Over the last month and a half, The Techrats PC shop has been established, and built up to a state where we are able to take customers. <span id="test21550481">. . .</span><br/><div id="post21550481" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> Everything is falling into place around the shop and the business is getting more frequent.
Our advertisements arrived a couple days ago, and we're spreading the word to the local area.
As for myself, I've been hard at work creating the web site for the shop. [ www.techrats.net ] and this has had my hands pretty full. I often take the shop laptop home to continue coding through the night. This of course, means that my personal projects need to be put on hold...
I'm not really a fan of that idea though... I enjoyed challenging myself by making new things that everyone could try. (Well, they're not necessarily NEW, but they were things I'd never made before.) What I was working on before Norm and I got the shop was a 2D Browser based MMORPG. It was in very early development, but I had managed to create a working map system and the ability to see other players on that map as you moved around.
At some point, I'll start that project over from the beginning, and hopefully with some not-so-experienced PHP Programmers at my side so we can treat it as a learning experience. Anyone interested in this can PM me.
As for my Gaialife, I've been updating my profile code a bit, but as of the time of this posting, IE7 refuses to render my contact bar properly, and it's quite aggravating. It should be sorted out relatively soon though.
I'm terrible at endings, so here goes -
Hello everyone ...Damn.</div>
View User's Journal
The Journal of a Techrat
It's a journal, what do you expect?
I'll be keeping updates on my programming Escapades here, as well as recent goings on at the Techrats PC Shop, located in Surrey B.C. Canada.
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Zarin Denatrose
Community Member |