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scratching beneath the surface... dive into my world
this is where i keep my secrets. you are free to see it. they might not be clear, though. deal with it.
Gaaah, finals week and submission of reports starts in a few days. Wish me luck. >_<

Whee, new entry. ^_^
It's been a really long weekend. Classes are suspended, which is both a good and bad thing. On one hand, I have more time to finish all the requirements. On the downside, our term break has been shortened to half a week. Crapness.

Some things that have been happening lately (because I'm too lazy to narrate):
- The My Destiny cosplay competition was pretty fun, even if I screwed up my lines during the catwalk. (It was supposed to be "Watashi wo damasukoto ga dekinai" [You can't lie to me], but I ended up saying "Watashi ga dekinai" [I cannot]). >_<
- Wednesday last week, my father dropped me off at South Gate. I was about to scan my ID at the entrance when the security guard said that classes were suspended. My dad already left by the; it took me another hour before I got home.
- We went to Mall of Asia last Saturday 'cause Hieida-sensei endorsed Amazing Asia (the week-long event there)... and I was mistaken for a cosplayer (thankfully it was just once). I did get to take pictures of the cosplayers though, which was uber fun. *lurk mode* XD
- Last Wednesday, classes were suspended at around 10:00 a.m. and I had to commute home because the traffic was too heavy for me to be fetched. It took me around 15 minutes to cross from South Gate to the LRT station (which is usually just a minute's walk).
- Aside from classes being suspended, our school got flooded. The amphitheatre was submerged by about 1 1/2 feet, and even a part of the second floor of the LS Building got flooded (mainly the study hall). What kind of building gets flooded on the second floor?!?

Whee~ I'm excited to go to the Otaku Fiesta! I'll do some closet cosplay because I wouldn't want to bring out my Rin costume again (I really have to start saving up for a new costume... hopefully one that I can partially make). Maybe I should wear my ROTC uniform... I miss that thing. XD Must buy arnis sticks too. I must keep my "promise" to rape Blake with a condom-covered arnis stick... or maybe a condom-covered tonfa. (well, I wouldn't want the weapon to get dirty.)

P.S. Congratulations to Kylie on getting featured in The Philippine Star!!! ^_^

P.P.S. Congratulations to Prism (my brother's band) on their performance in Globe Kantabataan! Too bad they didn't make it past the first round; still, it was fun listening to them. You wouldn't notice that everyone was a first-timer with their instruments... sort of. (My brother was a first-timer on drums, their male vocalist was a first-timer on bass, their female vocalist was a first-timer to sing while playing the guitar, their lead guitar was a sort-of-first-timer too 'cause she's been playing rhythm all this time, and their keyboardist was a sort-of-first-timer too 'cause she was more inclined to play classical pieces instead of working with chords.) You can listen to the demo that they sent here. http://demfae.multiply.com/music/item/1

Animax event update.
The Animax event was a drag. I can't even begin to describe how boring it was because there was nothing to do. What we did was make our own fun. XD We went to Sbarro (which is some distane away from The Block) and ate lunch there... in our costumes. FUN!!! XD I looked relatively normal except for the dagger I was holding, but I couldn't say the same about my friends, with Karura's wig and all their outfits. Whee~ we were so damn noisy. I almost thought that they would kick us out. >_<

There was a scary part during the day though. We decided to go to Comic Alley because I was curious if they were any better than the one in Megamall or Mall of Asia (the items are more or less the same, but they had more CDs). It was nice chatting with the personnel; they were nice and kept complimenting us on our costumes (and they were also surprised when we said that we weren't included in the cosplay catwalk). As soon as we lwft the store, some guys were cornering me and asking if I was a celebrity, and it was damn freaky when they kept asking for my autograph. Misaren had to help me get away. >_>;; (Misaren, I'm forever indebted to you. Haha. XD)

I'm going to cosplay for real in July 28 at Robinsons Galleria (still as Rin from Fate/Stay Night). It's also for another purpose, because we're shooting a music video for a project and we need a crowd, so what better place to do that than a public event? ^_^

