~x.Welcome to Cassamsta's official Avatar Drawing Shop!.x~

Can I see some Samples of your work?Here are some samples on how I do my thing, n k? Simply scroll down! Want to see more? Go to Kasushie.deviantart.com to check my stuff out.
What kind of art can you do? To let you know, Cassamsta only dose traditional art ( she's in need of photoshop and a tablet but she's deprived from them at the moment)
Can I have mine colored? Sure! I give ALL OF MY PICTURES COLOR for FREE
When will I get my beautiful art of my avatar? You also need to give her TIME to do her thing. It takes roughly two weeks for you to get it! I also depends on how many people are ahead of you. Please check the list. You won't be forgotten!
How much are you talking? Depending on how many people and such, a head shot is 150g, couples are 500g, a full body is 350g, and chibis are 175g and chibi couples are 200g. I also do "friends" as a picture with more then one person. This will cost as much as a couple picture
Ok then! where can I order? PM me, I'll return your pm and gladly add you to my list.
**Also! If you have any special requests, whatever it is you want in your picture ( including if you don't want color), PLEASE tell me. I'll be happy to do it for free
My list of waiting:
[Database Error]
+ [ none ]
Customer's Made Happy
~midnite wish~
[Dark One]
demented dust bunnies
Porno Pichu
[N a m i n e [x] R i k u]
Dead Lips
Peace machine.
)i( Vi )i(
Candy Spooky Theater
Windeh Chama
.[ M u l e ].
Novas Whore
`A U R A
free cheesecake
Head shots:

Couples ( Or friends) :

Fulll body:


Chibi Couples: