Community Member
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 07:40pm
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 06:40am
times when I crumpit, just will not make life better...*snif
I have finally become rather sad, at Gaias seemingly overwheliming bugs. I can never seem to accsess all of Gaias features in one day, without one of them being disabled or ruined. Today, when all the forums, and trades, and chats went down, I couldn't stand it. I had just bought all of my avatars wonderfull new clothing too. sad
Even now, as I realize I am typing in my avatars accent... sweatdrop The Avatar changer will not load properly. So I am stuck with new, smashing hit Items, and I can not put them on.
well, I am sure life could be worse, never the less I am still dissapointed.
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 @ 06:20am