People that gave me wraped presents |
Me (X1 wanted to see what it did XD) An anonymous benefactor (X5) Diet otaku (X1) Midnight-mint (X2) A Doll Named Bill (X1) [chiii] (X1) maria_traydor_08 (X1) folket (X1) MarZzmatrix (X1) folket (X1) Mr Maffew (X1)
tech_angel · Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 08:28pm · 0 Comments |
Recording all donations as of 11/21
Rivath (Drop Dead Gorgeous Twilight Gown and Drop Dead Gorgeous Moonlight Gown) .[Royalty]. (100g for having a cute christmas outfit) [k.i.k.i.] (1000 tokens, 500 tickets, 2 pairs of pesant booties and gloves)
tech_angel · Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 02:46am · 0 Comments |
pretty.when.you.cry I am disturbed by this image of jack, who has the knowledge, brainpower, and capability to hand out hundreds of thousands of gifts per year (including LOADS of pants last year). He is quite obviously a very clever character, as he can dart around the map at the speed of light and make mysterious things happen. Which brings me to my main question: Why is he about to eat that candy with the wrapper on?
Cassidy Peterson I used to be a mod. I've had people PM me saying they were going to kill themselves because I assisted in their bans, and even had somebody PM me once telling me all about how their brother had cut his wrists and died.
I think it was over something like moving his cutting thread to Life Issues. All I know is that after I got over the shock of being blamed for somebody's death, it was ******** hilarious - so I stopped believing and started laughing.
Himura_Battousia I'll just sum it all up. Religion is just a belief system that nobody can prove but people like to hope exists because they want to explain what they don't know so that they don't look like jackasses. Religion has no effect on relationships unless you let it have effect. Because everyone thinks that their religion is right, wars are started and two religions kill each other off. This is good because that would mean less crazy cultists to shive s**t down your throat. If any religion is even close to true, it would be Paganism which is polytheistic. So, the monotheistic belief of one conceited guy playing with us like we are a bunch of ants doesn't sound very true to me. I am a proud Atheist, and I approve this message.
Cassidy Peterson dragonflight816 Cassidy Peterson dragonflight816 It does not always meet there needs or sick desires it only might fuel s them to go out and find prey. Fixed. I have worked with these SICK types for many years and can say, do not correct me because they will get aroused and need flesh to feed them! And why did you work with them? Did they come to you on their own or were they sent to you? If they were sent to you, why was that?
Also, work on your phrasing a little. You made it sound like my corrections is what will drive them to childrape. xd "Oh s**t! Cassi defended me! Gotta ******** kids now!"
GrunnyLover Dear Gaia admins: please change the prices on all items. Change them now, because I want you to! I expect a halo in my inventory tomorrow. And while you're at it, please change all of the prices in the real world, to. I want a mansion, a yacht, a lambourghini, and a mother ******** pony. Obviously if i can't have everything I want, then life is just tooo uuuuunfaaaaaaiiiir.
tech_angel · Tue Nov 07, 2006 @ 12:41am · 0 Comments |
Just putting this here untill my friend tells me what she wanted me to do with it.
JustAnotherStar I've never actually gotten through a whole sex ed class, I was always sent out for either laughing, immaturity, vulgarness and (my personal favorite) "miss use of a contraceptive item", thats what it said on my detention slip. rofl Best lessons of my life
Chester_Copperpot i went to a catholic sex ed course, the question and answer period was hilarious. "is it possible to be sexually attracted to a graham cracker?"
oO HOMAGAWD Oo Lol we were each given a double sided sheet, each side had a drawing on it of a d**k and a vagaina... We were assigtned to color and label the diagrams and my teacher said that we could color it however we wanted... I made the ballz on meh diagram pink with black polka dots surprised You should have seen meh teachers face when she came to reveiw hoe our table was doing X'D
tech_angel · Sun Jul 23, 2006 @ 04:00am · 0 Comments |
6-20-06 layout introduction responces. |
Finitevus I don't think there is any 'getting used to this' in this case. It's just too.....bleh. When I came on and saw the new layout, I wasn't even sure I was on Gaia until I saw the logo stuffed up in the corner there next the the Danimals yougurt kids.
