Age: 180
Height: 6'6"
Weight: On the thin side
Date of Birth: February 14th
Occupation: Freelance writer
Orientation: He goes with whatever
Biography/Personality: Jude, born Julian Callaghan on February 14th, 1830 in Dublin, Ireland. He is an only child. Jude is a seer. He can see marks of demons and supernatural occurances. He grew up during the Great Famine of Ireland, and lost his parents in the Famine. A man, Rorak, found him, and offered to save him in exchange for using his "talents" to help him hunt down demons. Jude agreed and Rorak saved him from starvation. A few years later, in the late 1890s, Jude met Jay on a visit to Liverpool with Rorak. They became very close and after Jay's turning, they traveled around the world where they eventually got seperated in the United States in the 1960s. Jay was a big fan of The Beatles, seeing how they're form his home town. Juse fell for them as well, and when "Hey Jude" was released, he fell in love with it. Being that the song was written for John Lennon's son, Julian Lennon, Julian Callaghan took such a liking to it that from then on we went by "Jude". During this era, he was turned onto pot, LSD, and the like, and continues the practice until this day. Recently he's been traveling with Rorak, helping him rid places of evils.
Jude is very easy-going. He nearly always has a "Paul McCartney face". Meaning his eyes always seem heavy, making him look a bit sleepy, and he almost always has a small, soft, smile. The eyes and the smile give him a soft, dreamy look to him most of the time. He is nearly never mad or upset and generally accepts everything at face value.
Loves: Rain
Golden shades
Hair dye
Old movies
The telly
Nothing really...
Appearance: He's very tall, a bit gaunt. Though that doesn't mean he's weak. His body isn't rippling with muscle, but it's very defined. Chiseled. His skin is a healthy, peachy color. His hair is a very aple, platinum blonde, and he has a cowlick in the front. He has a deep gray/black halo, and the bit of hair with the cowlick is also black(see ref in the top right corner). His hair reaches about his waist/hips area. His eyes are a bright clear, ocean blue. He'll often wear makeup. Most often eyeliner.
Torso:He's a really big hippie. He love patchwork and homemade clothing as well as thrift stores. His clothes don't often have zippers or buttons or anything, they're usually tied. He likes neutral and earth colors. So Blacks, whites, grays, and dusty earth tones, browns, golds,and greens. Peace signs and Anti-War slogans so up a lot on his shirts and hoodies. He love the Beatles, especially John Lennon, so anything Beatles or Lennon related will work perfectly. Sample Shirt Sample Shirt Sample Shirt Smaple Shirt Sample Shirt Sample Shirt
Bottoms: He's not really flamboyant. Dusty, faded jeans work wonders. He wears skinnies or bellbottoms. He really likes plaid. Sample Pants Sample Pants Sample Clothing Sample Clothing
Shoes: Shoes don't apply to him much. He's often barefoot. Though some classic black Converse work well for him. As well as some sandels. Anything a little vintage, or nothing at all.
Accessories: There's no nessecary accessories for Jude. Though if you'd like to for fun, he'd have on belts. It doesn't matter the kind. Studded, plain, braided. ANything really. Sometimes he wears a braided headband. Peace signs are always welcome. Sample Accessory
Clothing Hints: Don't know what to put on Jude's pants? What picture belongs on his shirt? Well here are some things he likes;
Earth tones, bright colors, flowers, Hello Kitty, John Lennon, The Beatles, Anti-War, peace signs, kanji, German, Edgar Allen Poe, birds, plaid, neutral colors, food, animals.
Art I've Received: by: Cassicle