&& It's funny how . . .
Half the people that say "Don't copy me or you'll look stupid" on their profile are the ones that copy.
My personality . . . : : I'm pretty laid back && I don't act shy around guys I like;; But in all, if you don't know me well, don't expect me to be friendly. I'm anti-social about my life outside of Gaia && School. Like they say, what you say can backfire && I live in a place where people always talk s**t about others. && for a fact, I'm a victom, && half the people that talk s**t about me don't even know me. I joke a lot, && I'm full of sarcasm. I smile a lot, that's just me. But if someone talks s**t about me or my friends, They'reGoingDown.
My Dislikes . . . : : I REALLY HATE COPIERS, HYPOCRITES, && STEREOTYPES. Copiers, I don't even need to go there since you guys probably know me as Floral Ino also. Copying has been on Gaia for a VERY long time && it's usually by other cosplayers. If they want to be a Great Cosplayer, they should know better than to copy, then they'll just look like a copy of someone else. I also dislike copiers because I dealt with one in school, I got a haircut one day && it was different from everyone else's && the thing is, some guy started putting his hair like mine && then I got hilights, so he asked me out. I rejected him && the next year he went around telling people I copied his look. Yeah, Me && Copying are enemies. I also dealt with many people that judge me because of how I look. No, I'm not really mean && No I'm not spoiled. I just hate it when people call me something I'm not.
My Likes . . . : : I like creating different outfits for myself, Like Designing. Mixing && Matching everything but they all fit together. I like wearing v-necks && skinny jeans. I also like wearing suspenders, but I wear them off my shoulders && leave them hanging by my legs. Drawing is one of my favorite hobbies;; but sadly, I'm not very good. I wish to be a singer one day, but that's still very far away. I'd like people to hear what I couldn't speak, but sing. (:
My Looks . . . : :