Just one wrong word, one decisevly, indecisive move, and the whole house of cards could have caved in on them at any moment. Twice, Dakota thought it had. The first had been when Jonny-K had asked why they were there. Landon had spoken before her (despide his promise to follow her lead) and the instant his mouth was open she glared at him.
"Our Employer sent us to talk business. Surely this doesn't bother you." Dakota thought it would set Jonny off and that he would be bright enough to know who they were or at least who their 'employer' was. But he seemed blissfully unaware. "Of course! Business. Why start with business though? When in the presence of such a lovely lady. Tea, Ms. Lily?" They had come to him as Lily Saravosa and Nicholas Brennan. Dakota let a small smile form on her lips as she gently nodded her head yes. Jonny was about as bright as she had suspected at first... not very bright at all.
The next mistake was her's (though she would never have admitted it) when she was speaking of Landon and started to call him Mr. Callen, as she had the habit of doing. The man was oblivious to this as well and she had fixed her mistake before anyone else had noticed (including Landon). They could have left at anytime and slipped the letter anywhere, but Dakota was loving this act. It wasn't often that she got to do these things. So it was no supprise that when business got down to business... things went south.
Jonny-K said the wrong thing. He had been drinking some and somehow the topic had gotten to business. Not quite in his right mind, Jonny spoke of Dakota. It went down like this: Landon had wanted to get out so he made up some reason why they were there so they could get their 'business' done and over with and leave. But when he approached the subject of business, Jonny stopped him. "Let me tell you about business. It's about to head up for me. You can tell your employer that too. I'm in the process of getting money from that b***h Dakota Williams. Apparently she thinks I own her something and I don't intend to pay her anything. But the courts will have a feild day with her. She's planning something and I know who she is planning on bringing into the party."
Dakota's grip tightened on the chair. He had to be kidding. She had even let the comment about her being a b***h slide. He couldn't know anything about that... even the staff didn't know the names of her guests. Landon, ever the explorer for information, hmmmmed. "Really now. What kinds of people? Do you really know who she has coming?" Dakota couldn't bring herself to speak. She was fuming and the 'bodyguards' could see it in her body language. "Oh lots of people. But the one she has with her now goes by the name of Callen. Landon I think is his name." That was it. Dakota was up and at the desk before anyone could react. One 'guard' went towards her while the other went after Landon. Landon, acting quickly, took down the one closest to him and jumped on the other's back, bringing him down just as quickly.
While he tied them up, Dakota had a knife at Jonny-K's neck. He was blubbering and Dakota was pissed. "You really thought you could out smart me? How did you get that information huh? Spill the beans or I spill your blood." Though Dakota was normally calm, this guy had pushed her too far. "I just heard it from some guys. I'm sorry.... I'm sorry." "Not good enough. I want a name." "I... It... It was Samuel Alucard. He... he intends to use the infromation to black mail you." Dakota snarled. Landon was done and he moved over to where she was and put a hand on her shoulder. Samuel was her reason for doing this in the first place. Soon a smile was back on her face. It was kind of scary.
"Ok Jonny. I want you to tell Samuel that the information is false. And that your information comes from a reliable source, Landon Callen himself. Callen's doing a big job now for someone else but he wouldn't say who. Got it Jonny? Do you know what to tell Sammy?" Her knife was no longer at his throat and she had shaken off Landon's hand. Jonny-K nodded furously. "Good. Lets go Mr. Callen." And with that the two of them left to go back to the mansion.
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Tis just for random rants that Krazy may have from time to time. Hopefully not too often...but who knows.....
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Krazy Michelle Ranak
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