Hello Im Gonna Talk About This Girl
ą в σ υ т ɱ ε - - HMMMMM . . . So lets start now ! ;D Okay my name is Emily so Got it ! Love it ! Remember it !. I blow out my candles on October 19,1999. I am 1_ . I am full vietnamese. I guess i would say myself as funny , weird , and a nerd sometimes when it comes to things . Asians are a w e s o m e ! FTW && yupp you guessed it right ! , IM A - S - I - A - N ! So be jealous bby ! xD I have Dark brown hair and brown eyes. I am very short. My fave color is rainbow and anything else Hobbies: computer, hanging with frands, texting, writting, coloring COLORS, music now were on to my music: asians, Gangsters, sad songs, mostly i listen to any songs.

This Girl
My best friend is Kayla Tran we been friends for 10 years or 8. Me and her always fight and then we get back together i know weird. My other best friends are Catherine Le, Thao Mi Anthony, and Anna Nguyen, there vietnamese too. These are my friends that aren't vietnamese/ azn, Jasmine Pannel, Tya Seth, Kailiyah Yu, Mckenzie Gibson. The people that i mention are awesome peopl who made my life much better LOVE YA! <3

Random things that i want to say
Never be mean to dinasours if you do i will kick your butt!
Loves♥ :: Pokemon , sanrio , turtles , bunnies , duckies , doggies , pho , asian , chopsticks , rice , instant noodles , bubble tea//boba , green , k-pop , music , smiley faces , disney movies , cartoons , kimchi , chocolate , burritos , games , anime , domo , my phone , friends , asian dramas , fruits && veggies , milk , manga , and other stuff Blahh Blahh . . . Dislikes</3 :: Garlic , onions , avocado , haters , bugs , spiders , homework , Chain letters , ginger , being sick ;c and some other stuff . Fears T o T :: Clowns , dolls , death , Losing a loved one , blood , scary things [ sometimes i like horror movies ] Wanna know more about me ? just talk to me . i dun bite but i love dinosaurs! RAWR ! Oh ho ho. There's just too many things to say about this girl ! I'll take me billions and infinity years to say all the things I need to say. She is the amazingester of the amazingers. She is funny and weird. She is crazy and random. She is so much fun to talk to. Oh yeah. We're cereal buddies ! We have many weird things in common. We agree on many things though we also have our opinions. She makes one heck of a great friend. Vina is oh so sweet and lovely. Don't mess with her because I can do so many horrible things you can't even think of. I will literally make your life the most miserable thing ever. Well then, nuff said. 8D Peace, love youuu. (: