A compilation of testimonys.

magical valant is back

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' ' Then, I shall tell you all I know. ' '

How many more times will he have to repeat this,
and remember those things? Everytime he tells this story, he can feel the blood
choking his senses. Now isn't the time to dwell on memories, he has a story
to tell.

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' ' It was late in the evening, most have retired to their
quarters at that point. A few remained up, wandering the lobby. I stood with Thalassa,
a paramour of mine. We conversed quietly amongst ourselves. It was at that
point I saw a blue-suited lawyer, one I was quite familiar within the past.
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We have worked together in the past. As you know, I am an enchanter of sorts,
and he played the part of my assistant during a magic show or two. It was my
intention to stop him and praise him for his act during the most recent show,
however, he strode by--intent on something else entirely. Before I could get
wind of what was happening, I heard it.
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A scream! It echoed throughout the lobby. It had all happened so quickly, even I
did not have time to collect my wits. I did, what I hope, anyone assaulted with such
panic and fear would do. I ushered my dear Thalassa into the safest place I thought, the kitchen--and rushed to see the spectacle. And what do I see...
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But the attorney himself, hunched over the crumpled figure of a derelict, knife
still in tow! With a sickening yelp, he threw the knife to the side, crimson fluid
splaying every which way.
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... ... A few others had shown up at that time, including a paramedic. The
butcher himself did not budge from the scene, and was arrested shortly after
when reinforcements arrived. ' '