Has it always been in our power to decide what is right and wrong for our world? This question has stopped geniuses in their tracks; it allows us to question our own beliefs on what is right and wrong, or what we have been told by others to believe. What I am asking you is to think about what you consider is right and wrong, are you judgements clouded by what you have been brought up to believe? Do you think it is right for a ****** to be released from jail early than they’ve been given or even at all, is it right for a black man to be called ‘guilty’ over a white man based on his skin colour because most of the jury is racist?
Moving on from the contents questions which I write down, what I am here to talk about is the way that our world has been shaped based on the beliefs and ways of the many generations before us. Its funny how parts of history have been formed by religion, how many believed what they were doing was for God and it was God’s will that it should be carried out. But is it really? Or were they simply using his name as an excuse. Just ask yourself this, if God was really the one who made things happen, why would he allow children be murdered or woman to be raped? Many people who have been crushed because of surprising events have always asked, ‘Why did God let this happen?’
Shocking days that shook the world have been considered random but not all, one example is September 11th 2001, the day that New York was frozen in shock as well as the rest of the world who stood and watched, 2,968 died that day and yet people still say it is God’s will that it happened. Was it really God’s will that children lost their mother’s, father’s, brother and sisters and other relatives, how wives became widows or childless, no this was because we humans became what we feared, killers. But those terrorists did what they did because of what they believed was right, perhaps for their God(s) or maybe to prove something to their country but what is right is that on September 11th, those people went to work thinking nothing of what was to happen, that far away, people were boarding the plane and were ready to go home or wherever they were heading. It was not random, it was planned because of the beliefs that those men held, what they had been bought up to believe was right.
People say that terrorists are monsters but if you stop and think, what are we doing at the moment, invading their country and shooting them down, isn’t that what they are doing to us? So do that make us terrorists, are we so different to them, maybe we are not as extreme but in some way we are terrorists too. I know you must be angry while you read this, saying ‘I’m not a terrorist’ but deep down we all are, we are terrorists in the sense that we aren’t stopping what is happening. While the soldiers in our country invade other countries, we sit and continue with our lives while watching the news and seeing the chaos which our country is creating.
What I wish to talk about is what I heard in the news today that President Obama is supporting that a mosque will be built near Ground Zero. Is this right, respecting all religions or is wrong by disrespecting the ones who died on September 11th 2001 and their loved ones who still have to suffer with their deaths. Tell me what you think, is it right or is it wrong?
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