KOJI-DARTH Filastre I thought you would create a design for everyone...but this?????tzz yup becuse they thought everyone on gaia was ******** 8 years old...good job admins
Vanko Chris Jericho I dont like litte kids, but I like the layout...but hate the pic of these little bastards. -----------[A.B.W. Pride]-----------
- mhmm 3nodding -
[Where Love Is, There God Is Also]
tech_angel · Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 02:18am · 1 Comments |
No books, magazines, internet sites or other resorces should be banned, in a public library, a middle school, or anywhere else. By banning books, you're attemptiong to remove a point of view. For anyone, child or not, to make balanced, logical decisions, they need to be able to have access to two sides of the idea to decide weather they agree or disagree. Giving someone only one point of view is like brain-washing. It tricks them into believing that what you have shown them is the only way to think, feel, act, or believe. A school can not possibly decide what is best for children, N2H2 can't either. Even parents do not desrve compleat control over anyone else. Even if it is their child. If you do not agree with something, and would like to educate your child about it, do so. Say you don't like a book their reading in class. Sit down with them, with the book, and read it with them. When you find something that you dislike, say so. Tell the what bothers you, way it bothers you, and ask how they feel. Let them know what it is you find offensive and how it makes you feel. Mabye they saw it the same, mabye they saw it compleatly different. Children don't do everything they read about, Everything they see on tv, or everything in videogames. If that was true, how many children would be in the hospitle from trying to eat plates after watching sesame street? If your child goes behind your back to find out about something, how reliabe is the information? Would you rather have them learn from you or their friends? You can't hid reality from children, its like telling them about santa or the easter bunny. One day they will find out that its not true; Lies can't last forever. Most of the things children see and hear every day at school are much worse than you could find in any book, and if by the time they incounter those things, you haven't prepaired them to make sound decisions about them, then you have failed as a parent.
tech_angel · Sun Jun 11, 2006 @ 05:53am · 1 Comments |
What is the best country? |
There is no best country. It would depend on your point of view. If you consider the best country to be based on military power and hostile thinking, it may be America. Is it based on the culture, things suck as Japan has anime, yaoi and sushi; France has the eifle tower, funny hats, the language of love; Spain has the 2nd most commen language in busness use; Italy has pizza and pasta. Is it how long its been around? The decendants of the romans and greeks for all they've contibuted to society? The bringers of the renasanse? The most technalogcaly advanced? The smartest; how would you decide that? The most religious? Who does the most to protect the environment/the O-zone/homosexual/endangered species/world peace/your religion/ect? Is it that the people that don't agree with you are heathens? Do they need to be saved spiritualy or enlightened mentaly?
I personaly hate Americans holier-than-thou attitude. Our government is quite hipocritical as it is, we don't need overly-patriotic crazys making us seem like jackasses. I don't want to formulate my own oppinion about america;that its a country of false freedoma and loopholes; and then go to school and have teachers and students shove their 'America is teh greatest!!111" bullshit down my throught and then have them wonder why i'm sick of them. "We needed to bomb Japan with nuclear bombs then use it for generstions to justify our greatness." Is that really the kind of place you want to live? Where just because we can, we do? Where censorship keeps people in the dark from having all the facts to make their own decisions about things. Where you can think/feel/woship/love/marry/live/believe/be how you want as long as the government agrees? Where the views on what offends the majority are defined by what the obsinent religious/political zellots want? Obviously since its impossible to censor everything that offends everyone, only the views of a select few should be taken into consideration.
I want to live in a place where everyone is free and equal all the time. Where the religious/political views of other won't overtake mine. Where real issues like world hunger, the environment and war are adresses, instead of being covered up by fake problems like gay marrage, abortion, how many people live ina a house together or the name of towns that sound like dirty words. I realise that in the modern world, with as large as countries can be, it is almost impossble to have a democracy, but we should strive for the closest thing possible. Corruption will alaways be in humans, and all other animals natures, it would be foolish to deny that, but thats no excuse to brush off war, crime, corruption, hate, discrimination, and any other unplesan things in sosiety that people don't want to find real solutions to.
America isn't the best or the worst country. Neither is any other, all have their strong points and things they could improve on. If the 60% or so of every "best" country was removed, the world would be a place with much less hate and violence.
tech_angel · Sun Jun 11, 2006 @ 05:52am · 0 Comments |
tech_angel piratequeen2005 tech_angel FushigiRei tech_angel FushigiRei i never said your life revolves around THIS. just anything shitty that happens. it happens, and you'll have to get over it. it will never go away, so accept the fact that it does, report people who abuse, and hate them or look down on them forever. Ok, then we'll all sit around and be empathetic losers that care for nothing, because caring can involve sad things and sad things make your like a suck fest. first of all, at least half of that is irrelevant. secondly, your typos are out of hand. thirdly, i never said to sit around and do nothing. i have been saying report them, my god. that's all you could do. No its not. I can make as many typos as I want at 3 am after a car door slams on my hand. We could do more, we could spread awareness. Which this poem was for. Obviously trying to help people is a bad things. Educating people is bad. We should abolish all foundations like the natinal brest cancer foundation, because they try to spread awareness, which is bad. ok tech angerl rocks. this was the type pf person i was trying to reach when i made this thread aw thanks, I really beleve in trying to reach out to other people. You don't have to make them think your way, but at least put the option out there. My mom has cancer and diabetes, and I hate hearing people joke about it. I have many friends that are foster children or victims of child abuse. I know how thay feel, its truely sad.
tech_angel · Sun Jun 11, 2006 @ 05:51am · 0 Comments |