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.:.Naraku/Onigumo Plot.:.

OniGumo/Naraku plot:

Ever since she was young, Kasumi had always lived a hard life. With both of her parents being the rulers of the Southern Lands, there was constantly war brewing up within the species of demons, the various cutthroat races battling for that one special area of sacred land. In fear of their little daughter’s safety, Kasumi was supposed to be placed in the hands of a small village, a gentle community that was rumored to already have a young demon living within the arms of his human mother. Despite the fact that they were pure bloods, Kasumi’s parents arranged with the village elders that they could take care of their daughter. With good intentions floating across the war splattered lands, Kasumi was soon sent off to live in the peaceful village, but little did her and her family know, the village had its own plans for the young demon girl.

After a small fair well from her parents, Kasumi was soon sent off to live in the village, the young demon girl puzzled beyond belief of what was truly happening to her. Her confusion seemed to grow as she was left in front of the village gates, the many people living there standing at attention at her arrival. Instead of being welcomed with opened arms, Kasumi was greeted by the cold feel of stones as they were hurled endlessly at her young body.

It seems the village had enough of the pesky demons and had no intentions to take in another one of the horrifying beasts, especially not a full breed.

Fleeing for her life the young demon girl sought safety and warmth within the local forest, the woodland where they fearful beasts were supposed to live.

For years Kasumi lived off the many things the forest had to offer, food, shelter, and the occasion thrill of a wandering villager that might have snagged her interest. The coldness within her heart towards the humans continued to grow over the years, the pain they caused, the words that forever scarred her, building up inside of the young demons body. She had tried countless times to sneak back into the village, and each time she was denied entry as they guards kept their keen eyes on every gate and opening to the village. She knew she had to find a way in, and it seemed a tiny crack in the wall would do her justice.

Night after night, for many years she snuck into the giant fortress to meet with the young half demon named InuYasha. He was neglected as well and seemed he needed someone to be with besides from always hearing the soothing voice of his loving mother.

“Why do they hate us so much…”

“It’s because we’re different…you know that…”

“But…it’s not like we hurt anyone…”

“Humans don’t look at that, they take in the facts from their surroundings, and what we will become when we’re older…”

“Oh…I’ll never be like that…will you Kasumi-chan?”


Her hatred for humans boiled fiercely within her shadowed heart, something she knew she could never let the young half demon know, for he had the bright crimson of the humans pumping through his veins as well.

It wasn’t till InuYasha’s mother’s death that the young half breed himself was driven out from the village as well, no longer would they be held down by the claws of the powerful beasts.

“Ka-san’s dead…she’s gone…I have no where to go…”

Kasumi easily allowed InuYasha to come live within the heart of the forest with her, it was frankly stated, this is where they belonged.

As the years passed by the more Kasumi had been thinking about revenge on that small village, her body wracked with scars from the many rocks that had spilt open her fair skin. It seems those wounds never did heal, they never did go away.

Since they were now older, it was much easier to do anything, their strength increasing, their speed, and most of all their demonic pride. Whirled up with these new found glories, Kasumi didn’t seem to notice InuYasha’s disappearances every few days, his presence entirely leaving the forest as he snuck off. Kasumi merely shrugged it off as a sign of training, or exploring, he was eighteen now, at least in human years.
She didn’t really seem to notice it at first, but the countless years of being side by side with the young hanyou began to weigh on her heart, the strong love she developed for him turned out to be more then just a simple friendship.

One day, after a week of one of InuYasha’s common disappears, the young demon approached him, she had to let him know, she had to get it out in the open for him to hear her say it.

“InuYasha…where have you been going?”

“…Just around.”

“Why don’t you ever invite me?”

“…I don’t have to.”

His attitude had begun to grow worse, his usual hot headed personality managing to surface even more then ever.

“Why are you being this way…I thought….”

“You thought what?”

“…Is there someone else?”

“WHAT? Else!? There never was someone in the first place!”

The more Kasumi prodded, the more InuYasha’s angry seemed to raise, his face flushed and burning with an uneasy sensation as he purposely avoided eye contact.

“You mean…you never considered…us?”

The loud snap of a brittle branch echoed through the forest, both their heads rising in the direction of the uncalled for disturbance.

“Why would I ever do that?! You were just a friend.”

His words cut through her like the end of a cold dagger, her body freezing on the spot as the color from her fair skin began to drain away.

“Friend?…InuYasha…I love you…”

It was then a young human priestess stepped out from the shadows of the dark forest, the bright colors of purification staining her attire. “There you are InuYasha…I was afraid you left…”

Her voice was calming, much too soft for her to listen anymore. With a snarl Kasumi threw her hands over her ears, her long claws digging into the supple skin as she tried to drown out this sudden pain that plagued at her heart. “You’ve…been seeing a human…you…love a human…isn’t that right InuYasha?” She spoke with pure venom as her words passed through her clenched teeth to sizzle hatefully through the air.

“I’m not like you Kasumi-san; I could never love a person like you.”

Kasumi could feel her entire body shake with anger before she collapsed down to her knees, the soft skin pressing down against the moist soil as his words soon became the final blow.

For days on end salty tears streamed down her pale cheeks, her cherry eyes glistening brightly as they sparkled with the clear drips of liquid. She hadn’t moved since he had left her, his back turning to face her as he left with that human priestess, that…woman whom she had never gotten the name of.

With her heart now fully sparked for revenge, Kasumi waited for the perfect moment to strike, a plan where she could take down that horrible village, that pathetic half breed, and most importantly, that priestess that had ruined everything.
It was then during the midst of her vengeance that she ran into a man dressed in highly clad armor who rode upon the back of a mighty stead.

“A demon…you don’t say…” His eyes were quick to scan her face, Kasumi’s blood red eyes as well as her pointed ears a clear definition of what she truly was.

Instead of lashing out on this man like she had usually done to any other human, she decided to listen to his words and see what he had to offer.

He went by the name of Onigumo, and was apparently the leader of a local group of bandits that terrorized the many small villages that were building within the area.

It wasn’t long before Kasumi had finally decided to join his elite group; his offers snaring her interest as she soon become the strong demonic force that could very well wipe out an entire village on her own.

It was a weapon the fearful man knew he could have, something that would gain him all the treasures he could possibly think of, gold, precious articles, jewelry, power, and most of all, the young demon girl herself. Who else would make a more cunning woman then Kasumi? She was so blinded by his charm and offerings for her revenge that she wouldn’t be able to see his true intentions, he could easily use this girl for all she was worth without doing any real damage to himself. What could possibly be any better than that?

If only Kasumi knew what he had in store for her, she would have fully well stuck to herself.

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