Today I was looking through some pictures from my past. Now sure, I may only be twenty but I did realize I've met a lot of people who have influenced me in one way or another.
From a girl I met by a humorous misunderstanding or mistake (which ever you prefer) who showed me sometimes you just need to listen to the voice inside you and honor what it's telling you, whether you want to believe it or not. She showed me I don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed that I'm attracted to women and I owe her a lot for that. My life would be utterly confusing and make no sence without her words and I fear my heart would've betrayed me long ago - or I it - if it wasn't for her young advice.
Or that neighbor boy who you can't seem to remember the last name of who taught you how to be caring, friendly, and helped flourish your sence of adventure. How he was your first kiss (not that you actually count it) and taught you right from wrong. Thank you my old neighbor Buddy!
Or that wacky art teacher who made you see being "out-there" isn't always a bad thing. She showed you what you could do with a gift and how you can help show others how to use theirs. And especially, that Shyness is just the timid cousin of Outgoing!
And that girl. That one you'd refresh the webpage and pray emailed you back or replied. The one you once "tried" to admit that you liked to her...but it somehow came out as "I like your's blonde and sparkly." You know who you are! And how after such an intense crush and interesting few months getting to know her, you both parted your ways.
I often find myself wondering if she ever started that band she always talked about or got that scholarship? She taught me what it was like to love someone...and to regret never saying it.
Life is a series of moments and crossroads. And sometimes, like one may roll a dice, we experience the same sensation when we meet someone. How we may take a different path or stay for a while to talk with them.
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