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RAWR its sam
emo love story
i got this off of myyearbook i thought it was so cute OwO
i dont own it all rights go to rightful owner...just saying incase someone trys to get me in trouble even tho ima perfic angel....not!

Chapter One:
I'm driving your drunk butt home from the Newton's party,(your boyfriend drove you to the party,and I picked you up)...when you say...�I don't even know what color the ice-cream issss Kayla!�(me your bff).�What are you talking about ______? I mean I know you're drunk,but jeeze.� I roll my eyes at you. �Kayla,I don't feel so goooood,� you trail off. �I know,just let me get you to my house, and you can stay there.� I drive you to my place,give you some medicine,and let you sleep for a few hours. You wake up refreshed,and ready to go. (yeah,right.Just pretend). �Thanks Kayla,I appreciate it,� you say as you walk through my front door,leaving to walk home,which is only a few blocks away. It's about 9:00 pm. �Okay,no problem,bye!� I shout from the couch.You begin to walk until you hear someone walking steadily behind you.You quicken your pace,and begin to fast-walk.The footsteps finally go away,and you are suddenly very grateful.As you're on your way home,you see a lighted alley,and then you can see a few streets down; your house.It's not the smartest thing to do but...you take your chances.You begin to briskly walk through the alley...

Chapter Two:
You're almost to the end,but then you hear someone say. �Where do you think you're going beautiful?� You turn to see an teenage boy,who is oddly in this situation,very hot.He has jet black hair with dirty blonde highlights. He looks at you with baby blue,wanting eyes.�Why don't you come on over here with me,baby?� you turn around and mumble,�I'd rather not,thanks.� you walk away,and then he catches your arm,and pulls you against his chest,and snakes his arms around your waist.You can feel his hot breath on your neck.The stranger begins to feel up your breasts,and takes one of his hands and pulls it around your inner thigh,and pulls it up,then shoves you against one of the brick walls.�Why don't you and me go somewhere...oh,I don't know,more private where it'll be more comfortable for the both of us,� he whispers seductively in your ear. You try to jerk away,but he has a strong,tight grip. �Come on now baby,don't be like that...� You are able to wiggle somewhat free,and knee him in the balls.He drops to the ground,screeching,�You little whore! You'd be lucky to have me!�You try to run,but he catches you,and pulls you to the ground. He jumps on top of you,and takes out a knife and holds it to your throat. �Listen you little whore,I'll get what I want,and you'll ******** enjoy every single second of it!� he screams. You slowly nod and begin to cry.He takes the knife and slits open your shirt,then begins to unbutton your jeans.�that's a good girl,do what I tell you and you won't get hurt.� He admires your bra and cuts it off also,taking his time admiring your boobs.He flips the knife away,and begins to suck on your boobs.You try to wiggle away again,and he smiles to himself.You try to struggle again,but then you let our a piercing scream,and then you hear a gasp from somewhere behind you.You see a figure jump on top of the teenage boy,and stumble to the ground....

Chapter Three:
�Get off of her you jerk!� another boy screeches.You jump up and cover yourself and attempt to put your shirt back on.The other boy kicks the boy who tried to rape you right in the gut,and yells, �If you EVER do that to her again,I will KILL you,you b*****d!� then he spits on him.He comes over to you and pulls you into his chest. �Are you alright?�he says in a strong voice.You shake convulsively,and reply shakily.. �I think so,thank you so much for saving me.�You look up at him and he with teary eyes,and he quickly wipes them away. �Come on,let's get you home safely.� He walks you home holding you tightly to him.You feel safe,and comfortable.You speak up once you see your house. �Well,that's my house. And thanks again for saving me...� you whisper. �No problem,doll face. Anytime for a beautiful girl like yourself.� You blushed and kissed his cheek. �You know,pretty lady,I never got your name.� �Um,my name is ______.� you say. �My name is Ben.�he replies shyly. He kissed the top of your head and led you to your front door. �Well,I think this is your stop Miss ______. Goodnight.� �Um,um,um,Good-night.�

Chapter Four:
You wake up,shower,and get ready to go to school. As soon as your first few classes start,a new boy is walked in by your Principal.You pay absolutely no attention until she begins talking.. �Hello class,sorry to interrupt your wonderful learning environment,but we have a new student.You may introduce yourself,Mister....Ben Adams?� You shout �Ben?!� and he looks at you,and you blush and look down.He's the boy that saved you that night. �Is there a problem Miss ______?� you look up. �Uh,no.� and return to your work. �Very well then,� she replies. �You may sit next to Miss _____,if you wish.� he slowly walks over to you and sits down.You glance at him through the corner of your eye,and see him staring back.You turn to him,and give a small wave.He blushes and looks down.As your teacher walks by,you pretend to do your work,with the occasional blush and look at Ben...

