masked crusader: aliases...are confusing. and they cloud the identity...that's the point isn't it?
much ado about: i do hope it is obvious, dear. F e m a l e .
but who's counting: twenty f oxxuxxxr
years + years + years: my certificate says July 31st, no wonder I can roar like a lion
pledge allegiance: good and evil are terribly subjective. but by your morals, you've made it terribly clear that I am evil. but it depends how you treat me. scratch the chaotic evil. more like passive evil. but it's all the same to you, isn't it?
make ends meet: a place that sells that caffeinated stuff. I believe it's a cafe.
my soul to keep: who gives a two-penny damn about religion. what did the big fella ever do for me? i'm an a t h e i s t.
turn me on: what turns me on? the opposite sex. though they've proved useless to me so far...
__R o l lxixxnxxxg . . .
___C r a s h i n g
__R o l lxixxnxxxg . . .
___C r a s h i n g
I've mislead you, haven't I?
You're thinking water, I know it.
I'm not p s y c h i c, though.
xxxI just know people.
it's a talent, not a power.
should I elaborate?
You're thinking water, I know it.
I'm not p s y c h i c, though.
xxxI just know people.
it's a talent, not a power.
should I elaborate?
Electromagnetism and S o u n d
Got it now?
Big word, huh?
Did you take physics?
i'm a living physics lesson.
but I won't help you with your homework.
I didn't get a chance to take it.
Knowledge from
Big word, huh?
Did you take physics?
i'm a living physics lesson.
but I won't help you with your homework.
I didn't get a chance to take it.
Knowledge from
Ten years,
xxN o r m a l.
xxN o r m a l.
I never needed nightlights,
I was one.
I never needed music,
I made it.
I never sunburned.
But everyone else did...when I wanted.
I never ate cold meals.
It was always warm enough.
I'll make your blood boil,
I'll destroy these structures
with frequencies that'll blow. your. mind.
I could blind
or deafen you.
Take your pick.
I never needed nightlights,
I was one.
I never needed music,
I made it.
I never sunburned.
But everyone else did...when I wanted.
I never ate cold meals.
It was always warm enough.
I'll make your blood boil,
I'll destroy these structures
with frequencies that'll blow. your. mind.
I could blind
or deafen you.
Take your pick.
Digress, digress,
Pops likes whiskey.
He had the limbs of a tyrant.
It smelled terrible.
The house smelled h o r r i b l e.
It was his fault, that.
Mama, black and blue.
His mistake, her misfortune.
He made me,
He had the limbs of a tyrant.
It smelled terrible.
The house smelled h o r r i b l e.
It was his fault, that.
Mama, black and blue.
His mistake, her misfortune.
He made me,
"It's h o t !"
He says.
S i z z l e
He does.
He goes.
I never touched him.
He says.
S i z z l e
He does.
He goes.
I never touched him.
in a microwave.
I wasn't scared.
i don't know if I meant to.
but now I see I wanted to.
not mama, though,
she was too close,
too fragile.
xxnot mama.
my favorite word.
explains everything,
Guilt's worst enemy.
but, i didn't care.
my word must've worked well.
i don't know if I meant to.
but now I see I wanted to.
not mama, though,
she was too close,
too fragile.
xxnot mama.
my favorite word.
explains everything,
Guilt's worst enemy.
but, i didn't care.
my word must've worked well.
they didn't care.
and in the end,
and in the end,
it didn't matter.
" f r e a k ! "
" m u t a n t ! "
not the stars of my vocabulary.
the sky, rare.
grass, not again.
freaks, like me.
loony farm.
always asleep, always...
b l a c k
" f r e a k ! "
" m u t a n t ! "
not the stars of my vocabulary.
the sky, rare.
grass, not again.
freaks, like me.
loony farm.
always asleep, always...
b l a c k
from the manger to the morgue.
c o n t r a s t .
but not mine.
They knew how to
make the light go away.
How to make the
sound go away.
How to make me
too tired for anything.
too tired to notice eight winters.
c o n t r a s t .
but not mine.
They knew how to
make the light go away.
How to make the
sound go away.
How to make me
too tired for anything.
too tired to notice eight winters.
are good for one thing.
m i s t a k e s .
black, grey, fuzz, w h i t e .
"open your eyes child of eighteen pitiful years"
is not what I heard.
p o p! p o p! B A N G !
sorry about the lights, sir.
oh, didn't n o t i c e you there.
bit warm, chap? too bad.
I'm out
door or bust !!!
run it off
are good for one thing.
m i s t a k e s .
black, grey, fuzz, w h i t e .
"open your eyes child of eighteen pitiful years"
is not what I heard.
p o p! p o p! B A N G !
sorry about the lights, sir.
oh, didn't n o t i c e you there.
bit warm, chap? too bad.
I'm out
door or bust !!!
run it off
and repeat.
what is that?
sirens, eh?
louder, louder,
I can fix that, c o n c e n t r a t e.
and I hear nothing.
but they're still there.
they'll see.
no they won't.
bend the beams,
light doesn't touch me,
starve their retinas.
what is that?
sirens, eh?
louder, louder,
I can fix that, c o n c e n t r a t e.
and I hear nothing.
but they're still there.
they'll see.
no they won't.
bend the beams,
light doesn't touch me,
starve their retinas.
now you see me,
now you don't.
now you don't.
the term,
is skipping town.
M y s t e r e
is skipping town.
M y s t e r e
it smells like mold and dust.
the floor creaks.
the window is dirty.
but there is a window, portal outside.
I cannot step into a room with no outlet,
no view outside,
no breathing room.
my heart pounds like a war drum.

"I need the money next week."
the disgusting woman says.
but a room is a room.
and a bed is a luxury.
it's easy to acquire.
people don't hold onto their money
well enough.
the floor creaks.
the window is dirty.
but there is a window, portal outside.
I cannot step into a room with no outlet,
no view outside,
no breathing room.
my heart pounds like a war drum.

"I need the money next week."
the disgusting woman says.
but a room is a room.
and a bed is a luxury.
it's easy to acquire.
people don't hold onto their money
well enough.
"Here's your damn money."
I don't know what manners are.
No one taught me.
And I won't learn.
I don't care for these things called
relations with smiling s w i n e .
get a dictionary:
Claire Marie De'Aundre
I don't know what manners are.
No one taught me.
And I won't learn.
I don't care for these things called
relations with smiling s w i n e .
get a dictionary:
Claire Marie De'Aundre
I'm not useless, though.
I got that thing,
what's it called?
I got that thing,
what's it called?
right, a bloody job.
You're still here?
You need a life you know,
instead of listening to a heretic like me
can't be healthy.
You need a life you know,
instead of listening to a heretic like me
can't be healthy.
but I've worded you your fill.
now get me a cigarette or get the hell off my back.
now get me a cigarette or get the hell off my back.