Hmmm, yesh yesh, chatted with some people in **POST UR PIC** ('UR'?...)
Mostly friendly people. Mostly. But whory. Most conversations seem to be based on shallowness. Niceness is based on how much someone is turned on. No... this is not what I was looking for. I run away from shallow people.
When I was small... I was... eh, yeah... not so... you know. The first goal of someone who is *cough*, is to get normal.
I never been that.
Instead, I changed from *cough* to ... well, there are people looking at me nowadays... some of them in a good way ... *sigh* if you know what I mean.
I never wanted that.
What happened to me? Now I'm this fine line of feeling totally insecure and feeling great. I never wanted to be known for my looks, bad, good, I DON'T CARE.
I just wanna be who I am, I'm Shin. Who I am.
I used to think the outer was a barrier. I was wrong. People stay in that delusional matter. I don't care. I want a person. Not just a body.
Heh... what does this have to do with Gaia? Probably the black and white stuff of what represents real life. I consider picture communication idiotic. Live by material manner, die by it. I rather just chat. Thank you.