I ran for miles until I finally stopped, only to turn around and run back. I ran back through the trees, I ran back over the mountain, and around the lake, Then I saw it, I saw the field, I saw the pile of ashes in the middle, I fell to my knee’s and buried my face in my hands. I looked up, and saw the blood covered area, with a single crimson puddle surrounded by white, creamy blood. I could feel the hate building in me, with a tear running down my cheek, I stood up, and walked towards the middle, where my Father died, I put a single finger in the puddle of blood, smelling it, then looking at my finger, as I slowly raised it to my lips. I stuck my tongue out, and licked the blood off my finger, it was sweet, like honey, and I could feel it in my throat, I put my finger into the white blood, and smelled it, cream, I raised my finger to my mouth, licking the blood off my finger, but this blood wasn’t sweet, it was bitter, with a faint taste of cream, but this blood tingled as it went down my throat. I felt light headed, and drowsy, I stood up confused, and fell back down, “Why am I dizzy?” I started to feel unbearably tired, and before I could do anything, I fell into both puddles of blood, my face in my Father’s, the rest in the Spirit’s.
When I woke up, I felt this aura around me, I felt… stronger, almost darker, “Wha-what happened?” I wiped the blood from my face with my arm, and stood up, “Why do I feel so strong, and, and angry?” I looked around, dazed and confused, but seconds later my eyes widened, and Looked at the blood, “The blood! The blood made me stronger, and this aura, its, its amazing!” I looked around to make sure no one was there, “I wonder if… I bet I could” I thought to my self, bending my knee’s and balling my fists, and with a single push, I soared into the air, my fox ears began to twitch, “I must’ve beaten my record, I’m over 23 feet in the air!” But I continued to go up, I moved my arms and legs in a position to slow me down, and turned into a head dive for the ground, and because I was having so much fun, I decided to do a flip or two, “Wooooooooooo!” My crimson eyes starting to water, all the wind, I wasn’t used to it yet, I moved my palm to my face to wipe my eyes, and when I looked back, I was only 30 yards from the ground, “Oh shi- ahhhhh!” –Thud- Feet from ground: -1 feet, I pulled myself off the ground, not a scratch on me, I wiped the dirt off me, and continued to walk, “I wonder what else I can do…” Then I smelled a curious sent, “Lemon? Lemon!” I ran, picking up more speed, going faster than ever, and ran passed a tiny old man, “Wait!” Still running, I ran around a few more tree’s, jumped up, and dug my foot into the ground when I landed in front of the old man, I closed my eyes, a bowed respectfully then looked up with a smile.
“Child, how did you know I would be coming?”
“I smelled lemon,” I said with a large smile on my face, the old man smiled back, “Ah my dear Cyanide, how re you?” He asked with tears in his eyes, “I’ve been wonderful Master, except—“
“I know my child, I know” His cane taking a step before him, he extended his arms, to embrace me, “I know child, I know, as your last remaining family, your God Father, I am to raise you dear,” I heard the pain in his voice, I buried my face in his sashed robe, and began to cry, he patted my head, and ran his hand sown my hair. He released me from his hold, and began to say, “Come my child, we must be on our way, We have a lot of training to do, I see you have gotten stronger since I last saw you”
“Yes, Father has taught me to hunt, and to feel things with my soul, he taught me what mother would’ve taught me, he was really a wonderful master…”
His purple eyes wide with wonder, “Really? He taught you the ways of your Fox Spirit?” He grabbed his long white beard, “Amazing, I am going to miss that man” See, this old man, my God Father, is now my newest Master, He will train me to fight, he will train me all the more I need. He appears to be a frail old man, but really, he is the strongest man I have ever met, he has the appearance of a man over 100, but the strength, endurance, and will of a young man, blessed by the creator himself. He is known as Master Kanji, his eyes, old with wisdom, but glowing with health.
“Master, when may we eat?”
“Child, go ahead, I do not eat as much, you are growing, go hunt, I wish t see your skill.” He said with a serene smile.
“Yes sir!” I bent my knee’s, and squinted to see anything I could eat, and pounced into the air, I scanned the area within a 20 mile radius, and there it was, the river, I quickly adjusted my body, and shot downward to the river. I landed onto a rack, as if I had jumped from the one in front, I scanned the river, and with a blink of an eye, I dove into the water, chasing a giant fish guitarfish, I extended my arm, and grabbed the fish, and leaped out of the lake. I ran frantically back to Master Kanji, “Here!” I showed him my fish, then began eating it, “Good?”
“Yes child, very good, only 8 minutes and 54 seconds, I can catch one in 2 minutes, but who’s counting?” He let out a below of a laugh, and snatched a bit of fish from me. “Now we must rest, we have a lot of traveling tomorrow.”
I skipped over to a near by bush, and curled up under it, yawning, I was exhausted, before my Master could even come over to say good night, I was fast asleep.
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How it happened
I got the idea from Oopie x3
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