-Riki Mitsura-
-insert quote or favourite saying-
Name-Riki Mitsura-Nickname-Riki and Blondie-Age-29-Sexual orientation-Bi-sexual Pessimistic uke.-Job-Dancer-Do you have any hidden talents?I can sing quite beautifully, and I say I am quite talented at seducing individuals.Name one thing that people don’t normally know about you?Something they don't know...huh...well, I am in a engagement arranged by my father, it was arranged by my father so I have no say in the matter.What is your earliest memory?Rain. Rain that pounded through my eardrums as I walked away from it all. My father's voice rising above the pitter-patter of droplets. That day...I wish to not return to. You about to make your way down the green mile, what would your last meal be?A really expensive cheesecake, with strawberries. Yes...lots and lots of strawberries...with a strong wine.What are you passionate about?The things that go bump in the night, if you catch my drift.If your house was on fire, and you could only save three things, what would you save?I have nothing truly of significance, except the small golden locket that dangles upon my neck at all times. I would of course save myself, and perhaps something else lying about. Do you have any phobias?I am utterly claustrophobic.What do you think the secrets of a good life are?Now you tell me we'll both know...What is your goal in life?To gain money...and sex. Plain and simple.What is the craziest thing you have ever done?Join this circus..it's a crazy heap of exhilaration every day. Ever been arrested?No...but there were times I should have been.Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid.The innocence from the true evil which lurks in every corner of this damned lifetime.When, where and who was your first kiss with?I was about...twelve I believe, I was at home as always. My first kiss was with my father, who forced me to do it. There were other things he forced upon me I wish to not mention...One thing you would change about yourself?I wish I had not been born from an affair.If you had three wishes what would they be?1) To bring back my mother from the dead.
2) Money
3) Sex Worst moment of your life?The night my father humiliated my status as a male.Appearance:
RP sample- {This is a small excerpt from one of my posts}
And yes, Aschton, well known as Asch by numerous individuals, can be placed as a
vampire. Quite different than the legends and stories humans made up about the terror sight of vampires. Quite the opposite really.
That day, the one day to change human society grew with each passing minute. Asch lay topless upon the finest of beds, eyelids shut carefully over his golden hues. Arms folded gently behind his head, producing even more of a toned look to his bare chest. Long locks fell over his face, creating a shield from the darkness being surrounded. Of course his room was completely encased in darkness, it was much more comforting. Much more...like his original location back in the underworld. How different this atmosphere on earth was...it was almost like he could do anything he wished. A soft knock rung through his system, golden eyes peering halfway through their lids. The vampire turned his head to the slightest, sighing in content.
It..must be about time.. A voice then sounded, calm and unconcerned.
'Asch? If you wish to come down...the club is about ready to open.' The bartender. Aschton knew every one of his employees names, since there weren't many to begin with. The bartender happened to be one of his uncle's mentors, who found Asch intriguing in his path to sell to the humans. With ease, the blonde-haired male slid his arms down to his sides, using them ever so carefully to push himself into a sitting position.
"I will be down momentarily." The slaves were still in the underground cellars, for Asch decided not to move them into the glass encagement until it was absolutly necessary. It was a hassle to move them, and he found it much more satisfying to move them at the last minute.
Up we go.. The vampire rose to his feet at the sound of footsteps echoing away, the bartender most likely. Hands gently massaged his neck, working the few knots and pains. There was no turning back now. This would surely be the sin of him, but he would expose the mythicals to humans.