* Samhain - Greater Sabbat of the dead (summer's end)
* Yule - Lesser Sabbat, the Winter solstice (late December to early January or
on December 25)
* Imbolc - Greater Sabbat (beginning of February or at the first local signs of Spring
or on February 2)
* Ostara - Lesser Sabbat, the Spring equinox (Christian festival of Easter or the
month of April)
* Beltane or May Eve - Greater Sabbat (the month of May or the festival that takes
place on the first day of May.
* Litha - Lesser Sabbat, the Summer solstice (21 of June Litha month" and the
"later can also be celebrated June through July)
* Lughnasadh, or Lammas - Greater Sabbat of the Harvest (first of August)
* Hollow Eve (31 of October)
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