Name: Daichi Mori
Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A
Physical Description: There is a scar down his left side of his chest.

Name: Ikazuchi Tori
Shikai:it is two gold Chinese butterfly knives that have electrical sparks flowing down the blades. When he throws them it looks like a Thunder bolt flinging towards them.

Bankai: His Zanpacto turns into a giant thunder bird that he controls through puppet mastery.

Special Accessories: Two black gloves that are shock proof so he doesn't shock him self
Skills: He is very light on his feet and rather fast. He is smart and thinks everything first before doing it.
Abilities: He is very fast and smart.
Personality: He is always to serious and can't have much fun at all.
Biography/History: He recently died in year 1995 when he was murdered protecting his family from death. He wound up getting himself killed during the heroic stunt. He managed to save his family though by stalling long enough.
None other then his Zanpacto