Name: Quintessa Church
Age: 23 Pre-Time skip, 25 Post-Time skip
Gender: Female(Obvious much--)

Devil Fruit?: None, yet. If she eats one in a role play, she might get one. But other than that, no.
Weapon: Daggers
Occupation: Owner of a Tavern in debt.
Personality: Quin is one of the more clumsy bartenders at the establishment she works at. She actually owns the establishment, herself because she was born into a family that was somewhat rich, who ended up getting her grandparents fortune when they died. She opened a tavern with that money, herself. She is quite violent when people cause trouble in her tavern. The townspeople that do come to her tavern tend to know not to cause trouble. So, when trouble is caused, she tends to get rather angry, and will end up throwing people out. The best way to piss her off and get kicked out, is to insult, or even just comment on her bust size. Although, when people decide to be nice and not tear apart her tavern, she will be nice.
History: Quintessa grew up in a city which was mostly middle class. She never particularly had any issues with her family. Until a little later in her life, that is. Her family tended to throw money at everything, and her father had terrible spending habits. Her mother was the one who ran the tavern that they owned, in the Sabaody Archipelago.
When Quintessa turned seven years old, a very drunken pirate got angry at her mother for not carrying the type of alcohol that he wanted. The young girl had stepped in, and yelled at the pirate. She was slapped away, and cowered behind a table, while the pirate was taken out, by another pirate. That day, Quintessa learned that not all pirate crews got along, and as well, not all pirate crews were as terrible as the government showed them to be.
Due to this, the young girl took up training herself to fight with daggers. After all, often times in the tavern before this time, there had been drunken towns folk, and pirates whom had threatened her mother before now. She was fed up with how lenient her mother and father were to the people who got drunk, angry, and violent.
Although, when she turned ten years old, her mother committed suicide. She had never seen that her mother was so stressed over her father's spending. Quintessa's mother had never even tried to talk to her husband about the stress of his spending.
After a short while, perhaps a year or so, the tasks of the tavern turned down to the young daughter of the widowed man. The young girl took as good care of the tavern as she could, and hid some of the earnings from her father when he asked her how much she had earned in that day. After all, she would need to begin to pay off his debt for him.
Soon enough, when the girl was about nineteen, the man began to catch on that his daughter had not given him all of the money that his tavern had earned, as per his request. That night, he got drunk, and began to get a bit violent towards his daughter as that idea began to dawn on him that she was "stealing" some of his money for herself.
Even as his daughter attempted to explain that she had only paid off parts of his debt, the man grabbed a knife. Unfortunately for both of them, his daughter had twelve years of training with daggers, and her immediate response due to that training was to disarm her father, and attempt to hold him down.
Her father, still in a drunken rage managed to force her off of himself, and began to attack her again. A pirate, the same one that had saved the young woman twelve years earlier, entered the tavern, to witness the girl's own father attacking her.
The pirate approached, and knocked her father out, but not before the man had managed to get a dagger in the girl's side. The pirate rushed the girl to the city's doctor, and got her help before he left back to the tavern to take a drink. He was the one who found her father's remains. There was no body, only some blood.
The pirate was blamed for the act, even after the daughter told the towns folk that it had not been the man who had done it, he had simply saved her life. No one believed her at all.
Fast forward to present day, Quintessa still runs the tavern of her parents, and is still rather deep in debt, despite her father not spending all the money. In all truth, the young woman wants to leave to the open seas with a crew of pirates. She hates having been tied down her entire life.