I really should start updating more often.
It's the Animax convention tomorrow. I hope that the people wouldn't be too critical with my flaws as I costrip Rin Tousaka tomorrow. >_>;; Yes, I wouldn't be competing because... well, ask the cosplay organizers why they chose only 25 competitors among many others because I sure as hell don't know why. XD So yeah... to the people reading this who would be there, please be nice. ^_^;;

Damn, I haven't updated in forever. >_>
School's been stressful; I'm having problems with balancing my academics and org-related activities, but I wouldn't want to dwell on those for now. I wanna talk about the annual recruitment week! ^_^

Recruitment's been okay, but we've encountered some really, really weird people. Our most "memorable" one went like this...
Random dude: Hey, this is like, a Japanese org, right? What do you guys do?
Karura: Yeah... *proceeds to talk about NKK*
Random dude: Uh, okay. So do you guys do anime and stuff?
Me: Well, yeah... *talks about NKK's pop culture-related activities* ...and sometimes cosplay-- *is cut short*
Random dude: COSPLAY??? Did you say the magic word? Cos-frickin'-play???
Me: *a little freaked out* Uh, yeah. We sometimes hold cosplays, but it's not a competition or anything. It's just for fun, and it's not required either.
Random dude: Awesome! I wanna cosplay Warcraft, and Kingdom Hearts too... you know, Organization 13... *rants on and on* 'cause everyone was against otakus like me, straight people, gay people, lesbians... *rants more* ...can we talk about ecchi?
Karura: o_O Um, I don't think so.
Random dude: Oh well, whatever. So you'll accept me, right? *continues the whole everyone's-against-me s**t*
Me: *still too freaked out* Uh, yeah, sure.

After that, we just labeled him as ecchi dude. Really, he was that freaky. Especially last Wednesday when we were cosplaying (I was a random person in a yukata [a real one, not those with the pillows at the back], Karura crossplayed Ichimaru Gin and Rian was Tifa from Advent Children)...
Us: *arrived in the booth wearing our costumes at around noon* Hi L-chan! ^_^
L-chan: Hey, may bisita tayo. Nakakatakot. *points to ecchi dude*
Karura: s**t, it's the ecchi dude.
Random dude: *sees the Lacus figurine on the table of our booth* Holy s**t it's Lacus! I wanna touch her!
Us: O_O
Random dude: *spots us* You're cosplaying!
Karura: Yeah. I'm Gin *shows her captain coat*, she's a geisha *points to me* and because you like games and CG animation, you have to guess who she is *points to Rian*.
Random dude: Wait, I know you. *thinks hard*
Karura: *got tired of waiting* She's Tifa.
Random dude: No she's not!
Karura: Ever seen FFVII: Advent Children?
Random dude: *seems to be enlightened* Tifa? Holy s**t, it's Tifa!
Me: *is freaked out and just wants to get away* Uy, gutom ako. Wanna eat? Samahan niyo ako!
Rian: I'm hungry. Really hungry. Judith, come with me. Now.
L-chan: I'm hungry too!!! Mommee, wait! *runs towards us*
Karura: Sama din ako!
Rian: *once we got away* He was scary. Buti na lang hindi ako nag-Lacus. Na-rape na ata ako kung ganun.
L-chan: he was there since around 10:00 a.m. >_<

<b>Random stuff:</b>
- It's final; I'm cosplaying Rin Tousaka from Fate/Stay Night in July. I just hope that I could do justice to her character despite my not-so-long hair (Rin's is waist-length; mine reaches my shoulderblades), dark skin (Rin's white; I'm tan-skinned) and my almost-fugly face (Rin's pretty; I'm plain and bordering on ugly).
- I hope I would be able to do well on Monday's oral presentation for JAPALA3. I hope I wouldn't screw up my words and say something like "Juunana desu" (I'm [number] 17) instead of "Juunanasai desu" (I'm 17 years old). Wish me luck on that.

