why won't people just tell thetruth and stop changing when all they have to do is tell the truth. I have no idea what is going on but you have changed and other people have been seeing it. SO why act different why not be yourself isn't that what you always told me yeah well i am being me but no you are not being you . You act so different an di am not considered but if something dosen'y happen quick i am not always going to be there for you.. Why can't you just tell the truth and be you not someone who is telling lies yeha LIES LIES LIES that is what i feel so i am just going to say it you need to kncok off the attitude b/c i am not going put up with but i have been holding back my angry but i am not going to take anymore of this so yeha do what people think but i am not gfoing to be here for you in the end.. SO yeah this is what i hold bottled up inside and now it is free!!