Who am I?
What a question, and hardly a question i can answer easily. To each and everyone I am something completely different but to me, well...I cant even find the words to answer. Perhaps if we move on to the next question and go through the list I'll be able to find an answer to that difficult question.
Where was i born?
On the planet Venice long before the civil war had begun, when the glory days of the demon battles sat like the victory parades in Ancient Rome. The highest of honor bestowed to all who had the strength to fight or die in the heat of battle. I was very young when it all seemed to swirl out of control, when the civil war began.
What was I like before?
What do you mean before? There is hardly a difference to my eyes between how I once was as a child, and how I am today as the High Priestess. But, I will refer to what Nicias always says, I was meeker, less well Vida. But perhaps that was before what he calls "The Shift". Shift".
What is the Shift?
The shift was a short time period over the course of a day or two when my personality and everything about me changed. It started when one day before school, i became obsessed, taken, and nearly possesed by odd things. I nearly washed my hands down to red marks, No matter how clean they might have been, they felt dirty, disgusting and filthy. When that seemed to pass I began to trace my finger along the grain in the floor of my bedroom, I can remember feeling each and every year of the wood under my finger, and completely unable to stop until i reached the last grain. When at last i did it was as if i had awoken from a deep sleep, my eyes seemed to open to the world, and i saw it in a much darker light. But as my vision cleared and changed I became surrounded by a vast blue light.
What was the blue light?
It was...I cant even describe, it was awesome and powerful and able to break the barrier between our world and the next. But yet, i felt unusually natural around it. What happened following the incident with the light?
The following day as I began to be tormented by my usual harassers, my hands seemed to take on their own life. And for the first time I retalitated. All the things Nicias had been teaching me came out at once. I couldn't and didn't hold back in the least. Worse yet, it felt good, but something stopped me from harming them too much.
What happened when Lord Thessalo left?
Oh, that...I remember very little about that time, it was dark, I lived but things began to rapidly change for me. In those days i was the least of myself. Images reflections, SIGNS if you will were leading me everywhere. One day I found myself at the door of the Governor's mansion.
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this is my thoughts on stuff and sometimes my random plots to take over Turkey to rename it chicken...
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