There are very very very few friends I will even do a profile for.
Why? First reason, I need to know the subject or person REALLY well, so I know what their taste would be. ~Kane~Morte~ and ChojisGirl are pretty much the two people I feel I know best on Gaia and am willing to do a profile for. One of them I see every other day at school (and isn't too hard to figure out x];; ) and the other I have been talking to for YEARS. YEARS man. She's the only reason I USE aim! D: God forbid.
Maybe GuiledDragon too. Coz Guilly is cool like that and I've known her for a while too.
And even then I might charge all of them some gold for it. >.<;;;
The second reason: it takes a while. A LONG while. For the concept, for the configuration, for the toying. Everything. Takes. Forever. A drawing I can do pretty easily, a writing I can do pretty easily, a PROFILE... takes a very very very long time. It boggles the MIND man.
So. Yah. Go somewhere else. The answer is and pretty much will always be no.
Here's the Code below for Kakashi Green Theme. If you pay me, I'll change the color scheme for you/the manga panel in there. The manga panel change is 2K, the color change is 500gold, a manga panel with kanji instead of english is 3K. No ifs, ands, or butts. YOU CANNOT HAVE MY KAKASHI RED/VIOLET THEME! EVEN IF YOU TRY TO PAY ME! (unless you're paying me something ridiculous like 10K, then by all freaking means, take it! o.o;;; )
If I find out you stole it, well, someone's gonna have to smack a b***h, huh? mad
Credit to F!ZZBANG for the little bit of help. x]
The space at the top is for your own image if you want. Editting is fine, just keep my credits please.
You can't have my red/purple Kakashi one. End of story.
I don't do request profiles but you can pm me about changing color schemes/getting a manga page exerpt in the provided space for a fee. See my profiles journal.
Enjoy! ;]
/~*Theme by Ybaso*~/
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