heart heart heart Left to right: Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow, Ichabod Crane, Willy Wonka

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I haven't finished the series yet, and once I get a bunch of the sailor requests done I won't do another sailor picture EVER again! Since I had so many requests to do other girls off of Inuyasha as Sailor Senshi, I decided to do all of the girls that I think are important in the anime...
+++Next Up+++
***I'm also working on a request from someone on theotaku.com of Tear Grants as a Sailor Senshi, so I might post that here too! biggrin

heart heart heart Sailor Apophis +Sango+

heart heart heart Princess Apophis +Sango+

heart heart heart The Senshi and Schoolgirl +Sango+

heart heart heart Sailor Charon +Princess Abi+

heart heart heart Sailor Urata (Yura of the Hair)
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