Chapter Five:
You have all of your core classes with Ben,and including your gym class.After your gym class (the last period of the day) you walk to your locker and put your books away.You are about to shut your locker and then you see a large neon green sticky note that says.. �Turn around,beautiful.� You turn and see Ben,and he steps closer to you. �Hey,_______,I was wondering...I know we haven't known each other long but...do you wanna hang out after school.I'm kinda new here,and I don't know all the places to hang out. So,whaddya think?� �Sure,� you reply. He smiles and says.. �Do you want me to walk you home?� �Sure,thanks (:� He grabs your books,and walks you to your doorstep. �Here's your stop,my lady.� He hands you your books and kisses your cheek. �Thanks for the walk home,Ben.I appreciate it.� He takes his finger and lifts your chin up. �No problem,see you later.� You're sitting watching t.v. When your cell phone rings it says... �Ben� You answer on the second ring. �Hello?� �_____,I'm at your front door. You hang up and run to the front door. He leads you to his car,and he drives you to the park. You sit in the swings,and he holds your hand....this was the beginning to be a be-au-ti-ful (; friendship that could turn out to be more....

Chapter Six:
You and Ben hang out at the park,and after that it gets dark and you have to go.But he wants you to stay at his house,so you call your mom and ask her if you could stay at your best friends house. (mee. biggrin don't worry,I'll cover for you). Your mom says you can and you are watching a movie,cuddling with Ben,when your phone rings. It says.. �Masonhe mouths to you.You take the phone from his hand and say, �Hello?� �Where the hell are you ______? And who was that who answered your phone?! I swear,you better get over to my house now,because if I find you with that guy I'll.....!� �O-okay Mason.Just please,calm down!I'll be right over,bye!� You hang up your phone and hang your head.You hated when he got like this.It was just so frustrating to you,how upset he got over the silliest things.Ben breaks your concentration. �Uh, ______,what was that about?� he still looks upset. �Um,that was my boyfriend,Mason.He wants me to come over to...uh,talk.� you stammer and look at the floor,and scoot away from Ben.You start to cry,and Ben tries to comfort you.You run out the door,and yell sorry,and jump in your car and drive away.

Chapter Seven:
That night you drive to Mason's house and all he does is yell at you. �Why are you such a whore ______?!� he screams at you. �Mason,I'm not a whore! That was just a friend of mine!And stop yelling at me like I'm your little servant,because I'm not!� you scream back. �What did you say to me?!� �I SAID,I'm not your servant!� �The hell you aren't,b***h.Now get down on your knees and do your damn job!� �NO! AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!� you screech.He grabs you by your hair,slaps your face,and throws you on the ground,and then kicks you in the gut. You scream and cry,but it's no use,he's planning to have his way with you whether you wanted to or not.But by that time you black out....then you see someone bust through your boyfriend's door. �Don't ******** touch her,Mason!� �Ben?� you say shakily. �Yeah,hun,it's me.Just get out of here,and I'll take care of it.� he says calmly.You scramble to the couch,and try to put your pants on,while attempting to button your blouse.Mason gets into Ben's face and starts yelling.He pushes him away,and then Mason throws the first punch.Ben dodges it,and punches Mason right in the jaw.He falls to the ground,unconscious.Ben walks over to you and takes him in his arms,and cradles you. �Are you ready to go,_____?� �Yeah,� and you walk over to Mason,spit on him and say, �We're through,in case you didn't already know.� then you drove away in Ben's car back to his house...

