Barry the Chopper: Why? Hmm...what a strange little question that is. I guess it's because I enjoy it. The first person I killed was my wife. She was nagging me about something and without meaning to, I chopped her to pieces. But when I saw how finely I could slice her, I wanted more. To reduce people to their most basic building blocks, and I wanted everyone to see... Edward: That's stupid. Why would someone kill for such a ridiculous reason? Barry the Chopper: [looks at Edward insanely] Because they can!
Barry the Chopper: Given the slightest provocation, anyone can do it.
Edward: Stay back!
Barry the Chopper: Men have morals, but send them to war and they have no
problem slaying each other in the most brutal fashions. Now why do you think that is? Edward: I have no idea... Barry the Chopper: [cuts Edward's shoulder slightly] 'Cause deep down inside
we all want to kill, most just need the go-ahead from their society. Like the
State Alchemists I saw in a village, slaughtering helpless people. Splat! Big
fountains of blood!
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I wish I could do this o.O
Daft hands.
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I like random PM's,pokes, tickles, RP's, and such silliness.

I like random PM's,pokes, tickles, RP's, and such silliness.