Clans of Twilight Forest
Name: Stormfang
Gender: Tom
Age: 42 moons
Clan: Brightclan
Rank: Warrior
Eyes: Grey
Pelt: A dark black/grey pelt that is streaked with silver
Personality: Usually keeps to himself and is quiet. Has a smart mouth and sarastic comments. Has a soft side, but chooses not to show it cuase he doesn't want his rivals to find any weaknesses. Likes to fight, but only for a good reason.
Kin: None
History: Grew up from kit to apprentice in the nursery then moved on to learning to fight and the warrior code. Went on to became a warrior. He likes to keep his history short, simple, and not too revealing, as to not relive the past.
Apprentice: Lightningpaw
Name: Rainstar
Gender: She-cat
Age: 30 moons
Clan: Eclispeclan
Rank: Leader
Eyes: Crystal blue
Pelt: A pure black pelt with darker black flecks sprinkled all over her fur as if they are rain drops. On her chest is a dark black (like her flecks) cresent moon in the center. To see these markings you have to look closely. Short haired and slim, but muscular.
Personality: Fierce, strong, loving, caring, intelligent, proud, friendly, mysterious
Kin: None that she knows of.
History: Known only to her, but she does reveal some information.
Apprentice: Moonpaw
Played by: Wyldhart
Anime Host Club Role Play
Gaia username: WyldHart
Characters name: Halfmoon
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Type of creature: human/wolf (like from wolf's rain)
About character: she has many moods, sometimes for no reason at all, but mostly she is happy, maybe becuase she wants others not feel the pain she feels. SHe is usually freindly to anyone, but if you are rude to her, she'll throw it right back to you. She has a major curiousity problem that usually trups her better jusgement. to really get toknow her, you have to talk to her though. Theres more to her than her appearance.
Likes/ Love: you have to find out yourself
Dislike/hate: people who get on her bad side, when the wrong things are done, anything esle you have to find out yourself
Abilities:she has an amazing sense of hearing and smell and can make a smile light up on anyone face. thers other things that even she doesn't know about...


Blood and Snow (Wolf, vampire rp)
Name: Halfmoon
Age: 16
Race: Proud Lycan
Personality: she is a proud, strong person who has an ever changing moods when events remind her of her past. Her curiousity almost always trumps her better judgement, landing her in problem positions, but her quick thinking usually solves them. She loves the rain and nature, a big tree hugger. She has uncanny archering skills and is somewhat good with her double knife set that hangs on her belt beside her hip. She can be friendly and is extremely loyal when she judges that she can trust you. She is usually see wearing her green/grey/black cloak and she has the talent to seem to virtually disappear to the eye when she actually is in hiding, waiting.
Position: Lycan-for now
Sexuality: straight
Wolf and human form:

(yeah i know, i self plagerize XD)
Lunar Guardians Wolfpack
Username: Wyldhart
Wolf Name: Pure
Rank: Alpha of Lunar Guardians
Breed: Grey wolf
Age: 7 years
Gender: Male
Mate/Family: none
Temperment/Interests:He wants more than anything to rebuild the Lunar Guardians Wolfpack after that desvistating day. He has an air of mystery and has a habit of disappearing in the shadows. He can be unseen whenever he choses and mostly stays to himself, but does care deeply for his pack. Even though he seems not to be, he has a soft side, but hardly shows it. He's ferice, intelligent, and strong, but has yet to get used to the idea of being alpha.
History known only to him. He only reveals certain bits of info. though
Appearance:He is a massive balck wolf whose coat is sprinkled with silver all over his form, showing his age. He has many scars from his previous experences and battles, but most are covered up by his thick fur. He has grey/black eyes that are sharp and calculating that hardly miss a thing.

Wolf Name: Atreyu
Rank: Guest for now
Breed: Artic Wolf
Age:4 years
Mate/Family:none at the moment
Temperent/Interests:She usually is a friendly and happy wolfess mostly becuase she doesn't want others to go through the pain that she had to endure. Her curiousity out wieghs thought most of the time. Her mood can shift unexpectedly sometimes sometimes for no apparent reason on the outside, but there is one on the inside. Usually it is due to a painful reminder of her past. She is energetic and loves the water, especially if it is in the form of a waterfall. She loves the scent and sight of lunar flowers, feeling like she is in paradise when she's around them. She's not good at small talk so she replaces it with play, but when the time comes, she can be extremely serious. She loves those around her who she can trust and would do anyhting for her furture pack.
History:she likes to usually keep it to herself, but when she was a stray, Raid picked her up while he was traveling and she had been with him ever since, wanting to become a lunar guardian from the mysterious tales Raid has told her...
Appearance: She has silver fur with black accents throughout her form. Her eyes are a bright crystal blue/grey that usually sparkle with curiousity or friendlyness, but for her eyes can never decide between grey and blue. She has a slim, but muscular form and a great runner and fighter. She has serveral scars that are hidden but prefers it that way as to not disturb her appearance.

(this one is my role play, so if you would like to join, please contact me!)
Mysterious Valley (a horse herd rp)
Gaia name:Wyldhart
Name horse: goes by Dark
Breed: Mustang
Gender: Stallion
Age: 9 years
Temperment: mysterious, strong, loyal, intelligent. he mostly stays to himself and is secretive, but he likes the company of others
Appearance: He is taller than a normal mustang and is strong. his coat is an all midnight black, but has silver flecks sprinkled all over it, showing his age. Despite he i getting old, he doesn't show it unless you notice a p in his back leg every now and then
(this picture isnt all what i imagined him to be, but really close. also there is a poem on it, you might not be able to see,it i think its good. It was on there when i found the pic)

Name horse:Wyldfire
Breed: Arabian
Gender: mare
Age: in between a two-year-old and three-year-old
Mate: none
Foals: none
Temperment: Is high-spirited, over excited, adventuous, friendly, curious, and an all around good friend. Its rare for her to get angery, but it happens.She is really careless and is a real dare devil

Dark Moon (wolf rp)
gaia username: Wyldhart
name in rp: Pure
age: nobody knows
personality:is mysterious and secretive, but enjoys the company of others. He would risk his life for others. Has a hard outside but a soft inside. Usually doesn't show his soft side, but its there (only shown once in awhile)
any special powers: Has an art of camoflague amd tracking. Can move/fly unseen and unheard. A highly trained fighter, very dangerous, strong, and intelligent.
pack: Claw
role(s) in pack:Alpha male
story: again nobody knows but him, but he will reveal some parts to some people

Private RP I'm In
Name: Cassandra (or Cass for short)
Age:early 20s
Personality:She can be a little stuck up or rude, but that is becuase her lifestyle has taught her to be that way. She has a soft side, but shows it to few. SHe loves her horse, feeling that she is the only one she can trust and that can understand her, and she is an excellent rider. (i think that about wraps that up)
Appearance: (something kinda like this)

(ok, i think thats it! but i'm sure there will be more ^^)