I just got the news that my bestest friend in the whole wide world is leaving me this month...I know I know that it may be only one province over ((ie saskatchewan)) BUUUUUUTTTTTTT I lurves her....and dont want her to leave me XC either way
Ima Gonna Miss You Kelsey and I lurves you loads....and WAHHHHHHHHHH crying
DarkerFairytaleDreams · Thu Jul 03, 2008 @ 05:01am · 0 Comments |

It all started in the age of Her Majesty. Violet sat in her usual place, the chair by the window. This particular chair was located by the attic window and was considered her usual place because the view by this particular window happened to overlook the vast majority of the countryside. Violet liked to sit and daydream, or write, or sometimes even draw by this window and because the view just happened to be so breathtaking her creativity was able to flow more freely, that and it was the quietest place in the entire mansion. Violet hated the house except for this spot. This particular view happened to avoid overlooking the cemetary, which just happened to give Violet the willies so to speak. She hated death and everything related to death. Her brother on the other hand was the exact opposite. He loved cemetarys, loved death, and loved anything horror related. She couldn't understand his obession, thus avoided him like the plague. While sitting and contemplating how she happened to be related to such a morbid person, that's when the usualness of everything started to change. The estate that the house was built on was protected by the best assasin's in all the land and thus no one could get in and it was equally hard for the residents (especially the children) to get out. So when she saw a tall, dark, and morbidly handsome man walking near the forest trees, Violet's curiosity was piqued. Debating as to whether or not she should warn her parents, or allowed the notion of actually walking outside and seeing herself, she noticed the man do the strangest and most fantastically disgusting thing. He grabbed a squirrel and drank its blood. At least thats what it looked like but from this distance she couldn't be sure. Not knowing what to do, she was even more amazed to watch him disappear in the blink of an eye. "Well I'll be damned! How did he do that?" Violet exclaimed in a rush of fasination and fear. Knowing there was no way in God's glory a man could do that, she figured she must of imagined this man. Which then brought on a whole realm of doubts and realizations and questions of her own sanity. But she passed it off as being way to out of breath from her damned corset. Next to death, and everything related to death, corsets where number 2 on her most hated things. They itched at the most horrible of times, they hurt to high holy hell, and they took the breath right out of you quite literally. But it was a good excuse when her sanity was in question and seeing as she was the only one debating her sanity at the moment she supposed it really didn't matter in the end. Decideing to get back to her drawing of the week. She looked down and realized the picture of her most favorite friend in the world had suddenly been changed into the most evil looking deamon in her entire realm of deamon understanding, which happened to be next to none as she hated anything scary or related to death. She had drawn what looked to be a female deamon with no eyes and blood dripping out the sockets. But there was also blood all over this thing as well. She had also added evil looking wings and drew this thing holding a severed head. "My brother is rubbing off way too much on me." Violet decided to blame him in the end. As, if it wasn't for his morbid fasination she would never have done such a thing. Knowing she needed a nap she left the drawing on her particular chair, by her particular window, with the particular view and walked out of the attic to her bedroom. As she entered her room she knew right away something was not right. She couldn't tell you how she knew or what exactly about the room wasn't right, but as it was her room, she just knew. Looking around nervously Violet started her nervous fidget with her lock of hair and slowly started to move towards the bed. Looking towards the mirror, she gazed at her reflection and had to stiffel a blood curdling scream. Her reflection was almost like the picture of the deamon only there was no wings and most definately no severed head. Moving towards the mirror with a fixed fascination she looked down at her hands and noticed they were back to normal. But every time she looked in the mirror she saw her almost picture perfect deamon. She had no eyes in her sockets, blood everywhere, she was pale as death, and her reflection had the most scary evil smile in the entire world with teeth dripping blood. But what struck her the most was that she had fangs beside her two front teeth and they were so sharp she was sure she could tear leather with them. Violet burst into tears while her reflection laughed a laugh so evil she was sure it was the devil incarnate. Trying to find anything to break the mirror and coming up with nothing she drove her fist into the center of the mirror smashing it to pieces. Thus starting a new fear of mirrors as well as an irrational fear of her own reflection. Thus marking the day of when all the normality of Violet's life drifted away, marking the dawn of the most horrifying events to come, a start of unusualness not at all normal to Violet, and the slow loss of Violet's hard earned sanity.
I made this avi on tektek originally wanting it to keep to Andraya (my main char) but seeing as I'm already working on a story for Andraya who is now a soul stealer, I've decided that I would create a new char Violet. I normally have a process as to how to think of a story but this one just came to me, And if you ask me its turned out quite well so far...