I'm just in so much shock right now.
My cousin's friend Andrew died this morning. He had an asthma attack in DLSU this morning and he was rushed to the hospital, but he died (I don't know if he was dead on arrival). [To those who believe in prayers:] Please pray for his soul, as well as for the well-being of those he holds dear in his life. My brother's friend said that most of the people in the chapel near the library were crying during the 5:30 pm mass, so please pray for them too.

If it isn't too much trouble, please pass this on; I know that most of you don't know him (even I myself have never met him before), but I think that they need whatever support they can get, even if it's from people they don't know.

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if you're curious about the meaning, just PM me! ^_^

<b>May 14 - Election Day</b>
I volunteered to be a PPCRV pollwatcher for the senatorial elections (even though it's technically illegal because I'm a minor and I'm not a registered voter xd )... and it was really tiring. I had to keep constant watch over everyone. XP It was fun, though. I got to talk to some poll watchers from other parties, and they kept noticing my height (I was the tallest). xd

<b>LPEP RTR - May 16</b>
The RTR didn't go as badly as I thought. I made some mistakes, but it still went pretty smoothly... I just hope that the new ISJ students would be active in NKK. >_< It was fun bonding with some of the upperclassmen, though. They kept asking for details about our cosplay and other related events. They loved the cosplay photoshoots in devART too.

Random event worth mentioning: My friends and I were chatting by the stone tables in the amphitheatre when a certain freshman caught my attention; <i>He looked like Light Yagami.</i> *fangirl squee* He's really tall. I only reach his shoulder, and I'm 5'5". XP I must stalk him, especially since we have the same course. xd

<b>May 19 - Mangaholix MangaMania</b>
Sadly, it wasn't as fun as I was expecting it to be. It was supposed to be our last gimik as a barkada before classes started, but waah, the activities were really lacking. XP We had to go to Timezone just to amuse ourselves... we particularly liked the DDR machine and the Air Hockey... we even went anime mode there (something like Air Hockey, Beyblade style). And some people were staring at us because of our clothes and because we were a bit noisy while playing. xd
Back to the convention... there were a few cosplayers that were a plain eyesore (pardon my meanness; I dislike cosplayers who put very little effort into their cosplay) and some that were pretty awesome. Too many to mention in the awesome category, but kudos to you all! *me worships you* I wish I could have finished the event, but I had to leave about 30 minutes after my friend did her catwalk.

<b>May 20 - YFC outing</b>
It was a pretty fun day. It was basically team building, swimming and karaoke. 'Twas fun bonding with some people, especially when I told them that Ira and I would be cosplaying with a group in November. ^_^
There was one thing that I really learned: <i>My skin is not chlorine-friendly.</i> I'm having rashes right now and it's really itchy... I have to constantly apply cold water just to stop the itching for a few minutes. >_<

It's the first day of classes tomorrow... (yes, DLSU student here) and I'm a jumble of emotions. I just hope that none of my soon-to-be professors would bite my head off, so wish me luck on that. >_<

I got myself...
...a devART account that I'll be actually using. XD Whee~

I won't tell you the username, though. XD Maybe I'll just pass it around on YM or something. Or comment and I'll reply... Dunno. *shrugs*

Because everyone's doing it...
I bring you, the <b>Kulasa Survey</b>.

