screamed for me to get Haru out first...i didn't want to..but she was hurt worse than Stormi...so i noddedand went over to the passenger drver's side pasenger door in the back and crawled in "are you two alright?" i asked...which come to think of it...was a stupid as hell question to ask, but when in that situation you tend to not think, just act,
"of course we're not okay.." she said crying and sorta bouncing in her seat trying to rip the seat belt off her..it had jammed and she couldn't get it off..i began to smell the gas as well
"Get Haru outta here first" she said even when i started to reach around and get her out of the seat belt
"B...but Stormi?" i said i was about to cry.i didn't want to leave her...
"NO! no If, And's, or but's! just..please.." she cries "get her outta here..." she was being very nobel...stupid if you ask me..but nobel
"alright! i'm...i'm going" i picked Haru up and started to walk away from the truck..i felt more rleived when i saw Terry running back with a sales clerk who had ran up and taken haru carefully from my arms "Thankyou" i said looking back at the truck "call an ambulance!" i said quickly the clerk said "i already did...i called the police too" he looked around and finally...we heard ambulances it was ike music to our ears

End of chapter one...

Dear Readers,

Oh! BOOYA! this story is turning out better than i thought it was! thanks to my Co-Author Heather..who's charecter is Haru in this story...i gotta say, i love ya girl! and i hope you pull out of this depressed stage soon...anyways,
This story is dedicated to:
Heather aka Haru
Jerry aka Terry
and john...aka...john ^_^
Anna aka Stormi

Chapter 2

Terry's POV: The Fire Department came and managed to get Stormi out of the truck...Poor Stormi...she got out of the truck..and was traumatized...she still can't get into a car with out shaking like a leaf in a wind storm,
they got the girls to the hospital..Stormi suffered from a mild concusion, a few gashes and a broken leg...Haru on the other hand, didn't ge off so easy..she had a broken leg..and arm, she had a severe Cuncusion..and her body had been peirced all the way through with a long shard of glass...and all this happened to her because she was on the driver's side...the side that got hit

John's POV: Oh sure! i was worried about Haru...and Stormi..but..i got kinda...more worried about Stormi..i loved her more than anything..and i'm sure that terry felt the same about Haru that i felt about Stormi...we heard what happened to the semi-driver...we had heard that the only reason that the two vhicles collided was because that damned driver was drunk, tired and had fallen asleep infront of the wheel, Damned driver...we heard that he was later fired, the company paid us..so we wouldn't sue go figure, anyways it was a few hours later that Stormi woke up
"Stormi?" i asked quietly as she began to mumble and stir a bit
"J-john?" she asked quietly as well, her voice was a tiny rasp but i understood her
"Stormi!" i said and hugged her
"ow!" she rasped a bit louder
"sorry" i whispered
"I-It's okay" I heard her whisper, then i smiled at her and hugged her again, this time less tight
"a...Are you okay?" I asked concerened
"I feel like i got hit by a semi" she whimpered
"y..you did" I said quickly and quietly
"You dont remember???"
"no..n..not a thing...i remember is Haru yelling somethin and then well...something...i dunno things get foggy after that...well...aside from telling you and Terry to go help haru first..then i blank"
she was rambling sorta...so i told her to go to sleep again and that when she woke up she'd feel a bit better so she went to sleep

Stormi's POV: yeah...I went to sleep...i didn't feel better when i woke up...i was worried about Haru..i knew she'd gotten the worse of the impact and i felt like s**t...it should've been me driving not her...i thought she was dead...but when i woke up John told me that Haru was still alive I was SO happy. I sat up and my head was heavy and i had a splitting headache, and when i opened my eyes the room was blurry, i felt like i had to throw up, and unfortunatley thats just what i did, i threw up.

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