DarkerFairytaleDreams · Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 01:26am · 0 Comments |
for wellie bootz only...this is for her arena entry... |
~*Mistress Lady Luck*~ walking along happily, she couldn't help but notice her luck.. four leaf clover in one hand, bubbles all around, the lucky green mistress lady luck is nothing but bubbly happiness, who wouldn't be if you were the luckiest woman in exhistence? some curse her, others praise her with undying gratitude and the promise of their souls if she'd just touch them with a swipe of her hand. not green with envy, she's just the female leprechaun. the next time you wish your soul away to her remember that for as long as she gives you luck she can just as quickly take it away, laugh even more in the face of your losses
DarkerFairytaleDreams · Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 01:06am · 0 Comments |
Pic from Blissful Serenity |
&<img src="http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r167/black_andraya/Picfromblissful-serenity.jpg" border="0" alt="black_andraya">&/a&
this is the pic...I LURVES IT xd heart
DarkerFairytaleDreams · Mon Jun 09, 2008 @ 10:19pm · 0 Comments |
Following the Blood Red Road Andraya couldn't help but seeing the irony of the situation. Looking to the left and right Andraya took in Hell's landscape. Red,orange in color and oh so dry Andraya wondered why she didn't feel thirsty yet. Finding a random lone tree Andraya decided to take a short rest. Grabbing a branch she took out her knife from inside her garter and started cutting off a piece to widdle into a bow. Missing her own bow Andraya wished she had time to bring it with her. Getting herself into a trance she didn't notice the black widow that landed on her shoulder. "Hello! What ever are you doing?" asked the little black spider. Shocked that a little tiny voice was speaking to her Andraya yelled and looked around, "Who said that?" she asked a little sheepishly "Look down on your shoulder and you'll see for yourself." Obeying Andraya looked and couldn't believe her eyes the tinyest black widow she had ever seen was speaking to her. "Oh my! You can speak?!" She asked " Of course I can, what did you expect?" "Well, where I'm from spiders can't speak, I just thought.." Andraya couldn't even finish her sentence before she was interupted. "Well you thought wrong, and if you haven't noticed your not on Earth anymore, your in Hell.Everything can speak. Want to know why I'm here? I'm here because on Earth in self defense I stung a little girl and killed her. God didn't even think to notice that she tried to kill me first. I'm here wrongfully! Why are you here?" Andraya stared in disbelief self defense and she was put here what would've happened to people? "I'm here because I dreamt about being a Soul Stealer. I didn't realize that it would actually happen. I'm sorry you are here though would you like to join me to the city?" Logically the spider agreed and Andraya forgetting all about her bow set off with the spider happily perched on her shoulder.
DarkerFairytaleDreams · Sat May 03, 2008 @ 06:16pm · 0 Comments |
This is meant to be for one of Andraya's Alias' Ill be adding others and continuing with this, but for now I'm sticking to this one as I really want Andraya to be a Soul Stealer insteade of the priestess I'm used to having her be. Ill be posting on my profile first and then adding to here as a new entry comes. But seeing as this is the first one you get to deal with both the profile and the journal being the same. Hope you like:
The darker sounds of the organ plays in the background of Andraya's soul, just when she thought no one could hear the melody but her, the little boy of the Book of Nightmares walks up to her bobbing his head along to the tune. Holding out his hand staring blankly, he nods for her to take it and follow along in his wake. Not thinking of anything else to do, knowing it would be fatal to deny him, Andraya takes his hand and starts walking alongside him. Not knowing where they were headed she remembered how THE Book said that the boy was just a shadow of the true form of the Nightmare. The boy was really a deamon but Andraya didn't care. This moment was what she had been waiting for her whole life. This shadow deamon was going to take her to The True Nightmare, The true master of Hell. Staring at the images as they rush before them she notices death, torture and macabre. Turing away Andraya wondered if she was making a mistake. Looking she notices the Shadow laughing malicously, deciding to tempt fate she turns to talk to this shadow. "Whats so funny?" Andraya asked a little too scared for want. " You petty humans always want to meet Him. Yet when we come your courage turns to mush and you cant stand what it truly means to meet Him. Isn't this what you wanted to trade your soul for? To become one of us? Well He has heard, and He has come to collect his due and give you what you want." Andraya shuddered and knew what he said was true, but now she realized just how much she asked for. As the organ continued to play and the visions slowed and the Nightmares continued they landed on Hells doorstep and the Shadow let go of Andraya's hand and pointed her in the direction she needed to go. "How will I know the way? Or how will I know when I've made it to where I need to be?" Andraya asked curiously and only too scared. The Shadow laughed at her again and pointed at the ground, "Just follow the Red Blood Road. And as for how you know oh you'll know, how could you miss the Bone City. He risides in a castle made of bones and blood. How could you NOT miss it?" the Shadow laughed even more. " You humans are so witless and stupid how do you survive?" Andraya stared and asked one more question hoping it wasn't stupid. "Will I be fighting for my life along the way, like fighting deamons or will I get any companions?" The Shadow laughed yet again only a little more evily, " Of course you will be fighting for your life, look around you, where do you think you are? And as for companions I don't know if you'll want any thats down here, but who knows Hell may surprise you." With that the Shadow boy disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Andraya started down the Red Blood Road hoping she might find some weapons along the way.
DarkerFairytaleDreams · Sat Apr 05, 2008 @ 04:39pm · 0 Comments |