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"Insert Original Title Here" Nothing but randomness for this little black moon kitty...

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Black Friday - Parts 1 & 2
Part 1
It's 4am. It's my day off today, and yet somehow I've managed to be up with my alarm clock and ready to walk out the door in about 30 min. Why the heck would I do something that insane when I don't have to? Because I've got Christmas shopping to do on one of the BIGGEST retail days of the year (the second being the Saturday before Christmas, btw). No, I don't have a death wish, yet.... But if I have 3 teenagers as stupid as me willing to get up and brave the masses in the mad rush for the best deals on material goods, then why not go for it, right? Right. And now I must go and eat breakfast if I wish to survive out there in the wild retail jungle. Part 2 will be after I return with all my limbs intact...
Part 2
Wow, I managed to survive, and I actually got a pretty decent amount of shopping done........I'll finish later when I get a free moment.......

Holiday Spirit
Yesh, it's that time of year again: Black Friday, or for those not in retail, the Day After Thanksgiving Shopping Frenzy. : biggrin oes her little "I don't have to work today! Mwahahahahaha!!" dance:: Which translates to everyone and the monkey's uncle out living it up on their credit card budgets trying to get the best possible gifts for their loved ones, or whathaveyou. Which brings me to my point of this entry.

I've decided that I want to give back as much as possible to my fellow Gaians with a sort of Donation Advent Calendar of sorts. Basically, for each of the 25 days of Christmas, I will be giving out random gifts to a lucky member ((or members if I'm in a particularly good mood that day!)) whom I see as deserving of one. This means, someone who is nice to others in the forums, someone who is working on a quest and asking for help without being rude and shameless about it, etc. Now, I'm FAR from being the richest girl on this site ((I only joined the in the middle of this year!)), but I still want to do my part, even if the only person that does benefit from it all is me.

1) DO NOT PM me asking "gldplzkthxbai" or any other form of that crap. You will be ignored.

2) Be thankful for what you get. Like I said before, I'm not a charity, I'm just a simple girl trying to do something nice for y'all. Take it or leave it, bub.

3) If you feel like the Holiday Spirit is in you as well, then by all means, get off your butt and do something about it! I would more than appreciate any contributions and will gladly pass them on to others unless otherwise stated. Hell, you can even do something like this, what's it going to hurt?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
~Satsukibare (C.S.)

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Time Machine
One ? is on my mind this evening, and that ? would be: "Where the HELL did 2005 go?!?!" When I'm not staring at the delicious eyecandy, er, I mean, beautiful graphics of my Shirow Masamune calendar sweatdrop , I'm pondering how the years keep going by faster and faster with so much of a blink of an eye.... It's like, I joined Gaia towards the middle of summer, which saw me through the dreaded Back To School season of working my old retail job and not really getting a vacation; school starting in the Fall and finding my new photography job ((which I love more than anything!! whee )), Halloween was pretty fun despite not dressing up and only handing out candy @ the door, I still had my laptop to play Trick or Treat for 50 pairs of Jack pants! Another day goes by, and now Thanksgiving is tomorrow. My 22nd birthday is in exactly 22 days and some odd hours ((it's 12/16 for those who don't want to use a calendar to calculate how long they have to buy me presents! heart )), and 9 days later - CHRISTMAS!! Yeesh. I guess that's what happens when you grow up, you really do live life in an hourglass.... As for the upcoming ? of New Year's Resolutions, I'll wait until the sand runs out on '05 to make that decision! =^~=

I'm tired.... I didn't get to take a nap today 'cause I had to keep my brother entertained with an endless tirade of boardgames since he was bored ((Get it? Board/Bored!)).... I should be sleeping right now, but I can't drag myself away from the computer that's only 3ft away from my bed and go to sleep.... Maybe I shouldn'tve had that large bowl of rainbow sherbert icecream.... FullMetalAlchemist is starting, I can't help but watch shows that I like when they come on tv, even though I own the DVD and can watch it when I'm actually coherent.... I don't want to go to work tomorrow, work is evil, I can't wait until I quit this miserable place and get back to doing what I love to do: artwork!!.... ::falls asleep @ the keyboard, drooling a riverbed::

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Summer Sun...But I Ain't Havin' Fun...
Le sigh... If there's one thing that I miss about being in highschool, it was the summer vacations... Yes, that sounds strange, but it's true. Allow me to clarify. I may have been a minor, but it seems like I had more freedom to go out and do stuff and really have fun. I could wake up late, get cleaned up, grab my wallet, hop the bus with my trusty bus pass, go run around maybe @ the mall/movies/hanging out with friends in their rooms, and be home by the time the last bus dropped off outside my neighborhood. And on the days that I didn't have plans, it was all about the pool, either swimming in it, or reading in the sun beside it. More le sigh... Ever since I put school on hiatus after hs graduation and went to work "Permanent Part-time" as the company likes to call it ::rolls eyes::, I've got the energy for nada, save for coming on here a few hours a day just to unwind. I rarely even draw anymore, which I still can't believe, 'cause I was drawing pratically every chance I got during highschool, hell, even when I was supposed to be doing homework, unless it was art homework, but that's another story heehee. sweatdrop The worst part about where I work is that Back to School season is as much pure hell for the employees as Christmas is for the employees @ Toys 'R Us, nothing but chaos from the time the doors fly open to the minute that we have to use force to get the last customers out. And of course, being that BTS falls in August, right when my family goes on vacation, I can't take the time off or else I'll be fired... Goodbye Shasta Lake, Hello Headache! crying ::yawns:: But of course, I need to go to bed now, or else this entry could go on for about 5 more hours worth of typing, 5 hours that I normally call a full night of sleep, considering I work night shift at my "Permanent Part-time" job!! Oyasumi nasai, minna!

Another Waste of a Day...
Blah, got woken up by my cellphone ringing @ 10:35 this morning. Thougth I'd be able to sleep in since it was my scheduled day off, but no... I wouldn'tve minded had it been someone important, but it was only work. I swear to Goddess, that places pwns me, but I need the money, so that's really all I have to keep reminding myself of whenever I have to go in. Shallow, yes, but when you've got a piece of s**t car that could go anygivensecond, you gotta save up... Did some wandering around the mall after work. Had to pick up a slightly belated 21st b-day present for my Manda-Panda. DAMN, Victoria's Secret stuff is expensive, but she's worth it, despite all the fights we've had over the years, lol j/k. Might go out drinking w/ her so I can give her her present later tonight. heart Until tomorrow then....

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Baseballin', Giants Style
Today, it was all about the Orange and the Black. Beat the St. Louis Cardinals, 2-0, gotta love it. I think I overdid it though on the huge bag of KettleKorn combined with the bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade... Felt like I was gonna toss my own foul ball on the seat in front of me for a second @ the end, if you know what I mean. redface Nothing like a little nap on the ride home to help cure what ails you, I guess. A pretty uninspiring first entry, but what can you expect, I've been in the sun all day!

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