The king of Eden Set a platoon out to fetch the run away princess and return her to the thrown. All have fallen over the years, having battled dragons and hoards of orcs and harm all around. Time and time again Fahllon meets up with the princess and tries to apprehend her, but something always goes awry and they end up fighting side by side. Princess Aleenah is a master swordstress both by teaching and personal experience, Fahllon on the other hand is a wizard's apprentice who stumbled upon his blessed sword.
im looking for art of the two of them or short stories for them if you're better at writing smile
slight muscular build due to all of his chasing the princess
age 18

toned build
age 19
has a pet puppy that travels and fights with her, his name is Deinocti
toned build
age 19
has a pet puppy that travels and fights with her, his name is Deinocti