му ραιη
It's written all over my face...
On my body...
In my taste...
The blood that pools at my feet...
The tears that stream down my face...
My pain, my pain is never ending...
I'm spiraling in depression, and you can't save me...
I'm dying slowly and you can't do anything to save me...
Is this what you wanted?
Did you want me crying...?
Did you want me to feel like I was dying...?
Did you want these scars on my wrists?
The blood at my feet?
The puddle of despair I now stand in?
No...You didn't...But you still broke my heart, and smashed it to pieces...
And now, now you're going to die, knowing you caused me this pain...
I hope you cry, every night...
And drown in the sorrows you've made me live through...
Because this...
My life now...
My pain, the darkness I've been swallowed up in...
It's slowly killing me inside...
With every breath I take...
I feel my life slipping away...
Do you hear me, angel of Death?
Take me...
From my pain...