101 ways to bug naraku
101. Ask if he is a guy or girl
100.did he ever have a hair cut
99. If hes so powerful why does he need two girls to help him fight
98.ask how he get his hair so wavy
97.brake kannas mirror
96. put the monkey suit on dance round saying i'm naraku im evil but I can't beat Inuyasha 95.say he looks like a girl
94.give him make up advice
93.tell him he shore can hold a grudge
92. Bet him you can fit a quarter up his nose
91. Tell people his week points
90. Tell people hes really a big monkey
89.when fighting Inuyasha tells complain that youre out of cheese
87.invite Inuyasha and friends for tea
86.flirt with Inuyasha
85. Challenge naraku to chess tortemint when says no call him chicken and make noises
84. Tickle him when fighting Inuyasha
83.cheer narakus enemies
82. mock about being half breed
81.tell him you no this great physicist
80.when dark hit him every so often saying bug
79.insist he plays I spy with you keep saying no whatever he guesses
78.name spider on his back
77.light house on fire
76.hug him every so often
75. When talking make coo coo sound
74. Ask why he wheres guy closes
73.tp his house
72.egg him
71.ask him if hes a demon or monkey
70.sign him up for anger management
69. Take his stuffed monkey and nail it to the wall
68.when losing to Inuyasha congratulate Inuyasha
67. Ask the last time he took a bath
66. Tell him he is going to go to the deepest pits of hell where he will suffer for eternity as a bed time story
65. Throw food at him
64. for birth day get him bananas saying I heard that monkeys love bananas
63.be Inuyasha
62.be friends with Inuyasha
61.when gathers the shikon jewel brake it again saying opps I dropped it
60.when he loses say is naraku sad because he lose in a baby voice while pinching his cheek 59.take his night light saying hes to old for one
58.draw happy things all over
57. When kidnaps some one let them go
56. Help kohaku get free
55.make a voodoo doll of naraku
54. Give voodoo doll to Inuyasha
53.make him throw parties
52.talk gansta
51. Play mind games on him
50. when trying to impress you say wow you learned beginners
49.tye dye his monkey ofits
48.say I have never seen a monkey in Japan
47.call him monkey man
46. Act like a little kid
45.start to cry when talks to you even if positive
44.make funny faces at him
43. Tell him the world domination plan is really girly
42.tell him Shippo likes him
41.bang pots and pans late at night saying Im practicing for new years
40.flick the lights on and off till he yells then do it some more
39.play really happy music
38. Get a Barney song stuck in his head
37.make him read fairies tales
36. say if hes so strong them why does he want the tama
35.tell him hes just a cartoon character and will never win
34.remind him he really is only a half breed
33. Give him flat tires
32. Tell him his intelligent span is smaller then infants
31.just keep saying y
30. when talking dont listen and star at the wall
29.when it rains say there coming and back into a Connor
28.get him a venues fly trap and say it gives you more power if you stick your hand in it
27.give him swirlys
26. When laughs evilly say it sounds like hes got a rat stuck in his thought
25. Make him play bingo with you scream bingo really loud every time he calls a number 24.when curses wash mouth out with soap
23. say he couldn't last one day in the real world and get squashed like a bug
22.eat onions then ask if your breath smells bad
21.take all his cloths and give him skirts and dresses
20.when fighting go over and tell opoinit that he thinks there cute
19.put picture of him on a dart board and throw darks at it
18.make him eat bugs
17. Draw naraku loves Inuyasha in hearts all over
16. Draw glasses mustache breed and other stuff on the face with permanent marker
15.slip pep pills in his food
14. Get him drunk
13.dress as superman run around screaming superman to the rescues when he is about to kill some one
12.play with your food
11. organize a rebellion against him
10.step on him while wearing high heals then say sorry thought you where a bug
9.ask how old he really is
8. Ask what's the life of a failure like
7.when loses tell him I thought it was supposed to be like taking candy from a baby or are you the baby
6.scream in his ear
5. Poke him in the shoulder till he squeals
4.put a kick me sign on his back
3.get him self help books
2. Mimic him in annoying voices
1. When bad hit him saying no banana for monkey man
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