~Kit Maverick....
Name: *~Kit Maverick~*
Age: 17
Likes: Men, Animals, Drawing, Food~ Of course The Tail~!!! Oh and Sarcasm~ <3
Dislikes: Whiny Women, Mean Men, A world without Alliteration~ xD
Weapons: Claws and Fangs FTW
Bio: Kit is a ShapeShifter, she wasn't exaclty raised with her own species so when her human adoptive parents saw their five year old playing with doll one moment, then chewing them up as a wolf pup the next, then tossing them about as a kitten after that. As you can imagine that was quite the shocker~ Lucky for her her parents loved her dearly. They reserched till they were blue in the face and did their best to raise their 'special' child. Now in her teens, Kit has the mentality of any hormonal young adult and tends to be failr easily distracted by a hot man. She loves wearing skimpy clothes and adores the change to show off her chest, even though she thinks it coulda been slightly bigger, not that she'd change them for the world~
She loves tuna, of chewing on a rib bone. Enjoys being scratched behind the ears, and is known to purr if the scratching hits the right spot~ She also has the strangest love for her tail, if it is hurt, she riles up into an uproar or whines like a child. She constantly combs it with the finest oils to keep it silky shiny and knot and tangle free. No one in their right mind who knows her would harm that tail.
Other: She ends to go after ollder men more than she should O.O''
....Pwning you gently~*