Chapter Eight:
Ben comforts you since Mason hit you,and treated you like crap.You had just stopped crying your eyes out and now you were alone in his room sitting on his bed when he turns to you.You can see him looking at you out of the corner of your eye,and you slowly turn to him. �Ben,is something wrong?� you ask confused. �Well,actually,um,_____,I just wanted to tell you that you look very beautiful tonight..� he says. �Awhh,thanks Ben.You look absolutely adorable tonight too,� you say with a giggle.He frowns and turns away from you,burying his face in the pillow.You can hear muffled sobs. �Ben,what's wrong?� you say,touching his shoulder.He jerks away from you and rolls on his side.You lay beside him,and say, �Ben,are you....crying?� He cries harder,and you try to comfort him,but he flinches at your touch.(you tried to grab his arm) �You-don't-care-about-me-______!� he says between stifled sobs. �Ben,hunny,what are you talking about?I love you,you're like the older brother I never had.� you say sincerely. �That's-the-point! I-really-do-wanna-tell-you-something-and-you-probably-don't-even-care!� he whispers,and sits up from the pillow. �What do you have to tell me,Ben?� you say. �Well,____,the truth is,I've loved you ever since I met you.I think you're perfect,beautiful,smart,and super sweet.And I just wanted to tell you so many times but...I never could because you were always with Mason,or some other guy....and you always cried over them.And I'm absolutely SICK of watching these guys treat you like crap,and you just cry over them! I'm sick,sick and tired of watching this! I would always wish that you would just see how much I cared about you!And you NEVER notice!� he screams at you. �I-I-I....� �Yeah,that's what I thought ______.I knew you'd never feel the same way,why don't you just leave and I can be alone....� he gets up from his bed and walks toward the door.

Chapter Nine:
��Come back,� you whisper brokenly.He ignores you and walks into the bathroom,you can hear the water running. �You have no idea how much I care about you,Ben.� you say out loud,knowing he can't hear.After about an hour,you can still hear the water running.You begin to get worried,so you peek in the door.Your eyes widen,you drop to your knees,and crawl to Ben.He's laying in the bathtub,soaking in dark red water with his eyes closed. �Ben!!� you scream.You crawl over to the bathtub and turn off the water.You grab his neck,and hold his head over your shoulder,crying into his shoulders.You look at his arms,they have cuts vertically,up and down. �Ben!Please don't leave me like this,� you begin to sob. �I love you....�

Chapter Ten:
You're sitting next to Ben's hospital bed,waiting,hoping that you caught him in time.You hoped that he would live,so you both could love.But the doctor said that would be a slim chance. �But it's still a chance,� you mumble,broken.Ben's been in the hospital for nearly a year now,(in a coma).You visit him everyday,hoping each day he would wake up,but he never did.The machine did everything for him,.Kept his heart beating,his lungs breathing,his brain alive.You look at Ben with teary eyes,then his eyes blink open and warily look around the room. �_____?Is that you?� he says weakly. �Ben!Oh my god!You're alive!� you yell. �Yeah,so,about what happened yesterday...� �Yesterday?Ben,it's been nearly a year since you tried to kill yourself.� you say. �What?� he replies. �Yeah,it's been quite a while,but I'm so happy you're alive!I missed you so much!� you say,and hug him.He stares blankly out the window over your shoulder. �_______,I'm sorry.I just knew I couldn't live without you...so,when you never said anything to me after I confessed my love to you,I mean,I wanted to die.I loved you _____,and I still do...� �Oh Ben.I-I-I-kind of have a boyfriend now...I'm sorry,if I would have known I...� �Oh,� he says teary eyed. �I see.Who's the lucky guy?� he says. �Um,I'm back together with Mason,now.� �DAMNIT _______!Why would you go back to him after all he's done to you?Attempted rape,assault,and hitting you everyday!You know you deserve much better!� �I know,I know,� you say staring at the white tiled ground. �But I don't know anyone better,except for you,but...you probably hate me so much that �.� �I could never hate you,I just hate bad decisions.�

Chapter Eleven:
Ben's now in recovery,and now staying at home with you.You take care of him everyday.You catch up on old times,and become best friends again. �______?� �Mhm?�you say. �Can I ask you something?� �Sure,Ben,anything.� �Well,I know you love Mason,but if you could just give me a chance...I'd treat you so good...I would love you,and hold you in my arms until you fell asleep.I know you want it,_____,just reach out and grab it while the opportunity lasts.� You're in awe.You never thought he'd confess his love to you again,like this.All you can do is stare at him. �So....________? What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?� �Of course Ben,just...let me call Mason and break up with him,okay?� �Sure thing,doll face.� You pull out your phone with shaky fingers,knowing what will happen next.You dial the familiar number.He answers on the first ring. �You're ready to come over and do your job,hoe?� he says. �No Mason,I'm breaking up with you.You're too abusive,and treat me like a sex slave,and I won't be with you anymore.� you say calmly.He begins screaming and you just hold the phone away from your ear,and keep it between you and Ben.You give him a concerned look.He takes the phone and speaks. �Dear Mason,if you have a problem with me and ______,being together....you can just get over yourself,because this love,will last forever.� then Ben hangs up on him.You smile.Ben kisses you,and you feel like you're on Cloud 9. �I love you,� he says,picking you up and cradling you in his arms. �Forever and ever,baby.� you say. And fall asleep on his shoulder....


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