Memorable Conversations/Pics
These are just convo's and pictures I have saved that make me smile. (More to be added)My motto! When semes are left with ukes too long. Ares_neko Tai_kiokukagi Ares_neko WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?!? scream stressed stressed gonk scream gonk gonk WHY HAVE YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH ALL THESE UKES!?!?! OMG IF I HAVE TO SPEND ONE MORE DAY ALONE WITH THEM IM GOING TO BUY SOME BUNNY EARS AND START GOING SQUEEEEEE ::GIGGILE GIGGLE::!!!!!!! scream gonk stressed scream gonk THEYRE SUCKING ME INTO THEIR WORLD AND THERES NOTHING I CAN DO TO STOP IT!!! gonk gonk crying crying gonk gonk ::SNIFFLES:: OMG LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE TO ME!!! IM SNIFFLING! YOU b*****d!!!!! scream scream scream gonk gonk ::CURLS UP INTO BALL IN CORNER:: MUST... KEEP... MASCULINITY.... crying crying crying ROFLMFAO!!! XD XD XD XD XD oh you poor poor soul xP O_____O OMG youre ALIVE!!! O___O crying ::glomps:: ive missed you T________________T where have you been!?!?! you havent been online in like.... O__o;;;; 2 weeks... T______T omg NOONE has been on X__x its been HORRIBLE ::dies:: where are you!?!?!?!? scream scream scream gonk scream stressed scream gonk crying crying crying Seme boding. *Coughs* Too gay to function! Don't ask:xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] I feel so old! And like an endangered species. gonk *shoots and mounts you on the wall* : D gonk gonk gonk *pats* its okay your a good ornament : D
@takyua: *gives you a medal* I hate spiders D; Is that all I am to you?!?!? After all these years!! crying I thought you loved me! gonk Im sorry I thought you didnt want me anymore thats why I left! *tries for an emmy*[_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] Well you never gave me enough sex in the first place! mad You always got to pissy and threw a fit whenever I tried to touch you! Its hard when your a over tease D;< Well maybe if you touched me right! >:C I thought you liked it rough! you forgot the safety word! I only speak English!! I don't know German! How many times do I have to tell you that? scream You should have been able to repeat it like a parot its not my fault ichdichlieben was to long for you! Oh so now I'm a bird? If you would stop mumbling I could actually hear you! See there you go again, mumbling! talk2hand [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] Oh so now I'm a bird? If you would stop mumbling I could actually hear you! See there you go again, mumbling! talk2hand Well maybe if you could listen I mean how many times did you forget my birthday? I bet your forgot it was the 23rd of this month! ......Lies! You said it was last month! You penny pincher! When is it not your birthday! You couldn't even remember our anniversary! crying It was yesterday! emo Hey your the one who said that anniversarries wernt a big deal and you didnt want to make a big fuss! I am not a mind reader! Well neither are birthdays! mad What about all the times you said you could read a person through their eyes? And know how they are feeling by looking deep in their eyes?! Your all talk! D:< *slaps you* you b***h! *looks in shock* Im sorry I didnt mean to. *Gasps and covers his cheek* ......*Smacks back* [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx [_Tai_] *Gasps and covers his cheek* ......*Smacks back* *holds cheek then looks at you* what happend to us? have we really become so cold? I don't know but I...have always....*Squeaks* loved you! emo emo emo *dun dun dun dramatic face* And I have always... *blinks* whats your name again? *Face fault* Don't play around with me like that Chris! ...Chris? Omg your not Chris! gonk And your not... *blinks then leans in close* whats your name? ...Tai...>_>; and yours? [_Tai_] xXIn.The.Mirror.PrettyXx *laughs* Shad... so did we win an emmy or not? Nice to meet make out? ;D
Yes yes *Gives you an emmy* Best acting of the year! heart Ego boost: [_Tai_] [Stupid Seth] Well spoken You are a wise man I respect and admire you. Well thank you. Wow, I'm not usually complimented like that. xD *Takes it in*