[ ] got a 100 card grade
[x] failed a perio
[x] crammed for a quiz <i>(doesn't everyone?)</i>
[x] finished <i>Ibong Adarna (this is actually a pretty good read)</i>
[x] finished <i>Florante & Laura (this should be titled</i> Florante & Aladin <i>XD)</i>
[x] finished <i>Noli me Tangere</i>
[ ] finished <i>El Filibusterismo (too political, too boring)</i>
[ ] finished <i>Ibong Mandaragit</i>
[ ] used a <i>gabay</i> for the Noli/Fili
[x] read a totally different version of the Noli/Fili <i>(English version, translated by Bianx's great grandfather XD)</i>
[x] borrowed textbooks from other classes <i>(happens a lot)</i>
[x] lent textbooks to other classes
[x] borrowed a lab gown
[x] lent a lab gown
[x] failed a subject
[ ] did summer classes
[ ] got a merit
[ ] got 3rd honor
[ ] got 2nd honor
[ ] got 1st honor
[x] got a line of 7 card grade <i>(well, I did fail something)</i>
[x] passed Chem
[x] passed Physics <i>(yay for Ms. Mendoza!)</i>
[x] had something printed at the Comp. Lab
[x] used a clearbook
[ ] used a Jansport backpack
[ ] got a make-up test
[x] crammed for a project <i>(doesn't everyone?)</i>
[x] copied homework
[x] cheated <i>(just for homework and take-home quizzes)</i>
[x] got a 4.0 club grade <i>(perks of being active in a club ^_^)</i>
[x] got declared Best Speaker
[x] got declared Best Debater
[x] was in the Winning Team
[x] enjoyed Geometry
[ ] got into the Top 10
[x] recited voluntarily
[x] "shared" in CLE <i>(everyone eventually has to do it)</i>
[ ] did a handwritten lab report
[x] forgot my PE clothes
[x] did not study at all for a test <i>(happens a lot XD)</i>
[x] made reviewers
[x] borrowed/copied reviewers
[ ] paid someone to do homework/projects for me
[x] borrowed/lent notes
[x] had Sir Roño as a teacher <i>(yes, and I sorely miss him)</i>
[x] did homework for one class in another class <i>(a lot of times)</i>
[ ] flunked an Isidro test (Mr. or Mrs. doesn't matter) <i>(I never got either of them for a teacher. *sniff*)</i>
[ ] had the MR as my homeroom


[ ] got a green ID
[x] got a blue ID
[x] got sent to the CSF
[x] got a call slip
[x] ate in class
[x] texted in class
[ ] got caught with my phone on
[x] got a clean record
[ ] was put on probation (DP/SDP)
[ ] got a conduct grade lower than G
[ ] got an O conduct grade
[ ] got an oral warning
[ ] did community service
[x] turned in something for the lost & found
[x] got back something from the lost & found
[ ] filed a violation
[x] read the handbook <i>(this saved me from some unreasonable offenses)</i>
[x] got scolded by the SC <i>(I forgot why, though)</i>
[ ] cut class
[x] came in late for class
[ ] got my ID confiscated for ridiculous reasons
[ ] got yelled at by a teacher


Other experiences
[ ] got into a fight with someone from a higher batch
[x] got attacked by higad <i>(just twice in my entire stay, though)</i>
[x] had a bird s**t all over me <i>(thank God it was just on the side of my hair and not on top or on my uniform)</i>
[x] sat at the stone tables <i>(senior year... *sigh*)</i>
[ ] danced for the Intrams
[x] played for the Intrams <i>(goalie, futsal. We got silver)</i>
[x] had a crush on a teacher <i>(who I found out was gay after two weeks of crushing on him)</i>
[x] waited on a teacher on the foyer <i>(at least once every two weeks, and sometimes more than twice a day)</i>
[x] got into the faculty room <i>(it's pretty big)</i>
[x] bought C2 from school <i>(discovered it there, actually)</i>
[x] slept over for Peace Camp
[ ] tried out for Delta Chi
[x] brought a guitar to school <i>(just during third year, though)</i>
[x] have been to a concert sponsored by the school <i>(went to most of them, if not all)</i>
[x] went to the prom <i>(and had a 5-minute date with a celebrity 'cause I didn't have one XD)</i>
[x] watched a volleyball game
[x] watched a basketball game
[ ] switched clubs
[ ] was an officer
[x] cried in school
[ ] lost a G-tec
[x] had a serious injury while in school <i>(a really huge black-and-blue bruise and a sprained ankle on separate occassions)</i>
[x] came to school with a fever <i>(at least once a month)</i>
[x] went to SEP
[x] have seen my face on the video presentations/slideshows they do for special occasions


TOTAL: 63/97 = 65% kulasa

It could have been higher, but I'm not one to get into trouble. XD

demonic faery
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demonic faery
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