This realm called 'reality"
"We should erase it all, Shall we go together?"
Will you follow me, even to hell?
What is "reality" and "illusion"?
Paola-Urban Dictionary
The most beautiful woman on the planet - Wise, worldly, wonderfully warm & kind. With an amazingly regal mane of hair, luscious lips, and a dazzling smile. Mostly sweet, at times fierce, always loyal, and refreshingly effervescent.
From one thing we learn many lessons, about ourselves and our opponents
In battle, if you you make your opponent flinch, you have already won
A battle can be won with a kind heart instead of cold steel
As the wind we can be gentle but fierce so to am I gentle but strong
The path in front of us is carved not with a blade but a smooth stream flowing through the rocks
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remember that there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel and even in the heart of darkness there will always be a door to the light